Here we go again!
Previous discussions:
A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).
These are flaws in the universal structure of house gangs and can be expected to be repeated for all house gang codexes:
Previous discussions:
- House of Iron (Orlock)
- House of Blades (Escher)
- House of Chains (Goliath)
- N19 Rulebook (Dark Uprising)
- Book of Ruin (Cults Codex)
- Book of Judgement (Enforcers)
A summary of various findings (contributed by several yaktribe champions).
- Combat shotgun cost: 55 for leader & champion, 60 for arms master.
- Comment: Price should not be different for different fighters!
- Shotgun cost: 30 for leader & champion, 25 for arms master.
- Comment: Price should not be different for different fighters!
- Fighting knife cost: 15 for leader & champion, 10 for arms master.
- Comment: Price should not be different for different fighters!
- Arms master shotgun includes salvo & shredder.
- Comment: Salvo & shredder is ammo for combat shotgun, NOT regular shotgun. Should be scatter & solid.
- Dog: 0-3 for leader, 0-2 for champs.
- Comment: Why is this different.
- Sawn-off shotgun (solid & scatter ammo): Sawn-off shotgun now comes included with scatter ammo (same as original profile) and can be upgraded with a new solid ammo.
- Comment: However no new or old references to this weapon specify any ammo. Is it safe to assume that scatter is default unless otherwise specified? Even affects some new content in the same book:
- New Orlock Booby trap.
- Some Tactics.
- FAQ'ed (in the Trading Post pdf): All earlier references means scatter only (not solid).
- Comment: However no new or old references to this weapon specify any ammo. Is it safe to assume that scatter is default unless otherwise specified? Even affects some new content in the same book:
- Throwing Knives (Armoury) has Str S.
- Comment: Toxin weapon should never have any Str.
- Combi grenade launcher - frag (Armoury) does not have Combi or Single shot.
- Comment: Looks like they copy-pasted the standard GL frag profile.
- Melta bombs (Armoury) got Scarce & Melta.
- Comment: Wasn't this fixed in HoC? Scarce and Melta on Grenades doesn't make sense.
- Servitor (Brute) does not list servitor combat weapon.
- Comment: Is it lost? Still listed in Armoury so probably not.
- Cult Icon & Chem-Synth (p119):
- Comment: Old outdated rules from N18 (Gangs of the Underhive), these have later been replaced by new wording in N20 (House of... books).
- Hangers-on & Brute Rep limitation table (p50): The last line is missing from the Hangers-on/reputation table (+1 per additional 5 rep).
- Comment: Apparently, this gang can never have more than 24 rep
This is repeated in Van Saar (House of Artifice).
- Comment: Apparently, this gang can never have more than 24 rep
- Power Knife got Backstop trait (Armoury).
- Comment: Backstab.
- Margo Merdena's Leg Blades doesn't have the Melee trait.
- Comment: Why explicitly and redundantly declare Melee trait when they can't follow their own standards? It would be a lot easier for them to skip declaring Melee completely (all weapons with range E are always Melee).
- Legendary Names:
- All Legendary Names comes with a drawback.
- Comment: Blade Breaker doesn't have any drawback. Arguably Iron Stare doesn't have a drawback either (could be situational).
- All Legendary Names comes with a drawback.
- Greaste Monkey (Hangers-on): A Brute or all Wreckers gain an 'overcharge' effect each activation, requiring to pass a test by rolling dice.
- Comment: Is this optional, or must the test be made each activation? Could be very lethal for the Brute to fail multiple times! How does this work with jump-boosters? Is it in addition or instead? Can the effects be split and used in separate actions? Can they be used simultaneously (stacked)?
- Guilder Contact (Bravado Skill): Gives a discount to hired fighters.
- Comment: This is presumably applied after committing to paying for the hired gun? Presumably this discount doesn't stack?
- Champion Equipment List does not include power knife.
- Comment: Why is this omitted? This is available for both Leader and gangers.
- Loot Box (Orlock gang specific terrain): Deployment
- Comment: How or where can these be deployed?
- Rules for Gun Skull is not included.
- Comment: Most rules for items used by any fighters in the book are included (for example Cult Icon). Even the gunskull weapon profile is included, but not the rules for the gunskull itself.
- Juves can't gain skills.
