All fear the Wall of Text!
Delaque need tricks. They can ape other gangs weapon strengths but not truly outclass them on conventional use alone.
(All discussed as per Class list)
The best delaque shooting weapons are thier great selection of pistols and mid range special weapons. Web guns and pistols are great (templates), Plasma anything always works and grav weapons are nasty.
However Cawdor and Orlocks will have far more templates, Orlocks have similar access to the plasma you do and both Esher and Van Saar will outclass you with plasma. Most other gangs do not run with grav guns but Van Saar do and like any shooting war they beat everyone at it. Depending on who you face all your great pistols and specials can either be matched, overwhelmed or surpassed by other gangs. You need to use each fighter with such weapons like a scalpel precise and accurate.
You have a fair amount of toxin weapons on your list (Esher will out do you on this it's kind of Thier thing) which can give your fighters a lot of punch above their weight. Or they only do Flesh Wounds. As others advance they get Tougher and your toxin gets less effective.
Your close combat options are either awesome, