First book of 2024! Is this going to be another version of the game called N24? Probably not. It's a collection of optional content that's been released in white dwarf articles, pdfs or otherwise OoP books (Uprising campaign). And also some brand new content sprinkled on top. Have any of the old content changed? Let's find out!
A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).
- Aranthian Succession 3: Ruins of Jardlan
- N23 Rulebook (Core)
- Aranthian Succession 2: Vaults of Temenos
- Aranthian Succession 1: Cinderak Burning
- Book of Outlands (Nomads & Squats)
- N22 Rulebook (Ash Wastes)
- Book of Outcast
- House of Shadow (Delaque)
- House of Faith (Cawdor)
- Hive War (N21 Rulebook)
- House of Artifice (Van Saar)
- House of Iron (Orlock)
- House of Blades (Escher)
- House of Chains (Goliath)
- N19 Rulebook (Dark Uprising)
- Book of Ruin (Cults Codex)
- Book of Judgement (Enforcers)
A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).
- ?
- Comment:
- Terrifying (p119): If the test fails, the action can't be performed and the activation ends immediately.
- Comment: This is a massive boost compared to the old Terrifying which only cancels the action and even allows the same action to be used again against a different target. Is this an unique version of Terrifying, or does it apply universally?
- Corrupt Enforcer (Gang Raids - Clandestine Rendezvous) changed equipment and stats. +1W, +1A, swap hardened flak with flak, lost armoured undersuit, gained stub gun.
- Comment: Why?
- 'Krumpa' rivet cannon (p123).
- Comment: Should be 'Krumper' (Ork version?).
- Uprising campaign: All phases are numbered "1." in the sub-chapter titles.
- Comment: Must be half-assedly re-written instead of copy-pasted cause the original book had the phases numbered correctly 1-3.
- Sump Beast: Why give it Venomous Bite (Toxin)? It already has S4 or S5.
- Sump Beast:
- All profiles are updated.
- Poisionous Bite renamed to Venomous Bite (both names were inconsistently used earlier).
- Venomous Bite also removes the Strength stat (because of Toxin).
- Warp Horror: Undulating skin damage reduction applies to all hits.
- Resurrection Packages:
- Archeo-Rebirth: Updated according to the new Lasting Injuries table. No longer protects against damage to Ld (Partially Deafened).
- Horrors in the Dark: Updated range from 8" to 6". Why?
- Scenario In the Dark renamed to Terror in the Dark.
- All scenarios are updated/modified in some way or another.
- Gang Raids: Mercator Storehouse Heist is not included.
- Uprising campaign:
- Downtime is updated to promote Juves & Prospects after 3+ advancements (instead of 5+). This is consistent with recent campaign(s).
- Scenario table is modified.
- New triumph (most fighters).
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