The game is broken into 2 rulesets.
COMBAT: In combat it runs by the standard n19 or current at time Necromunda ruleset with the additions of the EDGE rule and with a modified combat initiative turn order as explained below.
NON COMBAT: I used a Shadowrun like D6 dice pool system.
A singular baseline stat, two combined, or a stat and a skill were combined together to provide a dice pool. This pool is rolled and all 5 and 6 results are considered a hit. Hits are tallied and compared to opposed roll hit results or thresholds the GM has prepared depending on the difficulty of the task they intend to do.
No hits at all results in a glitch = The task fails
No hits and half 1’s results in a critical glitch = The task fails and something negative also results.
Example of difficulty in task and possible required thresholds
Buy a hit for trading in 3 dice - real easy
1 hit - easy
2 hits - not too hard
3 hits - getting more difficult
4 hits - hard
5+ hits - very hard
Extended tests
Some tests take time and more effort to accomplish. To represent this, you set an interval of time for how long each attempt takes (eg 5 minutes in game) and you set a higher threshold that needs to be achieved (eg 12 hits maybe for a medium/difficult task). Each attempt after the first one the player removes one dice away from their starting pool to represent fatigue on the task. As the dice pool dwindles their changes of glitching goes up and that could fail the whole task increasing the risks on the action.
Edge is stat that embodies luck, flair, and clutch moments. It is awarded for great roleplay, smart play, or well timed in character humour. It accumulates until used and stacks but doesn’t replenish between sessions unless earned or unless a player has purchased points of it with XP.
Using EDGE:
In Combat: A point of edge may be removed to auto succeed one roll or reroll one dice
Out of Combat:
Pre EDGE: Before a roll is about to be made a player can subtract one EDGE from their character and add their current EDGE pool number to their dice pool. Any results of a 6 triggers “the rule of 6” and the 6’s can be rerolled for further hits (Best used for clutch moments on small dice pools)
Post EDGE: After a roll is made they may subtract one EDGE from their character and keep the hits scored on the roll and reroll all non-hits in the pool. (Best used for unlikely misses)
Necromunda stats conversion charts for NON COMBAT tests
Note: Strength, Toughness, Wounds, and Attacks stay as they are.
2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
5 4 3 2 1
4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ +9 +10
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
NON COMBAT Skills (in addition to current edition Necromunda game skills)
Players were allowed to select whatever skills they could think of that they believed would be fitting for their backstory or how they wished their character to develop.
The number of these skills were linked to their intelligence stat.
8+ = 1 skill
7+ = 2 skills
6+ = 3 skills and so on…
As for the modifier that it gives to the intended dice pool. I used,
Skill directly relates to the task +3
Skill sort of relates +2
Skill is a little loose on relation +1
I also used extra modifiers in game to give other + or – dice pool depending on the circumstances or the adjuncts they may have used when using the skill.
Eg medicae kit +2 to a medical triage skill check.
Using the skills
This could be led by the GM asking for various skill checks along the way or by astute players.
It was up to GM discretion as to whether the skill would be solo stat check, or combination of two stats or a combination of a stat and a NON COMBAT skill. As to what stat to link to what skill was also at discretion depending on the circumstances. For example. One player may have an Intimidation skill. They might use it by means of physically linking it to strength, or by means of cool, or leadership, depending on the circumstance and how they intend to intimidate their target.
Some Examples
PERCEPTION (rolled frequently)
Intelligence + Initiative stats combined
VS chosen thresholds
Modifier: Visbility, senses used, targeted search, etc
Cool/Int/leadership + Negotiation skill
Opposed test vs targets Cool + Negotiation
Modifier: Who, what, why, where, how
Base Strength roll only
VS chosen threshold
Modifier: rope, gloves, assisted help etc
“Roll for initiative”
Combat order is determined by taking the player or enemies converted Initiative score and rolling that many d6. All the results of the dice rolled are added up and that score is placed into a turn order sequence.
EG a Players Characters Initiative is +4. Convert to a 3 as per the chart.
3d6 are rolled with the results of a 2, 5, and 3
That players combat initiative score is 10 and added to a combat turn order sequence.
Soundtracks, props, and real-time puzzles/challenges can add depth, immersion, pace and emotion if used well.
Regarding music choice any music can work but I find the best fits aren’t necessarily a specific genre. It’s the tempo, ambience, or emotion the particular song provides to your descriptive text or the vision you are trying to portray (especially if timed to certain actions or voiced text). In my experience tracks with lyrics can work if it’s not a heavy character or npc speaking part, eg combat. Otherwise, soundtrack only songs augment the experience the best typically. I will also change the volume and or sub volume dependent on the context.
It’s pretty cool when a player links a song to a particular scene or event in the game and is reminded of it when they hear the track forever more.
I will be supplying the notes below with the music that I had chosen to run for the intended scenes.
Character Selection
Any Venator Champ profile was able to be used.
250 creds were available to be spent for a total cost which includes the character profile, gear, and any extra advances. A max of 50 creds can be spent on advances and only 1 of each type may be taken at creation. If an attribute does get boosted make a note of it as it would cost 2 more XP to increase it further later on.
No gear limitations or limit.
Venators may also choose to spend 12XP from session advancement on one point of permeant EDGE that gets replenished per session.
Example Char sheet of Fixer NPC Redfoot