N18 Collected Errors/Typos in The House of Blades


Hive Lord
Honored Tribesman
Dec 29, 2017
You know the drill, same thing again. If not, check out the previous discussions:

A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).

  • Page 79 & 82: 2 separate ways of adding Cold Traders to the crew, the old one (replaces a fighter) and the new one (in addition to full crew).
    • Comment: One is probably copy-paste of old rules.


  • Stun grenades cost 25.
    • Comment: Is this increased price on purpose? Goliath book had 25 and 15 (depending on fighter). Delaque has 10, Enforcers 15 and Trading Post (Rare 8) 15.
  • Page 83. Smuggler Shore Party: Bosun listed as Smuggler Hierarchy (Champion) but with a 12" (leader's) range rather than 6" (Champion's) range.
    • Comment: Book of Judgment (p20) suggests Bosun should be in line with other Champion level fighters (6").
  • Page 115: Throwing Knives Str S.
    • Comment: This is a Toxin weapon with Str -.
  • Page 117: Two-handed axe has Acc modifier '-'.
    • Comment: Should have -1 hit modifier.
  • Page 117: Two-handed hammer has Acc modifier '-'.
    • Comment: Should have -1 hit modifier.
  • 2nd print: Typo in "augmented fist".
    • Comment: Added "augmented fist" weapon profile (for the universal ogryn brute) which was originally missing, but accidentally renamed it (should have been "augmetic fist"). This is the only mistake introduced in a 2nd print that's been reported so far.
  • Page 39: Wyld Runners can take pets (Phelynx cats).
    • Comment: Pets are strictly speaking status items reserved for Champions/Leaders. This is however an obvious exception, but not represented in the universal rules.
  • Page 41: Smoke gas grenades.
    • Comment: Smoke grenades (no such thing as smoke gas grenades).
  • Page 210: Ogryn (Hangers-on) have Augmetic Fists.
    • Comment: The weapon profile is not listed in this book.
  • Page 92: Somersault (Finesse skill) action does not count as moving for purposes of effects and for firing of weapons with the unwieldy trait.
    • 2nd print (successufl fix): Changed to also work similarly as the "Move & Shoot" ability of Stig-Shambler (Cawdor Brute). Can shoot Unwieldy range weapon as Basic with a -1 hit modifier if you use Somersault during the activation.
  • Page 106 & 107: Back from the Dead scenario.
    • Sneak Attack rules with the single Escher fighter as defender.
      • Comment: Sneak Attack applies to defender. This makes no sense, the attacker and defender should be swapped, or an exception should state that the attackers are the Sentries in this scenario.
    • Fighters can scavenge corpse tokens to gain temporary weapons.
      • Comment: No mention of distance. Probably 1" or B2B.
  • Grav fist -ranged (Ambot) got AP-1 and Graviton Pulse.
    • Comment: Why?
  • Page 112: Artwork of Escher specific Power Axe.
    • Comment: Escher Equipment Lists no longer includes Power Axe.
  • Ulanti Noble Alliance: A few exceptions for this alliance:
    • No Group Activations.
    • The Courtier is originally labeled “Leader” but only have Leading By Example (6”) equivalent to a Champion (similar to Greim).
    • The “Leader” does not have Overseer.
    • Mirror Mask does not have a fighter type (does not have Bodyguard, Indentured Fighter etc.).
  • Page 87: Ulanti Court Adviser having 'Counter Attack' skill combined with 'Duellist' special rule .
    • Comment: The skill allows for rolling additional attack dice for each of the opponent's attacks that missed. However, the special rule allows for making reaction attacks before the opponent attacks (as part of a Charge). No an error as such, but a lack of compatibility between two rules on the same fighter. It could come into effect if combat runs to a second round, or having the right equipment against an engaged fighter using versatile weapons (if both have versatile weapons).
  • Water Guild: Now specifies how many fighters are part of the Nautican Syphoning Delegation: 1 Leader, 1 Champion and 1 Ganger.
    • Comment: It was expected to have 1 ganger instead of 2 like most other alliances, since this fighter has very strong stats (similar to Ogryn).
  • Cold Traders: Xenos Artefacts changed from -2 Legality for Xenos items (Black Market) to fixed prices for Sling gun (55) and Armourweave (20) to any fighter with Leading By Example (12"/6"). Also the Leader no longer receives a free Xenos weapon.

