N18 Delaque advice, possibly going Psychic

Dec 6, 2016
Hi folks,

I want to create a balanced gang that can compete in a fairly competant group of players. I've used VS, Squats and currently Esher, and fancy something a bit different. Is it possible to have a worthwhile gang with threat from shooting, CC and Wyrd?

I've got a gang box and the champions box to play with currently, and have the two FW weapons packs on the way as well. I'm in Nottingham so can get to WHW for FW minis, although the Spyker has been out of stock the on the last two visits.

Will it work, or is it better to stealth it out?

thanks in advance
Sure, Delaque champions are cheap with good skill access, and Nacht Ghuls are some of the best melee models in the game. Shooty Delaque with some good melee is very doable.

You can mix some wyrd in too but as with any jack of all trades build you'll have to compromise somewhere and ultimately won't ever be as good at any one thing as dedicated melee/shooty gangs.
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All fear the Wall of Text!
Delaque need tricks. They can ape other gangs weapon strengths but not truly outclass them on conventional use alone.
(All discussed as per Class list)
The best delaque shooting weapons are thier great selection of pistols and mid range special weapons. Web guns and pistols are great (templates), Plasma anything always works and grav weapons are nasty.
However Cawdor and Orlocks will have far more templates, Orlocks have similar access to the plasma you do and both Esher and Van Saar will outclass you with plasma. Most other gangs do not run with grav guns but Van Saar do and like any shooting war they beat everyone at it. Depending on who you face all your great pistols and specials can either be matched, overwhelmed or surpassed by other gangs. You need to use each fighter with such weapons like a scalpel precise and accurate.
You have a fair amount of toxin weapons on your list (Esher will out do you on this it's kind of Thier thing) which can give your fighters a lot of punch above their weight. Or they only do Flesh Wounds. As others advance they get Tougher and your toxin gets less effective.

Your close combat options are either awesome, Naght ghuls shiver swords and serpent claws or Piscean, Psy-Gheist psychomantic claws, or alternatively just meh.
(Ok the Shock stave Stiletto knife and web gauntlet may technically be alright they just pale so much compared to the Naght ghul).
Both the Stiletto knife and web gauntlet do not improve with your fighter. As foes get tougher they get less effective. Other weapons linked to your fighters Strength at least can hit harder by improving your strength.

Your Basic weapons are just entirely average. Autoguns, lasguns and basic shotguns. That's it. (Throwing knives are auxiliary back up weapons really) No combat shotguns, no discounted others. No bolters.

While I am not a fan of heavy weapons, too expensive after adding suspensors, they very often add additional Range beyond 24" (which is mid range in my book). Delaque have access to none (the Unwieldy Heavy Flamer Template at 195 credits before 60 credits suspensors does not count. A awful weapon).
You do have Long rifles on your list for long range firepower. They are delightfully cheap reliable juve and ganger killers. However when your opponents use Heavy bolters, Cawdor crossbows, lascannons etc for that the long rifle starts to lose out in a long range shooting war.

Taken all together your weapons encourage you to get close under a little covering fire and then rely on close range means of death dealing either via Naght ghuls and Piseans or your great range of pistols, Meltaguns and Webguns. Being close, 12", is a dangerous place to be. Cawdor blunderpoles spam, Death Maidens, Stimmers, Corpse Grinders, Orlock Shotgun volleys etc are all nasty at that range unless you hit with knockout blows quickly. Even Van Saar can be deadly at that range. They have all your main shooting weapons or laser analogues (rad guns are perfectly decent template weapons different but similar role to Webguns). Van Saar are more accurate than you to boot.
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As previously discussed Delaque have a mide to close range sweet spot that is a dangerous place to be in.
To succeed in it the gang needs to be tricky.
They have many tricky Tactics cards if you use them but I would, in general not just delaque, not rely on specific ones alone. Some selections you choose, some are random, some you pick as the game progresses, sometimes none are available and some groups skip them entirely. I would study them and learn how to use them if the situation presents itself but they should not be your primary tactics.

The best way to defeat Delaque is to keep your gang within mutual support range, act as a team and focus your firepower and melee power on the heavy hitters of Masters of Shadows, Phantoms, Naght ghuls and Piseans.
As a delaque player you need to stop opponents doing that. A infiltrating Webguns phantom behind the opponent needs to be dealt with as do Naght ghuls popping up for a murder suprise. Yes the opponent gang could backtrack in mass to dealt with them but then they are not dealing with your main gang up field. If they split their forces to deal with both that still achieves your disruption aims.

Various grenades are also good disruption aids. Got a lethal fire lane covered in plasma cannon spam? Drop a smoke grenade. Have a Stimmer in position to rampage through your creepy weirdos? Plaster him with Stun grenades and photon grenades to cost him his actions. A stunned blind Stimmer is a big dumb stationary target. Do you have a Death Maiden about to venom you to death? Break them with a Scare gas grenade and watch them run for cover, safely away from your guys and gals.

