*Clack-shick* - it's the Bolt Action thread!

I'd recommend a starter army for each player. You can start with just an infantry box but the starter armies are better. Obviously one axis and one allies makes sense but make sure you're in the same theatre ideally. e.g. if one of you wants North Africa 8th Army Brits, it makes sense that the other goes for Deutsche Afrika Korps or Italy. If one wants Soviets, the other will need to go eastern front Germans (or one of the minor axis nations like Romania or Finland, but I wouldn't recommend to start). if you prefer Japan, your opponent will want USMC, Chindits or a commonwealth army like Aussies.

Unit builds will be different depending on faction, theatre and how historically accurate vs uber competitive you want to go. Let me know which armies you pick and I'll do my best to steer you on build.
Hollywood Wargaming have some great build videos on YouTube (as in what models to build if you only have one box) and also some good videos on top tanks for each army etc.
I'd recommend a starter army for each player. You can start with just an infantry box but the starter armies are better. Obviously one axis and one allies makes sense but make sure you're in the same theatre ideally. e.g. if one of you wants North Africa 8th Army Brits, it makes sense that the other goes for Deutsche Afrika Korps or Italy. If one wants Soviets, the other will need to go eastern front Germans (or one of the minor axis nations like Romania or Finland, but I wouldn't recommend to start). if you prefer Japan, your opponent will want USMC, Chindits or a commonwealth army like Aussies.

Unit builds will be different depending on faction, theatre and how historically accurate vs uber competitive you want to go. Let me know which armies you pick and I'll do my best to steer you on build.

Cheers Tiny!

Not overly fussed about being Uber competitive at this point, will be more mucking about for fun games to start. History is definitely something we both love but are not afraid to ‘go Hollywood’ if the games are fun.

As an ex bootneck myself I’m pretty set on a commando force and my pal is interested in a German force of some description, probs what he can get reasonably cheap. I was going to pick up a few boxes of the commandoes or possibly ask for the army deal for chrimbo.
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The Commando starter army is one of the only ones I'd avoid like the plague. You're unlikely to ever need 60 plastic commandos as they're a ton of points.

A single box of infantry plus the support group set should be plenty to get started. You can build a PIAT team, sniper and light mortar from one plastic set along with 24 other guys. 3 squads of 8 (or 4 squads of 6) should be plenty. If you find you need a couple more dudes later you can always order a single extra sprue off eBay. The light mortar is not a necessity as often you'll want to run the medium mortar from the support group so skip that if you feel you need more regular dudes.

Then you can sprinkle in some transports like 15cwt trucks and jeeps as you see fit. I guess they could easily end up fighting alongside armoured units so adding a tank isn't too much of a stretch of the imagination.


Late war Germans have the most possible options available to any faction. I'd stick with normal Germans as opposed to Fallschirmjager, unless he's dead set on them, as they're more flexible. The best starter set in terms of content is the Winter Germans one as it has the most useful vehicles (a Panzer IV and a truck) along with metal HQ minis, although then you're pretty stuck in a winter theme.

The German Grenadiers one is also pretty good with a Stug III (magnetise the gun barrel and you can also make a StuH 42) and a Puma, and also comes with a PAK40 anti tank gun which is ok, if not great. No HQ minis though so you're either making them out of plastics or buying an additional blister of men.

The Waffen SS starter swaps the Puma for a Tiger I, which is a huge points sink and borderline unusable in all but massive games. That said, He'll probably want all of these vehicles at some point so I'd go off which infantry men you prefer the look of.

You can always use the winter guys in greatcoats to represent units of SS if you like and all German infantry represented by plastic sets (except fallschirmjager) can be anywhere from inexperienced to veteran so they're incredibly flexible. The kits also mix really well so you can use bits from one to add variety to another if that's a thing he likes doing.


Easy Army is pretty much a must for army building (I assume you've used it for WoE). I'd recommend starting with a normal Reinforced Platoon each.
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Easy Army was a big help to me as a new starter, certainly with deciding what to make from my Italians & US Airborne for which I don't own the books - you won't make stuff that "isn't allowed" for your chosen theatre.

I started building my 8th based on the British Army book before using Easy Army though, so I did end up with an invalid section make up - my three infantry sections have two SMGs each, I'm only "allowed" one! A 9 point difference! I think you'd probably need to be playing a particularly anal person for that kind of oversight to be a problem though.
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Had a great first game, 500 points troops only (still waiting on my centaur!)

I took two small squads of commandos with a 2nd Lt, a mortar team, a sniper team, and the free artillery spotter. My pals germans consisted of three big squads with LMGs, a mortar team, and his commander.

Really enjoyed it, especially going back to the dice draw after so long without playing woe. The emphasis on the rules over memorising different stats is definitely appealing.

This poor sod got mobbed and shoed in big time, check out these damage dice!
Joining in this thread. @Luke82 ’s buddy.

This is the German force I’ve put together so far.
Small mortar:

Forward observer or spotter


Anti tank rifle


Heer squad 1


Heer squad 2


Heer squad 3


And my illustrious/ suicidal commander

Some more additions this evening:

Panzer IV



The base isn’t a bolt action thing, just like how it looks. Also stops the blokes looking too tall next to the tank in my opinion. But if it ever gets in the way of gameplay, I’ve made it magnetised for easy removal.



I also painted up a medium anti tank gun

Some more reinforcements arrive

High ranking officer

Gestapo officer


Slightly overweight heer soldier who looks
Like he’d rather be back in Bavaria enjoying a beer and a few sausages than anywhere near the eastern front!

Medium mortar team


Dramatic photo of some of my older and newer acquisitions