These are flaws in the universal structure of house gangs and can be expected to be repeated for all house gang codexes:
  • Gang Hierarchy specifies Cool tests for fleeing the battlefield is in the End phase. This is a change from start of the round.
  • House Agents:
    • What happens when Petitioning for House Agent and the gang gets fined (2D6*10 credits), but can't pay?
    • The fined result (16+) will never trigger because no gang with 10+ Reputation is going to roll for Petition.
    • Since House Agents have a variable cost, what is their contribution to gang rating? Their Equipment rule state the free equipment you get for them should be accounted for when determining Gang Rating, but what is the base value of the House Agent? Generic has a rating of 40 or 80 credits? Special Character has rating of 100 or 200?
  • Bounty Hunter (Generic):
    • Can equip items from the Trading Post, but does not specify any limitation in Rarity. The old (universal) generic Bounty Hunter could use items with rarity 10 or less.
  • Promotion: Specialist (Gangers) can be promoted to Champion, but refers to promotion old rules when only the single original Champion fighter type existed. It is unclear what types of Champions a Specialists can be promoted to now, since there are 2 types. Comparing promotion of prospects (new 'specialist' juve fighter), this varies depending on gang:
    • Goliath: Prospect can be promoted to Champion or Stimmer
    • Escher: Prospect can be promoted to Champion only (not Death-maiden for obvious fluff reasons)
FAQ'ED ERRORS (2020-09-02):
  • Page 33, 35, 37 & 46: Phyrr Cat is 120 credits on the fighter page and 130 credits in the house weapon lists.
    • Comment: Correct cost is 120 (not 130).
  • Page 69 & 117: Venom Claw is missing Melee trait in the armoury (weapons reference).
    • Comment: Corrected to have the Melee trait.
  • Page 115: Boltgun Am 4+.
    • Corrected to have Am 6+.
  • Page 115: Wyld bow D '-'.
    • Corrected to have D 1.
  • Page 117: Power knife has Str S+2, Ap -2, Disarm, Power.
    • Corrected to have Str +1, AP-2, Backstab, Power (the first FAQ failed to include Backstab).
FAQ'ED ERRORS (2022-04):
  • pages 33, 35, 37, 39: Chem-syth.
    • Successful fix: Chem-synth.
Turns out this book has been stealth updated with a revised version. This has been documented with photographical evidence here:
The revised version will say "Second Printing" in small text on the copy right page.

Here are the revised changes and updates:
  • Boltgun Am 6+ (as per the FAQ).
  • Wyld Bow D 1 (as per the FAQ).
  • Power knife fully corrected to also include Backstab (unlike the FAQ which attempted to fix it but failed adding Backstab).
  • Somersault skill changed to also work similarly to "Move & Shoot" ability of Stig-Shambler (Cawdor Brute). Can shoot Unwieldy range weapon as Basic with a -1 hit modifier if you use Somersault during the activation.
  • Added "augmented fist" weapon profile (for the universal ogryn brute), but accidentally renamed it (should have been "augmetic fist").
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Another thing I'd note as a universal codex issue is the promotion of Specialist to the now-ambiguous 'Champion' that is inherited from the core rulebook.
With HoC alone, I'd have ruled that they can be promoted to either type of champion (since that's how Forge-born promotion work) but HoB muddles the water as Wyld Runners cannot be promoted to Death Maiden (probably on purpose considering what such a 'promotion' would entail fluff-wise).
So I guess that leaves us with four possible interpretations:
  1. Specialists can only be promoted to the 'old-style' champion (Forge Boss for Goliath, Matriarch for Escher, etc.)
  2. Specialists can be promoted to either type of Champion regardless of their House
  3. Specialists have the same promotion opportunities than Prospects from their House (i.e. a Goliath Specialist can be promoted to either Forge Boss or Stimmer, but an Escher Specialist can only be promoted to Matriarch)
  4. Specialists cannot be promoted
I believe we can agree that #2 and #4 are not very satisfying. My favorite would be #3, as I'd rather keep the in-House consistency with Prospects than keep it consistent across Houses.
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Yup, I'd vote for 3 too. I wanted to comment on this earlier (in another discussion) but lost track of it. Nice to have it included here. I don't see why a prospect can become a stimmer, but a specialist ganger cannot.

The rules are pretty clear that Escher prospects cannot be promoted to Death-maidens (for fluff reasons), this should apply in case specialists can be promoted to champions.
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As unsatisfying as it is I think option #4 is probably what they intend. I'm saying that based entirely on my HoC book as I don't have the new one. I'm guessing they're going along the lines of the "Hero's journey" and they intend the Prospects to level up to a form of "Champion" whereas the "Juves" and "Gangers (of all types)" are just chaff.

I assume you're referring to the N18 Rulebook for the Specialst > Champion promotion but in reality... not sure that'll be in the 2021/2022 next increment of it. It seems like these Promotion tags are the things that tell you where you can upgrade to and Specialists (HoC at least) seem to get extra skills but it doesn't say they level up again.

Yeah, I assume we'll get a new Rulebook after all six Houses are out again.

For now though, you could play as #3 - it seems reasonable enough.
I don't understand why they want juves to be just chaff (like gangers), when juves and prospects are pretty much the exact same thing?!?

Never noticed it before, but specialist gangers have no rules for promotions now? The rules only mention gangers being promoted to specialists? Having a closer look, it seems like #4 indeed is most likely :mad:
It seems to me to be that Juves are cheap limited Gangers with an option to leapfrog up into Specialists... and that's where it stops. Anyway as this is House of Blades thread I'll dip out as I don't have the book yet. Just chipping in with the Chains details.
I'd choose #3 but reckon N21 rulebook will choose #4 also. For example, pets such as Phyrr cats can becomes specialists, so can they become a champion? And what does that mean. If so can I resurrect one as a Death Maiden according to last rites. I'm getting a little silly here but RAW?