Wyrd powers are also a solid option for target disruption. First of learn the Psychoteric Choirs rules loke the back of your hand. By having 3 friendly Delaque within 3" if the caster you gain 3" range on your power and make it harder to resist where applicable. Most of your Delaque powers are short to point blank range.
If a 3" range power is boosted to 6" it is not exactly safe but the Cawdor firebrand may not trip and fall and set you on fire at that range.
Also consider how long it takes to cast a power. (Simple) Are usually the best action efficiency wise. You can cast them twice an activation. You could Pin two foes a round with Spacial Psychosis so two opponents can not Charge or Aim and Shoot. (As a shooting fighter, Rapid fire and Blast/Template aside, they will either need Two guns Blazing with a BS penalty or Gunfighter to do that in one activation). You could cause two fighters to become Broken with Existential barrage and timed right could break many of their allies. Broken foes are not shooting/smashing you.
(Basic) Powers are trickier for you. They allow you to move into range and cast but given the short range and likelihood of moving out of Choir range you may find you fail to cast while being within spitting distance of a power axe. Other times you could cast then move (a favourite of mine is using Suicidal Embrace to get a Melee fighter to wack themselves in the head them merrily dance away. Poor dumb Goliath).
(Double) Powers are really near impossible to use outside of a Overseer order. They generally have very short range and if you are that close you are either in trouble or it is better to coup de grace.
If you do go psychic powers look at the Outcast powers. You pick your First Whisper but then asna Psyker you can gain access to the disciplines in that book. You can't gain the discipline special ability but a great many of those powers rule and fit very well into Delaque sneaky tricks.
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First of learn the Psychoteric Choirs rules loke the back of your hand. By having 3 friendly Delaque within 3" if the caster you gain 3" range on your power and make it harder to resist where applicable.
I've found it quite hard to effectively set up "large" choirs :(.

Having a blob of 4x models (the psyker + 3 others) is a surprising luxury to have.

Usually I'll end up with 1-2 models in choir range if I'm trying pretty hard. (which is still a good boost).
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I've never liked it, 4 models in 3" of eachother is asking for every blast template in the game to come your way
But when you do it on the powers that do not require line of sight...

Also it applies to the worm as well. You could have your Psy-Gheist and his three meat shields (that's how you pronounce Shadows right?) Safely tucked behind that bunker while the worm does all the dangerous work.

The Choir, regardless of size, can also freely do other stuff like shooting etc so at least they don't just spend their activation creepily muttering.
I still think an extra 3" range on the very mediocre wyrd powers is a poor trade off for the amount of board control you have to cede to keep 4 models together, and the risk imposed by packing gangers together. Even in a deployment (10) game that's a lot of models having to stay close together for a very very limited benefit
I still think an extra 3" range on the very mediocre wyrd powers is a poor trade off for the amount of board control you have to cede to keep 4 models together, and the risk imposed by packing gangers together. Even in a deployment (10) game that's a lot of models having to stay close together for a very very limited benefit
This is the crux of the issue, the powers aren't worth this level of commitment :(.

Don't get me wrong I do like having a psy-gheist and maybe a psy-phantom (generally with spatial psychosis and a scarce weapon). But I'm def not going to dedicate 3x models (likely juves) to following either of them around.
If you are new and just want something reliable to get in some good hits with then I recomend starting the game with a Piscean Spector. Under the new rules you can start game one with a brute, and the Spector is one of the best in the game. That will alllow you to make some mistakes in your list building and tabletop tactics, because the big fish is just such a menace.

Re: Psychic powers... I've played around with these a lot. I've tried really leaning into the Delaque ones and it's not really worth it. Especialy if you're a new player. There are some that are sort of good (e.g. Penumbral mirror). But on the whole they are really quite weak. So your goal should be to get enough XP in order to start using the non-Delaque powers.

If you want to dablle with the powers, I recomend only doing it with one fighter in your gang as a beginner. There's a few ways to go about this. I'll give you some options...

You could simply make your Spector a psyker. Either give it A Perfect Void, or Spatial Psychosis as its starting power. Spatial Psychosis gives the Spector a ranged ability that it can pop off twice per turn, A Perfect Void gives it some much needed extra protection (there are ways to negate it, but it's better than nothing). Because it'll wrack up kills very quickly, you should have enough XP for the regular Wyrd powers early on, at which point the Spector will be absolutely terrifying.

You could make your leader a psycher, and give him Penumbral Mirror. This will allow you to hurl units at your enemy (the Spector, and Nachtguls are particularly scary). The nice thing about it is you can even hurl them into engagement range. So if you time it right, your Spector could charge and kill someone, and then in the same turn your Leader could use PM to get the Spector back into close combat with a new model. It won't be able to attack again that round but most fighters who attack a Spector are going to die from the counter attack.
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