- Comment: Classic copy paste, similar to several other books. Obvious mistake considering they have a table with available skill sets.
- Grav fist -ranged (Ambot) got AP-1 and Graviton Pulse.
- Comment: Why?
- Unlike all other prospects, Wreckers does not have access to Pistols from Trading Post & Black Market (they still have access to Close Combat weapons).
- Comment: Why?
- Arc hammer has Versatile 1" and takes 2 weapon slots without Unwieldy.
- Comment: What is the purpose of Versatile 1"? Taking 2 weapon slots without being Unwieldy is quite unique (for close combat weapons). Is this on purpose?
- What is the probability of rolling a natural 1 on a D3 (wrecker's overcharged jump booster and Grease Monkey's overcharge effect)?
- Wreckers are the only specialist juves that can buy close combat weapons from TP/BM. Why?
- King Hit (Bravado skill) can be combined with One Punch (Legendary Name)?!?
- Big Brother (Bravado skill) is a weaker version of Unbreakable Will (Telepathy) and Devotion (Chaos Leader).
- Gang specific terrain (deployment): Placed in friendly deployment zone or in no-mans-land (if specified).
- Comment: Some deviations from this rule. Sawn-off surprise follows the rules for Booby traps and can be placed anywhere. Promethium barrels can be placed anywhere at least 3" from enemy deployment zone.
- Heavy stubber turret (Road Relic): Burst mode has Rapid Fire (1).
- Comment: None of the 7 other Heavy stubber profiles have Rapid Fire less than 2. This is suspiciously similar to the Goliath turret from HoC...
- Legendary Names: "Orlock Legendary Names are special names that can be given to an Orlock Leader or Champion"
- Comment: Anyone can have Legendary names, not just Leader or Champion.
- Heavy Stubber turret (gang terrain) doesn't have any restriction on how many fighters can use it in the same round.
- Comment: The same loophole was intentionally closed for passenger operated vehicle weapons.
- Explicitly specifies the exact number of fighters in the Coin Guild
- Sawn-off shotgun now use new 'scatter' ammo (same as the original) and can be upgraded with 'solid' ammo (makes it more similar to regular shotgun).
- Comment: All references to sawn-off shotgun (without specifying ammo) was later updated in Trading Post pdf (2012-12). This wasn't specified in the book where it was introduced.
- Rebel Lord:
- Lost 2 digi lasers
Because why?
- Traded light carapace for mesh.
- Updated weapon options:
- Old: (2x master-crafted laspistols + stiletto sword) OR (bolt pistol + thunder hammer)
- New: 1 melee weapon (power sword, stiletto sword or thunder hammer) + 1 pistol (bolt pistol or master-crafted needle pistol).
- Lost 2 digi lasers
- Heavy Rock Cutter: No mention of Orlock specific rarity at the trading post (Rare 8).
- Comment: It is now standard Rare (9) like for all other gangs?
- Seismic reworded to explicitly not cause pinned without hit. Good improvement!
These are flaws in the universal structure of house gangs and can be expected to be repeated for all house gang codexes:
- Gang Hierarchy specifies Cool tests for fleeing the battlefield is in the End phase. This is a change from start of the round.
- House Agents:
- What happens when Petitioning for House Agent and the gang gets fined (2D6*10 credits), but can't pay?
- The fined result (16+) will never trigger because no gang with 10+ Reputation is going to roll for Petition.
- Since House Agents have a variable cost, what is their contribution to gang rating? Their Equipment rule state the free equipment you get for them should be accounted for when determining Gang Rating, but what is the base value of the House Agent? Generic has a rating of 40 or 80 credits? Special Character has rating of 100 or 200?
- Bounty Hunter (Generic):
- Can equip items from the Trading Post, but does not specify any limitation in Rarity. The old (universal) generic Bounty Hunter could use items with rarity 10 or less.
- Promotion: Specialist (Gangers) can be promoted to Champion, but refers to old promotion rules when only the single original Champion fighter type existed. It is unclear what types of Champions a Specialists can be promoted to now, since there are 2 types. Comparing promotion of prospects (new 'specialist' juve fighter), this varies depending on gang:
- Goliath: Prospect can be promoted to Champion or Stimmer
- Escher: Prospect can be promoted to Champion only (not Death-maiden for obvious fluff reasons)
- Orlock: ?
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