+1 A doesn't fit Massive Weapons, I acknowledge that, but something similarly simplistic maybe?
Cannot be Parried but I have an issue with that...
I would recommend including Massive Flails in the rules. You have Clubs, you have Flails. Same price, same stats. Flails have
Clumsy and
Nullify which balance each other out. You have Massive Clubs. Massive Flails is a shoe in. Same stats, same price, same rules. Except Massive Flails gets
Clumsy and
Nullify. The big thing in their favour is the amount of available Massive Flails in GW kits that are already celebrated for being excellent for Necromunda bits.
I only mention that because it is on point with one thing:
Cannot be Parried as a rule for Massive Weapons would turd all over that. If Power Axes can survive without complaint as a two handed weapon where the only rule change is instead of an available +1 A you get +1 S - with no
Draws rule - then should Massive Weapons follow suit? Otherwise Power Axes should fall in line with Massive Weapon rules? The whole thing is off.
Draws? Massive Weapons have the bonus of having extra strength over normal weapons, but cannot allow for the +1 attack die. This isn't a solution to balancing them though for anyone with a Basic/ Special/ Heavy weapon - they won't get the attack dice bonus, so now Massive Weapons become
too powerful. Maybe Mighty Blow could only work if the character did not also carry a Basic/ Special/ Heavy weapon? It still retains that Massive Weapons would be too much compared to single handed weapons. Gawd, what a fine line this one rests on
What about keep all the rules the same, and change
Draws to causing -1 Initiative rather than 1/2 Initiative? -2 Initiative even? Because at half, even a tie is going to be a fail.
I'm starting to sound like
@trollmeat's frickin' echo... I don't know what to do/ what I'm doing. Actually, on that point, chin up troll. Chicks dig confidence, or at least the omission of declaring insecurity...