I'm not quite sure where to start with this one. Setting aside my distaste for the lore-wrenching notion of being both Chaos and Genestealer affiliated this is a list that will look intimidating when deployed but I suspect will underperform.
You need to choose a role for your Queen, currently she's equipped for range support and close quarters when realistically she's only likely to do one of those things in most games.
The grenade launcher is your only high S mid-long range weapon, it's also your only source of blast/templates, so more often than not she's going to want to be shooting that every turn. This means she'll be left behind by your melee contingent who'll be double-moving up the board. This means her Shock whip and the short-ranged Mind Control ability will not likely see any use. Alternately she can try move fast up the board to make the best use of that 3A and her psyker abilities in which case she's not firing the GL.
Spring Up is a solid choice for a melee fighter, or as cheap pseudo-suspensors for a heavy weapon model, im.not sure it's the strongest choice on this model.
My advice with her would be to either go pure ranged and save credits on the melee/psyker abilities, or pass the grenade launcher onto another model (a ganger specialist could use it, or another champion.
The Death Maiden is fine, you could shave some credits out here giving her a Stiletto Sword and a needle pistol over the plasma/power combo. Your loadout is, I think, stronger in the long run but it's more expensive when Stiletto/needle, which both use the Maidens poison blood ability, will do a perfectly adequate job of killing things. For her skill pick I'd typically recommend Spring Up or Combat Virtuoso here. Pinning is a Death Maidens worst enemy and both those skill picks mitigate that to a degree. Hit and Run seems good on paper but realistically the Maiden is likely to kill anything she gets into melee with on the first round, so it never really sees any use.
The Aberrant is ok, just watch out for the lack of pinning mitigation and the WS4+ on these guys, sometimes going for something like 2 chainswords, which boost your to-hit and provide a bonus attack give more reliable results than the harder hitting weapons with S bonuses.
The Chaos Spawn in a really swing-y miniature which, in my experience, is a great distraction carnifex against inexperienced players, but rarely performs well or does what you need it to do. For 130 credits in this list its taking up space that could be used to add models that provide more reliable hitting power and, since you already have so many other thematic models I think you need to ask yourself what this is really adding?
For contrast, you could run an extra champion for this cost. A matriarch would give you a good platform for that grenade launcher, and would allow your Queen to lead the melee contingent down the table to use her psychic shenanigans, a matriarch would also allow you more post-battle actions. At the moment you can only do 2, and that gets reduced further if your Queen or Death Maiden get the wrong injury roll after a battle.
Gangers and the Escher juve are all solid choices. The Hybrid juve is a fun thematic piece, but it's very expensive for what is an extra attack. For the same base price you could buy two of the frankly excellent Escher juves with stub guns.
If you're going to keep a thematic model, id stick with this one as it's cheaper than the Spawn, just don't expect too much from her.