A dedicated thread to discuss the contents of the new Book of Ruin!
Previous discussions:
Here is a summary of various findings (contributed by several members here).
Previous discussions:
Here is a summary of various findings (contributed by several members here).
- Razor-sharp talons (page 50, 101): The first matches Khimmerix's weapon (Str S+1, AP -2, D3, Rending), the second is a brand new, much weaker weapon profile (Str +1, AP -1, D 1, Rending).
- Solution: Count the new weapon profile as "Custom razor-sharp talons".
- Scouring Pyromancy Wyrd Power (page 34, 99): The first is similar to the old one from Book of Perils, which was later fixed in Book of Book of Judgement. The later is the correct one, as fixed in Book of Judgement. Neither are 'Continuous Effect', but the bad one counts as a carried weapon 'while maintained'. The correct one is fired immediately when successfully making the Wyrd Power. The good one on page 99 is also different from all previous Scouring by having AP -2.
- Solution: Use the new profile, fired immediately (not carried, maintained or CE) when successfully making the Wyrd Power.
- Extra arm (page 43-45): Different Extra Arm Special Rules. The Alpha has a newer wording, while the wording for Acolytes and Neophytes was copied from PDF.
- Solution: Apply the new wording universally.
- Assail (page 34, 48, 79, 99): The version on page 99 (copied from The Book of Judgement page 117 or 124) is different from the others (page 34, 48 and 79) (copied from The Book of Judgement page 25).
- Solution: ?
- Venomous bite (page 101): A new unique weapon (AP -2, Melee, Toxin), however Cyberachnid already have this weapon with a different profile (identical to stiletto knife).
- Solution: Count the new weapon profile as "Custom venomous bite".
- Throwing knives (page 94): Incorrect profile for throwing knife. Missing silent and has Str S (toxin weapons usually shouldn't have Str).
- Solution: Use the correct profile from the rulebook.
- Flame Blast (page 99): Technically different from the one found in The Book of Judgement on page 117 (says 'weapon with the Melee trait' instead of 'close combat weapon', but may count as a clarification) and completely different from the one found in The Book of Judgement on page 124 (says 'ranged weapon'). This could be intentional as the fighters are carrying different weapons, but still...
- Solution: Apply to any weapons/attacks?
- Freeze Time (page 99): Different from the one found in The Book of Judgement on page 117. It now applies 'during the following round' instead of 'for the remainder of this round' and its range has been reduced to 6" (instead of 12"). Of note, there is a reference in the Book of ruin to the powers from the N18 rulebook (those from the Ghast Harvest scenario, on page 171), that use the same wording as the Book of Judgement. So it may technically count as an internal inconsistency.
- Solution: ?
- Hierarchy of the Damned and the Loss of a Leader (page 25-26): Specialists get priority over regular gangers in the rulebook (but don't in the book of ruin).
- Solution: Use the priority that includes Specialists.
- Corpse Grinder Cult Icon (page 123): Listed under Gang Equipment. Does not specify what action type Enrage is (Simple/Basic/Double). In conflict with Dark Uprising rulebook.
- Solution: Enrage is a Simple action and Fighter Equipment.
- Outlaw gangs (p6 & ): Cannot purchase gang-specific Exotic Beasts or Brutes.
- Comment: Why make the distinction for Brutes and not Hangers-on? While gang-specific Hangers-on didn't exist then, they do now. And this wording is reused for new gang variants like Malstrain Corrupted.
- Abomination of Badzone 12 is not immune to Pinning and can't make an action to stand up. Should probably be immune to Pinning, either by a special rule (similar to Spawn), or given Nerves of Steel since it automatically passes Cool checks (except Nerves of Steel has unclear interactions with Seismic trait).
- Solution: Apply same rule as spawn, making it immune to Pinning.
- Hermaphage Magos (page 50): Doesn't specify Non-sanctioned. The fighter is an Outlaw Bounty Hunter with several Wyrd Powers. Alyce Shivver is also Outlaw Bounty Hunter with several Wyrd Powers, but is specified to be Non-sanctioned.
- Solution: Hermaphage Magos should be Non-sanctioned also!
- Spearing spines and bony growths (page 101): Melee weapon with 1" long range, but missing the Versatile trait.
- Solution: Should probably have Versatile!
- House Favours (page 106): "Note that the House Favours table included here is the same as the one on page 148 of the Necromunda Rulebook, and has been included for completeness". Wrong, it is NOT the same! On a 13+, old gives equipment for 100 credits, new is 150 credits.
- Solution: Use the new one with 150 credits (more money, yay!).
- House & Outlaw Favours (page 107-108: Mix between "campaign cycle" and "campaign week".
- Solution: Replace cycle with week.
- Chaos Favours (page 110): Dark Omens specifies the Demagogue (title of Chaos Cult Leader) to perfrom the Lead Ritual post-battle action. However other Chaotic gangs (Corrupted gangs & Corpse Grinder cult) don't have a Demagogue. And Corpse Grinder Cult can't even perform the Lead Ritual post-battle action (which may be an error of itself).
- Solution: Replace Demagogue with Leader (universally applicable). Possibly allow Corpse Grinder Cult Leaders to make the Lead Ritual.
- Demolition Charge (page 32, 46): Both Chaos cults and Genestealer cults have to pay 65 credits to purchase Demolition charges from their respective Equipment Lists while they only cost 50 credits in the trading post. This error has been copy/pasted from the pdf (demo charge were 50 credits for Genestealer Cults in the original WD article).
- Solution: Use 50 as cost.
- Meeeeeeeeeat! scenario (page 83): Specifies how many tactics cards the "defender can choose. But there are no attacker or defender in this scenario.
- Solution: Use Custom(2) for all players.
- Hierarchy of the Damned (page 25): Still references the Cult Leader skill from the original article. This skill as been replaced by the Devotionspecial rules in the pdf (the problem already existed in the pdf though).
- Solution: Apply Devotion as the new name universally.
- Turf War (page 41): "If using a Genestealer Cults gang in a Turf War Campaign, the following rules apply" -WTF?!?
- Solution: Replace with Dominion.
- Daemonic Incursion (page ): The 7+ result states that fighters can become possessed, excluding the rules for the Daemon to jump to new fighters. What happens if the possessed fighter is taken Out of Action by something other than a melee weapon, or the 5+ exorcism roll fails? According to the rules of Possessed Fighters, exorcism is only when taken out of action in close combat / coup de grace AND rolling 5+. Otherwise it jumps.
- Solution: Exorcism in this scenario applies any Out of Action (regardless of attack) and is always successful (no roll).
- Mutations could be interpreted as also applying to pets (nothing seems to prevent it?). But they interact badly with how most/all pets are.
- Solution: Pets cannot gain mutations?
- Hardened Flak is fixed from previous version in Book of Judgement. AP is reduced by 1, to a minimum of -1.
- Witch can no longer be randomized as the focus of Dark Ritual.
- Genestealer Cult (page 43-44): Leader (Alpha) got +1 Str, Champion got -1 Str.
- Genestealer Cult Flamer cost increased from 100 to 140.
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