N18 Convalescence


New Member
Sep 7, 2020
I remember back in the older versions of Necromunda, gangers had to be assigned to territories to work them and if you didn't have enough gangers you couldn't work all the territories and earn the income from them.

I thought in the latest version of the Dominion Campaign, you don't have to do this and you automatically get to earn income from your territories. Then I was reading the "Going into convalescence" section on p126, and it says "...the fighter cannot perform any post battle actions or work any territories." Does this mean gangers are supposed to be assigned to territories to work them? If not, what is the point of convalescence for non Gang Heirarchy (X) gang members? It seems pointless.
Gang members are no longer assigned to work territories like in classic necromunda for the most part.

However there is Mine workings where you put captives to work which is a example of putting gangers to work on a territory. of the top of my head thats the only one that has a gang member working on it but depending on the campain and territory or equivilant used there might be others.

For most none Gang Heirarchy (X) gang members, and Leaders and Champions etc for none updated gangs, it is funcionally the same as Out cold. The Fighter will be avaliable next battle.

There are a few post battle actions that some gangers can perform if they the right skills say if they have the Savant Skill Connected. You can get them with Mnemonic Inload Spikes and I recall a Hanger on that can train fighters with skills temporarily.
Most critical are medical escort and trading post modifiers. Working territories is as insignificant as @Lunarcruiser says and only affects the mine workings resource of the dominion campaign.
Thanks very much. I guess the wording of that section of the rulebook was a little confusing to me with my memory of classic necromunda. Had me double guessing myself.
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Surely it's not even relevant to the Mineworks Territory unless some unlucky fighter is both captured by the gang that holds it and placed in Convalescence in the same game.. Being put to work as a captive in another gang's territory is not the same as 'working a territory' for your own gang's benefit as we remember from ORB/NCE.
Yeah it's a very minor situation they deal with here. For the sake of Mine Workings, it should apply the same limitation to Convalescence and In Recovery, still rare. Convalescence is basically a less severe version of In Recovery.

This exception shouldn't be covered in the universal Convalescence rule, but instead be listed under the resource(s) that it applies to (only Mine Workings so far).
Though note that the Lasting Injuries table, including convalescence, carries over to more than the Dominion Campaign. While none of the new published by GW campaigns have Gangers work Territories, there is nothing that says they cannot (to be honest, likely a relic held over from early designs, but still).

Our next local campaign is a “Ninety Fivers” campaign. A homebrew which essentially uses the 1995 edition to start with more territories, have gangers work territories, use the old Income Table, and limit the number of Rare items available per game. (We are also looking to figure out a way to boost experience gains, to further match that ORB campaign feel with the new game).
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Though note that the Lasting Injuries table, including convalescence, Carrie’s over to more than the Dominion Campaign. While none of the new published by GW campaigns have Gangers work Territories, there is nothing that says they cannot (to be honest, likely a relic held over from early designs, but still).

Our next local campaign is a “Ninety Fivers” campaign. A homebrew which essentially uses the 1995 edition to start with more territories, have gangers work territories, use the old Income Table, and limit the number of Rare items available per game. (We are also looking to figure out a way to boost experience gains, to further match that ORB campaign feel with the new game).
I'm doing a similar style campaign. Lol all the modern campaigns feel over engineered :LOL: .
I'm doing a similar style campaign. Lol all the modern campaigns feel over engineered
High credits to afford more gangers, low experience so they don't change much. I mean, I sense a potential motive for that change.

But anyhow. Back to the answer at hand - in the Dominion campaign, the Uprising campaign, in the Outcasts campaign, no working of territory; but the Turf War campaign [published in Gang War 2017 #1) includes "work the gang's turf" as a post-battle action (for leaders and champions). So convalescing leaders and champions in a Turf War campaign cannot work the "territory," or "turf," or perform other post-battle actions such as the Trade action or Medical Escort or Sell To The Guilders.
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