Finesse skills:
Somersault - using this action does not count as moving for purposes of effects and for firing of weapons with the unwieldy trait.
What has that got to do with Unwieldy? Unwieldy isn't affected by movement but makes shooting a double action. Do they mean 'does not count as movement' or 'does not count as an action'?
The wording is the same in Chains and Blades. It doesn't mention promoting specialists because it doesn't need to, that option is in the advancement table from the base rulebook.
The codices do state that Specialists can spend XP to acquire additional skills, which to me means they have access to the non-ganger advancement table. A strict reading of that could mean they can only take +skill advancements (which would disallow the use of the promotion advancement) but then they would also be unable to upgrade their stats any further.

I didn't think about Pet Specialists having access to this advancement, that's indeed a good point.

Speaking of pets, another issue that is common to both codices is whether or not they have access to the gang-specific skillsets at all (Muscle/Finesse). While it is listed in the table, it's probably only because the table is copy/pasted from one profile to the next (which would be why the Ambot and Ogryn servitor list Muscle in HoC and Finesse in HoB). Those skillsets don't have a shortened list of 3 skills for pets to use anyway.
I guess the question will never come up in real life (as nobody in their right mind would ever 15 XP for a random skill) but it still bugs me.
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As available house weapons seems based on official figure releases, I reckon when the resin champion pack gets released it will either have a power knife or power axe with it and that mystery will be solved. If neither or both, back to mystified.
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As available house weapons seems based on official figure releases, I reckon when the resin champion pack gets released it will either have a power knife or power axe with it and that mystery will be solved. If neither or both, back to mystified.
Releasing a miniature with power axe doesn't change the rules. Miniatures and rules usually are in sync. If they release a mini with power axe, rules will not be in sync. They would have to give out an update to the rules (like they did in the past with a house equipment list pdf after forge world upgrades).
As available house weapons seems based on official figure releases, I reckon when the resin champion pack gets released it will either have a power knife or power axe with it and that mystery will be solved. If neither or both, back to mystified.
I agree. And am hoping for a power axe, or both.

@TopsyKretts The argument is that if they release a power axe in the weapon pack and not a power knife it would imply the weapon name was wrong, in equipment list and table. If they release a power knife and not an axe then it's just the wrong stats. As it is it's ambiguous as to what the intent was. Personally I would add both to equipment list at old prices and stats, least argument I think.
I agree. And am hoping for a power axe, or both.

@TopsyKretts The argument is that if they release a power axe in the weapon pack and not a power knife it would imply the weapon name was wrong, in equipment list and table. If they release a power knife and not an axe then it's just the wrong stats. As it is it's ambiguous as to what the intent was. Personally I would add both to equipment list at old prices and stats, least argument I think.
Thanks, that's a strong argument. Adding both is the best solution. We don't have any Escher cost for power axe, so would need to use the cost from trading post then?
Some notes from a new goonhammer article:

Phelynx cats are pets (status items), and strictly speaking only available to Champions/Leaders. It is an obvious exception, but not represented in the rules.

  • Page 83. Smuggler Shore Party; Bosun listed as Smuggler Hierarchy (Champion) but with a 12" (leader's) range rather than 6" (Champion's) range.
    • COMMENT: Book of Judgment (p20) suggests Bosun should be in line with other Champion level fighters (6")

  • Page 87. Ulanti Court Adviser has 'Counter Attack' skill.
    • "When this fighter makes Reaction attacks in close combat, they roll one additional Attack dice for each of the attacker’s Attacks that failed to hit (whether they missed, were parried, etc)." Necromunda Rulebook, p186.
    • But Ulanti Court Adviser's 'Duellist' special rule allows her to "make Reaction attacks before their opponent makes their atacks as part of a Charge (Double) action"
    • Not an error as such, but a lack of compatibility between two rules on same fighter. I suppose they could use Counter Attack if a combat runs to a second round, or if they have the right equipment against an engaged fighter using 'Versatile' weapons (if they also have 'Versatile' weapons). Or it could form part of bait and switch with their Mirror Mask I suppose.
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How are allies added to the crew?

Page 82: Cold Traders. “Here to Help”: Unlike other fighters, a Smuggler Shore Party is not counted during the Choose Crew step of the pre-battle sequence. Instead, at the end of this step, these fighters may (and, in some cases, must) be added to the crew, regardless of the crew selection method in use. This may take the number of fighters in a starting crew above the number specified by the scenario.

Page 79: Cold Traders. Voidborn Bounty Hunters: In the pre-battle sequence, the gang may add a Smuggler Shore Party (see page 82) to their gang for the battle. These Hired Guns do not cost a gang any credits to hire, but if chosen they must be included in the gang’s crew, even if crew selection is normally random. However, when selecting the crew for a battle, the Smuggler Shore Party counts as only one fighter, effectively allowing the crew to include two or three more fighters than the crew size may allow.

Can anyone confirm the contradiction here, or am I missing something?