N18 Combining campaigns with the outlanders campaign


Mar 23, 2022
I can’t seem to find anything else on the net of anyone combining an outlanders campaign with say a dominion or ash wastes campaign…
Anyone tried it?
I have some ideas to make it work but haven’t quite formed them fully and wondered what other people might have to say on the subject.
I’m mainly trying to do this to facilitate the players dreams for their gangs (a mobile home base, a missile silo bunker base, one wants to run a gambling empire in the wastes, etc etc) and because I love a stupid challenge.
I imagine ash wastes would be easiest to combine with as I could introduce a mechanic to get materials to build with but don’t want to take away too much from the idea of gangs having to hold road sections.
Further ideas on sections held near and far from your bases location etc but that can wait for now.
Any thoughts any one?
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From what I've read of that campaign my impression was that it aught to be combined with others, similar to how the one in the Book of Justice also reads. It adds extra mechanics wrapped up in a campaign, but you could strip out those and apply them to another one.

You could perhaps use the Outcast campaign rules with say a Dark Uprising campaign. Where gangs build up territories for half the campaign, then those get eroded towards its end (or do a reverse uprising and build up settlements starting at the half way point).

Yeah, having a moving settlement seems like a neat idea. Where your settlement represents a single Land Train like vehicle or multiple vehicles in a caravan. You could set up settlement defence boards to represent this too (either a rolling roads game if the camp's in motion, or static boards when the caravan's briefly stopped to seek resources / trade or decided to circle the wagons and fortify an area. . In the same campaign perhaps there could be players with static settlements - which use a different map type-, but I'm not sure how you'd balance that.

I guess its a case of wrangling the rules as an arbiter and deciding how complex you want things to be. Like, you could probably merge four campaign types together if you wanted or transition from one type to another. ...But that's probably more the realms of a committed group.

My next campaign's going to use the Dark Uprising rules to theme as gangs starting out in the Hive, then heading into a Badzone where there's limited resources. So for the first stage we could use the Book of Justice campaign rules to represent Gangs making contacts to kit themselves up while they're in a populated part of the Hive. We could also use the Outland rules as representative of building up rackets temporally (but as you're going to lose them, that's probably too complicated). But that's an example of merging campaigns. The next campaign after the Badzone is Underhivers discovering a route out of the Hive (which the first campaign will end around, as they fight off Wasteland bugs coming in from the breach. ...Assuming players don't choose to just blow a hole in the side of the Hive. Otherwise the follow up campaign will be in The Sump...), so we could theme that one as gangs building up trade routes and establishing a caravan as they explore the Ashwastes using the Outland rules. :)
I can’t seem to find anything else on the net of anyone combining an outlanders campaign with say a dominion or ash wastes campaign…
Anyone tried it?
We are currently combining AW + OC + Settlements. Settlements because AW pays not much. And, OC because...I dunno. Wasn't my call. It's doable. It's not compelling. I give GW credit for trying something different, but Structures is a lot of busy work for very little gain. If you like it, do it!
From what I've read of that campaign my impression was that it aught to be combined with others, similar to how the one in the Book of Justice also reads. It adds extra mechanics wrapped up in a campaign, but you could strip out those and apply them to another one.

You could perhaps use the Outcast campaign rules with say a Dark Uprising campaign. Where gangs build up territories for half the campaign, then those get eroded towards its end (or do a reverse uprising and build up settlements starting at the half way point).

Yeah, having a moving settlement seems like a neat idea. Where your settlement represents a single Land Train like vehicle or multiple vehicles in a caravan. You could set up settlement defence boards to represent this too (either a rolling roads game if the camp's in motion, or static boards when the caravan's briefly stopped to seek resources / trade or decided to circle the wagons and fortify an area. . In the same campaign perhaps there could be players with static settlements - which use a different map type-, but I'm not sure how you'd balance that.

I guess its a case of wrangling the rules as an arbiter and deciding how complex you want things to be. Like, you could probably merge four campaign types together if you wanted or transition from one type to another. ...But that's probably more the realms of a committed group.

My next campaign's going to use the Dark Uprising rules to theme as gangs starting out in the Hive, then heading into a Badzone where there's limited resources. So for the first stage we could use the Book of Justice campaign rules to represent Gangs making contacts to kit themselves up while they're in a populated part of the Hive. We could also use the Outland rules as representative of building up rackets temporally (but as you're going to lose them, that's probably too complicated). But that's an example of merging campaigns. The next campaign after the Badzone is Underhivers discovering a route out of the Hive (which the first campaign will end around, as they fight off Wasteland bugs coming in from the breach. ...Assuming players don't choose to just blow a hole in the side of the Hive. Otherwise the follow up campaign will be in The Sump...), so we could theme that one as gangs building up trade routes and establishing a caravan as they explore the Ashwastes using the Outland rules. :)
I’ve already got the idea of implementing it with a reverse uprising campaign in the third stage in my potentially perpetual campaign but my player base is pushing to use them in the next one that’s maybe ten weeks away so I’m bringing it forwards.
I’ve got a nice idea for the rolling home, extra requirements to get some structures, a reduced structure list, a bonus of not being able to be raided, a penalty in that the base counts as a gang vehicle and can be wrecked…
Atleast I have time to think this through.

Also… caravan building mechanic, build the toughest caravan and that helps you with the missions… idea…? Hmmmm
We are currently combining AW + OC + Settlements. Settlements because AW pays not much. And, OC because...I dunno. Wasn't my call. It's doable. It's not compelling. I give GW credit for trying something different, but Structures is a lot of busy work for very little gain. If you like it, do it!
Well part of my thinking is to take out the busy work… I’m toying with the post battle action: scrounge (just to differentiate it in aw campaign) where a ganger may try to scrounge for a resource type, roll a d6
1 :the ganger hurts them selves, place in recovery,
2-3 :nothing,
4-5: 1 resource of chosen type,
6 :d3 resource of chosen type.

That way it allows them a non janky implementation of working areas… maybe some areas like near,deep,wild wastes might add one to the roll for a certain resource or I may have to balance the scenarios so they give a balanced reward, it’s still a while away and needs thinking over. Getting them to work together would be nice.
Our Arbitrator add added resource gains to scenario wins, since AW scenarios often pay nothing. My observations are just that, NOT presuming to tell you how to run your campaign, you've given it a lot of thought. Keep us informed.