N18 Chaos Helots Gang list and background


New Member
Nov 19, 2023
Getting my first gang together for Necromunda. Spent a long time researching each gang's rules, reading forums here and on Reddit. I decided to go with Chaos Helots.

I'm really big on kitbashing and conversions, and the Helots seem to pretty much require it unless you just run the BSF cultists.

I've spent the better part of a year building, and optimising lists for all the gangs here on YT using all the discussions as a guide. I find it hard to abandon my natural urge to power game, especially when all the lists were just theoretical, but the Helots were the first gang to inspire me with a "story", and that helped me get comfortable letting go of optimization.

My list for the Helots went through a few revisions, obviously not as many as some of the house gangs due to their limited weapon choices, before I landed on this one. I've tried to skirt a fine line between optimisation and what I would consider "flavour".

The idea of the gang is a renegade unit of the PDF (or maybe the Spiders) that have become disenfranchised with the imperium, and ultimately fallen to the corruption of Chaos. Not the most unique idea, but it got me excited to model them.

The gang is led by Lieutenant Kaine, a promising young officer who hails from a fallen noble house. Lieutenant Kaine lost faith in the imperium over his career as he saw corruption and betrayal through all levels of the Imperial order. It was in his darkest moment that the witch, Hexadecima, whispered to him, convincing him to turn his back on his duty and his vows. Seduced by Hexadecima's promises, Lieutenant Kaine, along with members of his unit, abandoned his post, stealing away into the depths of the underhive.

Now, joined by Hexadecima, Lieutenant Kaine and his band have taken up arms against the corrupt order they used to serve. Calling themselves "Unresonant" to symbolize their dissonance with the Imperial message.

The list:

Chaos Helots - 1000 GR

"Lieutenant Kaine" - 195
Demagogue - Grenade Launcher, Mesh Armour, Chaos Familiar
Skill: True Grit

"Hexadecima" - 115
Witch - Stubgun, Mesh Armour, Chaos Familiar
Skill: Fixer (maybe Savvy trader), Hallucinations

"Sergeant Rask" - 170
Disciple - Shotgun, Incendiary Charge, Mesh Armour, Chaos Familiar
Skill: Infiltrate

"Corporal Graves" - 145
Disciple - Longrifle, Infra-sight, Mesh Armour
Skills: Overwatch

"Corporal Mengsk" - 105
Cultist - Grenade Launcher, Mesh Armour

"Trooper Tychus" - 50
Cultist - Lasgun

"Trooper Pelko" - 50
Cultist - Lasgun

"Trooper Gren" - 50
Cultist - Lasgun

"Jareth" - 45
Cultist - Reclaimed Autogun

"Terrant" - 45
Cultist - Reclaimed Autogun

"Canton" - 30
Agitator - Stubgun, Laspistol
Skill: Inspirational

The disciple with the incendiary Charge, instead of a hand flamer, is an intentional nerf to the list, as was taking a long rifle instead of a third Grenade Launcher. He will either continue advancing as a grenadier by giving him blasting charges and shard grenades for fun, or dropping the incendiary charges and taking a Balefire thrower or Warpstorm Boltgun.

I have made models to represent everybody, except the Agitator, though I haven't built the last Reclaimed Autogun cultist, who I will build from another of the hive scum to represent the dregs of the underhive who fall in with the cult. I'm also working on a few guys for adding to the gang in a campaign, one with a Warpstorm Boltgun, one with a Balefire thrower. I'll also build the Blooded Ogryn in case I get a chance to add him. I'd love to kitbash a Chaos themed Ambot as a Scrapcode for the gang.
The Lieutenant was built to include a Hex iron blade which will be an early goal if things go well, it's cheap (only 5 credits more than a basic sword) and has ap -3 AND "Cursed".

Link to pictures of the built gang, because I haven't figured out how to post them in the thread...

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Well I guess I still haven't figured out the pictures thing


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Awesome gang and thought process, don't worry about not having come up with the world's most novel and unique origin story, the point is this is your gang and the story you've come up with has got you out of optimising/metabuilds to kitbashing a gang that inspires and interests you.

That said it's a pretty solid line up for a gang, and should perform well enough.

Edit: just looked at the models, really nice job, really love the model you've done for Hexidecima!
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I'm not sure you need armor on your long range guys. I had Mesh on my Grenade Specialist, and I don't recall he was even shot at during two campaigns. Probably some templates would be useful, as normal Cultists really can't hit anything behind cover.