The 29th book, giving a full republish and update to Squats.
A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).
- 2024:
- 2023:
- 2022:
- Aranthian Succession 2: Vaults of Temenos: Errors
- Aranthian Succession 1: Cinderak Burning: Errors
- Book of Outlands (Nomads & Squats): Errors
- N22 Rulebook (Ash Wastes): Errors & General Discussion
- 2021:
- Book of Outcast: Errors & General Discussion
- House of Shadow (Delaque): Errors & General Discussion
- House of Faith (Cawdor): Errors & General Discussion
- Hive War (N21 Rulebook): Errors
- 2020:
- House of Artifice (Van Saar): Errors & General Discussion
- House of Iron (Orlock): Errors & General Discussion
- House of Blades (Escher): Errors & General Discussion
- House of Chains (Goliath): Errors & General Discussion
- 2019:
A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).
- Techmite Exovator (p60 & p86): The new one is better in all ways. Orrin's one is copy-pasted from the paper pamphlet that came with the FW resin mini (after being omitted from N23 Aranthian Succession 3 - Ruins of Jardlan).
- Comment: Why couldn't it be updated according to the new version?
- Various existing and new items added to gang equipment lists: Inferno pistol (ironhead), grenade launcher (ironhead) with seismic grenades, combat shotgun (ironhead), bolt spitter, axe, two-handed power axe, two-handed power pick, two-handed chainaxe, pets (3 techmite variants).
- Comment: Seems like an update.
- Heavy Drill (p114): Completely different profile and cost from existing weapon.
- Comment: Probably an unmarked "Ironhead" variant.
- Claim Jumper power maul (p62): Book says power maul but the mini and rules that comes with it clearly says power pick.
- Comment: Use power pick. Perhaps copy-pasted directly from Ruins of Jardlan without being corrected.
- Orrin (p88) was originally released as a campaign character for N23 Aranthian Succession part 3 (Ruins of Jardlan), available to Imperial House aligned gangs. New book doesn't seem to mention availability at all?
- Comment: Presumably he's also available to Squat gangs now.
- Combat shotgun (ironhead) got profile of normal shotgun (solid) with the normal rapid fire(+1) from ironhead.
- Comment: So what is it, ironhead shotgun with wrong name or ironhead combat shotgun with wrong profile?
- Rocks saw is identical to heavy drill, except it has +1S.
- Comment: In order for heavy drill to be a real option, it needs to be different or cheaper than rock saw.
- Squat access to power axe and power pick have changed to new two-handed variants instead.
- Comment: It seems they were never originally intended to have the standard version of these weapons? Weirdly their weapon profiles are still included for reference. Power hammer however remains unchanged.
- Agents:
- The fined result (16+) will never trigger because no gang with 10+ Reputation is going to roll for Petition.
- What happens if it would be possible to be fined for failed petition (2D6*10 credits), but can't pay?
- Since Agents have a variable cost, what is their contribution to gang rating? Their Equipment rule state the free equipment you get for them should be accounted for when determining Gang Rating, but what is the base value of the House Agent? Generic has a rating of 40 or 80 credits? Special Character has rating of 100 or 200?
- Inferno pistol with ironhead treatment also gains -2" range to short & long in addition to the normal rapid fire (+1). Why? No other ironhead range weapons got this treatment.
- Ironhead grenade launcher isn't really ironhead at all, since it doesn't have rapid fire. All it has is Seismic ammo, which is new, but not particularly ironheady. Only real distinction is that this weapon probably can't take other normal ammo types.
- Techmites are the first pets to have weapon options.
- Ancestry post-battle actions may be purchased with XP as Primary skills. Does this mean random? Doesn't seem to be specified. It would be a very good random purchase since there are only 3 available per clan, and eligible fighters already start with one, so it's 50% chance of getting it at a good discount.
- Power pack (p123): Both melee and sidearm can be used in close combat.
- Comment: A late but welcoming update.
- Squat power fist finally given the unique name "Ironhead power fist".
- Comment: A great update, what took them so long?
- Techmites (pets): Available to Squat Leader & Champs (not just hangers-on and special characters), and as a consequence got cost and skill sets. Also updated in various ways.
- Autoveyor: Access to Power Pack weapon options.
- Exovator: +1T, Tech Bypass, Nobody Pushes Kin Around, traded Flak for Mesh, can buy 2 Power Pack weapons.
- Gearhead (crew): Removed Bio-booster in equipment list
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