
Officer, without number, head turner, troll burner
Staff member
Yak Comp 3rd Place
Tribe Council
Oct 30, 2016
Durham, uk
Whether you intend to come to a TribeMeet event or would just like to make some models and get involved, this is a thread for you to share your work and inspire/impress your Yak bretheren! All are welcome to join in!

Although we havnt decided on rules yet, The theme for the event is Into The Wastelands and will be a mix of Necromunda gangs with Gorka-Morka vehicles.

Here’s a link to the threads for anyone who hasn’t seen them and if you are interested in coming along, showing support or even holding your own TribeMeet, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!...

To get things started, here’s the Ashwaste Crew and Captain Clone IX of the ISS Crumpet....

It’ll probibly be the day before the event when they get painted, but I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!
(Stories and info on your gang is also welcome ;))
Land speeder buggy is genius! I'm about to put in an order, so I'll tag a trukk onto it. I already have a GoMo trukk and a dude on a bike, plus a half track somewhere so I should be set.

I need to decide which gang to bring though!

Sonjas Slicers (Escher) return for another bite of the cherry? The Diamond Dogs (Van Saar) make their first YakDay appearance? Crusade of Peace (Redemptionists/Cawdor) accidentally find themselves outside the hive? The Skullquest Five (Spyrers) go on safari? That one would need a swankier vehicle though I think. Something with my N17 Orlocks?

Choices, choices!
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This is a community thread for anybody to add wip pics of what they are bringing to yakday (north or south, other countries etc) this year

link to previous tribe meet community modelling thread

So there's an ashwaste/gorka morka/mad max theme this time around, I have been fiddling about with parts for an ashwaste gang that double up as imperial guard rough riders for quite some time so maybe it's time to get them finished. the rules aren't completely hammered out yet so we have an opportunity to make cool stuff without worrying about rules, we can make stuff fit later on :)

I have this guy finished from way back

These guys have been in this state for years, heres where i start from

Giant super evolved flea rider


Mukaali with the addition of a gunner

People say this mount is too recognizable as a steed of slaanesh so am swapping the head out for something else, the front runner at the moment is an old hydra head although if anybody has a spare ripperdactyl head shoot me a pm


A recent birthday (19 again :) ) got me a death korps of Krieg death rider who's mount is being turned into something akin to the six legged horse from avatar.

And then there's this, my massive beast, aiming for 1 driver, 2 gunners and up to 6 more passengers

may have to cut him in half and stretch him out a bit, stretched limos are a thing, why not stretched stone horns? :)

so, show us your puny metal bawkses and the gangs that will be riding in them on this, the Road to Yakday 2018 :)
Oh great Lords of the Yak hear my call!

Can I please have this thread joined with @radulykans thread ‘come and have a go if you think your fast enough’
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I've just got my delivery of space marine scout bikes, kairic acolytes and anvil industry legs to build some Pit Slaves on bikes; now I just need some green stuff to ensure they all look right, and some hobby materials to enlarge my truck, and I can get started properly...
Put a shift in on my little beasties, all three pictured here are now up to the need greenstuffing stage, riders are arm/headless to make said green stuffing easier

This critter shall henceforth be known as a spafian sand dragon due to the generous actions of a community member :)


Not sure what to call this one, am going with a crabby/prawny scheme so any thoughts on a name would be great


And then there's the avatar looking six legged horse
I can see a little gap that needs filling lol


I randomly decided a leg brace would be a nice addition, going to add some struts to those plasticard strips

The great yak has had a layer of greenstuff applied to fill in the holes between sprues but as it's an underlayer i haven't taken any pics yet
How is everybody else getting on?
I wonder where my old Dark Elf Cold Ones are. I remembered them last night after looking at @radulykan's creations, and I think I should be able to make 40k riders for them out of either the old 90's plastics, Cadians or some kind of milliput genius. How many months do we have left...?
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I wonder where my old Dark Elf Cold Ones are.
Are these the great-looking, more velociraptor-looking ones or the more recent incarnations?
How many months do we have left...?
Strictly speaking slightly less than 3 months. I still need to buy extra modelling materials, which last time I looked was about 90 Euro since there is only one shop that has everything I want/need and it's French... I'll probably try venturing out to a shop that is somewhere nearby, see if they stock anything I require.
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@ClockworkOrange your yaks look puny compared to my massive beast but yours also look a lot closer to completion :(
No modelling time of late but I have managed a trip to wickes (despite the delay of a car breakdown) in the hope of getting a board ready for yakday.
Raw supplies

A bit of sawing

A bit of screwing

And that's an 8x4 board just awaiting a topping now

The reinforcing struts are due to mdf warping a lot over time, hoping this will stop it, anybody who played on my bfg boards at tribe meet will have seen how bad it can get :)