N18 ClassiC Campaign equipment options


New Member
Jun 17, 2019
So, we're about to embark on a Classic Variant campaign, to break up our Succession one, and being the Arbitrator i thought i got the rulings right about what could be equipped by the gangs.
But then, the latest update of Necrodamus got me thinking, am i reading it wrong?

What's the meaning of "any items that are unique to their House Equipment List."? (pg 227 of the new BRB)
It means every single item that appears in those lists, or those items that appears only in that list?
Just to clarify a bit better: a goliath bruiser can equip all common items (minding his restrictions, obviously) plus all his house equipment list, or all common TP items plus just things like the Brute Cleaver, the Spud Jacker and the likes? (That aren't available through the TP)

Help me to solve this conundrum, please.
Thank you.
I would’ve thought that meant the weapons that appear nowhere else, such as the Krumper, Brute Cleaver, Renderizer etc.

Where it gets tricky is discounted guns. For Goliath that’s the Grenade Launcher. Do they still get their discount? Or do they have to pay full price as it’s a weapon available to everyone?

Logic would probably argue it’s full price, as it’s a commonly found gun. This would mean in classic campaigns most gangs would lose those advantages.
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I would’ve thought that meant the weapons that appear nowhere else, such as the Krumper, Brute Cleaver, Renderizer etc.

Where it gets tricky is discounted guns. For Goliath that’s the Grenade Launcher. Do they still get their discount? Or do they have to pay full price as it’s a weapon available to everyone?

Logic would probably argue it’s full price, as it’s a commonly found gun. This would mean in classic campaigns most gangs would lose those advantages.
And that's exactly my line of thought.
But meh, it seemed a bit too much .... omogenous. Where's the difference between the gangs then? Just in the lineup and the additional rules? Like Legendary Names or Alchem-Elixirs or Gene-crafting?

As the arbitrator i ruled that you can still buy common items found in your list at your discounted price, but everything else follow the campaign rules.
Where's the difference between the gangs then? Just in the lineup and the additional rules?
You have read the classic 1995 rules right? That was the entire point when starting a campaign.

Seems like the new team has carried that philosophy over for the classic campaign.

Like Legendary Names or Alchem-Elixirs or Gene-crafting?
Aren’t these in the Additional Rules sections of the House books??

Again, it could be argued than in classic campaign variants you don’t run rules from those sections either.
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And that's exactly my line of thought.
But meh, it seemed a bit too much .... omogenous. Where's the difference between the gangs then? Just in the lineup and the additional rules? Like Legendary Names or Alchem-Elixirs or Gene-crafting?

As the arbitrator i ruled that you can still buy common items found in your list at your discounted price, but everything else follow the campaign rules.
How does this change the difference between gangs?
Aren’t these in the Additional Rules sections of the House books??

Again, it could be argued than in classic campaign variants you don’t run rules from those sections either.
No, there's no single category to handle this in a simple way.
No, there's no single category to handle this in a simple way.
As GW has seen fit to only produce a small amount of copies of the new Core Rulebook I don’t have access to the classic campaign rules as written.

I do have access to those House books and Cawdor and I can say that all those things, plus Articles of Faith are definitely behind a section in each book called “Additional Rules”, which rather implies you don’t have to play with them.

It makes perfect sense that the classic campaign most likely strips back the modern gangs to something akin to 1995 Necromunda style.
Ok, here it is for reference:

Granted it could have gone to the lengths you suggest, it seems more shallow than that. On the other hand there are a bunch of campaign variants to choose from.

The wording "unique to their gang's House Equipment List" is interesting, but it shouldn't mean too much, or better, it should mean what you want it to mean :D I don't think anyone else than me made a complete Trading Post table, which should be the easiest way to identify uniqueness. For example is Enforcer boltgun unique? It is available to both normal Enforcers and Badzone Enforcers :p Or Storm-welder, available to Goliath and Slave Ogryns. Or less silly example, Shock Whip available to Escher and GSC. I think for the sake of simplicity unique items are those available in the gang's equipment list and not in TP.

Was that how classic N95 was? I remember each gang had access to certain special/heavy weapons by default, but that might have been NCE.
Was that how classic N95 was? I remember each gang had access to certain special/heavy weapons by default, but that might have been NCE.
There were no HWLs in 1995 Necromunda. That was added in later.

Everyone got access to the same pool of common weapons and then after that it was off to the Trading Post.
Ok, here it is for reference:

Granted it could have gone to the lengths you suggest, it seems more shallow than that. On the other hand there are a bunch of campaign variants to choose from.

The wording "unique to their gang's House Equipment List" is interesting, but it shouldn't mean too much, or better, it should mean what you want it to mean :D I don't think anyone else than me made a complete Trading Post table, which should be the easiest way to identify uniqueness. For example is Enforcer boltgun unique? It is available to both normal Enforcers and Badzone Enforcers :p Or Storm-welder, available to Goliath and Slave Ogryns. Or less silly example, Shock Whip available to Escher and GSC. I think for the sake of simplicity unique items are those available in the gang's equipment list and not in TP.

Was that how classic N95 was? I remember each gang had access to certain special/heavy weapons by default, but that might have been NCE.
Thank you, I've wanted to read this since it was announced. It looks pretty good at a glance. My only real quibble would be that all advances should be random.
You have read the classic 1995 rules right? That was the entire point when starting a campaign.

Seems like the new team has carried that philosophy over for the classic campaign.

Aren’t these in the Additional Rules sections of the House books??

Again, it could be argued than in classic campaign variants you don’t run rules from those sections either.
Nope, never got into 'munda till the N17 edition, so no idea of how the rules were back in '95. ^^"

And yep, they are in the Additional Rules Section but we (as in our group) run them as integral to the gang rules.
How does this change the difference between gangs?
Maybe it's just me, but the difference between gangs (starting roster at least) is also provided by the weapons/gear they have access to.
Again, probably it's my local group, a bit less narrative than others i read online, but i feared that everybody would have taken lasguns, stubguns and boning swords.

Luckily it's not the case, and my fear were probably misplaced.

The wording "unique to their gang's House Equipment List" is interesting, but it shouldn't mean too much, or better, it should mean what you want it to mean :D I don't think anyone else than me made a complete Trading Post table, which should be the easiest way to identify uniqueness. For example is Enforcer boltgun unique? It is available to both normal Enforcers and Badzone Enforcers :p Or Storm-welder, available to Goliath and Slave Ogryns. Or less silly example, Shock Whip available to Escher and GSC. I think for the sake of simplicity unique items are those available in the gang's equipment list and not in TP.

Was that how classic N95 was? I remember each gang had access to certain special/heavy weapons by default, but that might have been NCE.
The bold part of the sentence is what cause me... discomfort? I know, everybody enjoys the game all the same in different manners, but, God-Emperor i still wish they had a clear baseline of intepretation.

Anyway, thank you everybody for the answers and the insight, we started Wednesday and we'll see how it goes.

On a sidenote, Open Hive war combinations seem interesting.

Thank you all again folks.
Nope, never got into 'munda till the N17 edition, so no idea of how the rules were back in '95. ^^"
Well if you want to read the original 1995 rules you can download them from here, in the Vault:

That way you can see what the development team were trying to emulate and make your own decisions from there on how to interpret the Classic Campaign.

Ok, here it is for reference:
Very useful. I can see what they’re going for there.

My interpretation of “When a player is creating their gang, they can only equip their fighters with Common items from the Trading Post, and any items that are unique to their gang’s House Equipment List.” now is this:

They’re putting in a caveat so you can use models built with the fancy new weapons introduced in 2017. Otherwise Gangers such as Goliath would be buggered.

They could’ve just left “and any items that are unique to their gang’s House Equipment List” out completely for a purely 90s style play but that would mean gangs like Goliath would require completely rebuilding in order to take part in that campaign.

So in answer to your question, if a model is holding it and it’s on their equipment list and it’s not a rare weapon, you should probably allow it.
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Personally I love the old campaigns and really prefer them to the new ones. Yes, the House gangs all started from the same baseline but after a few games they could quickly develop their own character and playstyle. The differences in skill access were the big factors separating the gangs from each other. And with random advancements, injuries, rare trades, etc, and all the other things that could happen to a gang no two from the same house would ever turn out quite the same way. Your gang was always on its own path and while you could guide you could never fully predict where that path would take you. I suspect this is a big reason why so many of us did love and still do love the old game so much.
What is peoples opinion on things like furnace plates and armoured body glove being allowed? They’re unique to Goliath and Van Saar so to me it looks like someone could argue that they are allowed, but I personally think the only armour allowed should be the stuff in the trade chart.
That'll be a huge nerf to van saar. Also furnace plates are available to slave ogryns. Similarly could be argued for shields (van saar & enforcers). It's kind of complicated when stuff that grants armour save and/or improves armour saves can be armour, equipment and close combat weapons.
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Personally I love the old campaigns and really prefer them to the new ones. Yes, the House gangs all started from the same baseline but after a few games they could quickly develop their own character and playstyle. The differences in skill access were the big factors separating the gangs from each other. And with random advancements, injuries, rare trades, etc, and all the other things that could happen to a gang no two from the same house would ever turn out quite the same way. Your gang was always on its own path and while you could guide you could never fully predict where that path would take you. I suspect this is a big reason why so many of us did love and still do love the old game so much.
I find so far that experience gain - even with the increased N23 edition experience in the Core Rule Book - is low enough compared to experience costs that Juves and Gangers are lucky to net two advances in the run the first half of a Dominion campaign (so estimate four total in the run of a campaign?). Does that seem accurate?

By comparison, a N95 or N03 campaign would have Juves advancing every couple of scenarios, initially, only slowing down later. Getting credits seems easy, to buy additional gangers and their weapons, but getting actual advances seems surprisingly rare in the new system.

Related to the "Classic Campaign," though not to experience gains, I have stolen liberally from the N95 system (which gave a paucity of credits profit from your income, but plenty of experience for your gangers) in an attempt to put together a simple emulation of the creds side of the old campaign system. I plunked it into the Vault under the title "The Ninety Fivers."
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Ok, here it is for reference:

Granted it could have gone to the lengths you suggest, it seems more shallow than that. On the other hand there are a bunch of campaign variants to choose from.

The wording "unique to their gang's House Equipment List" is interesting, but it shouldn't mean too much, or better, it should mean what you want it to mean :D I don't think anyone else than me made a complete Trading Post table, which should be the easiest way to identify uniqueness. For example is Enforcer boltgun unique? It is available to both normal Enforcers and Badzone Enforcers :p Or Storm-welder, available to Goliath and Slave Ogryns. Or less silly example, Shock Whip available to Escher and GSC. I think for the sake of simplicity unique items are those available in the gang's equipment list and not in TP.

Was that how classic N95 was? I remember each gang had access to certain special/heavy weapons by default, but that might have been NCE.
Where did you get the rarity for the polearm/etc?
Ah, thanks.
Would the Core Rulebook’s Trade Post overwrite that?
I was looking at the Core Rulebook 2023 and the House of books.

I included a polearm with autogun on one of my Ratburger Kings (Skaven Cawdor).

The Classic Campaign’s ”Good luck figuring out what items you can take!” is a little frustrating.