Comp 55 - A Pleasant Retail Experience

The theme for Comp 55 should be... (pick one)

  • Retail Therapy - Merchant, produce cart, shop or other vendor

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • The Entertainer - Some form of entertainment

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • The Cleaner - The unfortunate whose job is to clean up the mess

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


=][= Ordo Grognardicus =][=
Staff member
Yak Comp 1st Place
Tribe Council
Jun 1, 2016
Ellon, United Kingdom
Because we had a draw on the theme poll and they're of a similar vein, it's ubertheme time!

The Retail Experience - Model a vendor, shop, stall etc or someone tasked with keeping the place tidy such as a cleaning or waste disposal worker.
(Cleaner doesn't have to be retail specific)

You have six weeks - competition closes on midnight Sunday 2nd March (usual caveat, I won't actually be closing it until an undisclosed time on Monday 3rd).

Usual rules apply except when they don't.

Have fun!

Our theme selections are in and the poll is up - Cast your votes for one of these public services:

Retail Therapy
Make a model or a collection of models representing a merchant, cart, street stall, small shop, restaurant, even a shady-looking van selling 100% real Vouise Luitton bags. Anything, where scummers can spend their hard-earned credits for whatever will make their pointless existence more pleasant for the moment.

The Entertainer
It's not all shootouts and drinking rotgut in the underhive - make a model and/or scenery representing some kind of entertainment. This could be a musician or band, a magician, a stage play, or the local pict-cast newsreader.

The Cleaner
Whether the weary owner of a downhive bar mopping up after the latest dust-up, a crew of experts that erase the scene of a corporate assassination, or just the lowly stablehand who has to muck out the stalls of various horses, pegasi, and the rare unicorn.
Esteemed yaks! I call upon @Pagumb as the winner as the last comp, and @'Nickname' O'Shea and @Lord_Ikka as the two fastest entries, to submit themes for Comp 55.

Why not check out the brainstorming thread for hints? Or an older comp from a few years ago?
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I nominate the Sump Bazaar excellent idea from @Hawkins44:

"Make a model or a collection of models representing a merchant, cart, street stall, small shop, restaurant, even a shady-looking van selling 100% real Vouise Luitton bags. Anything, where scummers can spend their hard-earned credits for whatever will make their pointless existence more pleasant for the moment."
I can't remember who suggested it, and I'm on mobile right now so don't really want to search, but I remember someone suggested a cleaning crew/person. So-

Create a cleaner: whether the weary owner of a downhive bar mopping up after the latest dust-up, a crew of experts that erase the scene of a corporate assassination, or just the lowly stablehand who has to muck out the stalls of various horses, pegasi, and the rare unicorn.
It also seems all could be accomplished with a full medieval square, with stables, street vendors and a street sweeper, to clear some of the horse droppings.
(You'd never finish that in time, you don't have the models for it and your schedule 'clack-shick *blam!*)
Now, voting time coming up?
Nice to see a sort of uber-theme with the choices - all background/public stuff.

Poll will end on Sunday evening UK time and the comp will run from then for six weeks. I'd be perfectly happy with any of the three, they're all things I've had ideas for in the past but never made.
Hmmm…. Would harlequins count as “performers”?
Considering the whole look originates from the commedia dell'arte I’d bloody hope so!!

Just get them to do a bit of comedy and less of the killing.

Get a Pierrot clown out there full David Bowie style stomping around in the Ash Wastes followed by a bulldozer.

Get a Punch and Judy puppet show on the go - except the puppets are tiny living beings instead of the puppeteers hands…

The less said about a ventriloquist act the better.

“Gottle o’ Geer, Gottle o’ Geer; Lord Chopsworth is coming to shread your flesh, you silly arse…”
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I have an idea I want to make anyway that would fit one of these, but don't think I'm really in a place to do that right now. So, kinda hoping it isn't that theme - though I suppose I can always do something else for the Comp and still do my idea later.
Well, I’m pleased to see this competition theme, no matter what’s chosen - so far it’s starting to look like Games Workshop has returned to it’s satirical roots in Necromunda with a sly nod at the British High Street and former industrial towns in the North…

Almost entirely abandoned, lots of shops with no customers in and gangs everywhere.
so is corpsestarch based on fried bounty's with ketchup or is it haggis?

(maybe my fantasy is going a bit awol).
I assumed it was based on the popular Smash mashed potato powder and a tongue in cheek nod to Soylent Green.

Not sure when Corpse Starch first appeared in GWs writing but both Smash and Soylent are from the 70s and both get references in pop culture through the 80s - so bang into GWs timeline. Plus Necro, though 90s is heavily inspired by 70s/80s pop culture.
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I always assumed it was a Soylent green reference... on account of the recycled people.
judge dredd / ad2000 also has something similar... resyk? from the same-ish time period
Yeah… now you mention it. Of course, 2000AD and Judge Dredd are more 1970s properties.

Which is interesting as GW has the Judge Dredd game and miniature licence in the early-mid 80s then when it expired GW created a scifi version of Warhammer set 40,000 years into the future (don’t know if you’ve heard of it 😉. Funny they choose to name it after the year it’s set in like 2000AD was… 🤔) which incorporated a lot of that old miniature line.


Could be that GW carried that idea over too??

Funnily enough the Hive city concept is also in Judge Dredd as Mega City One’s skyscrapers and also funnily enough, a very similar concept was in a mid-70s novel called High Rise!!

80s Doctor Who riffed on all these ideas too in Revelation of the Daleks (using dead humans as food for the living) and Paradise Towers (a run down high-rise building full of multicoloured punk girl gangs, villainous caretakers, murderous cleaning robots and… cannibals.

It all makes Necromunda look positively unoriginal in hindsight doesn’t it?? 🤣
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you're forgetting that dreaded orlock miscreant in ad2000 ;)
and a few subtle undertones like psykers, etc... genetically manipulated (blue) supersoldiers, suppressed mutant underclasses living in the badlands, etc...

I think I still have a 2nd or 3rd edition 40k book lying around here somewhere (8 shaped solid block dreadnoughts, genestealer chaos cult, tiny mag Uruk thraka & crabclaw yarrick, alien-movie tyrannids, ...)
If we were to list all of the things they lifted from elsewhere we’d need a new thread!!

I think the Jokareo are from Judge Dredd too. 🤔
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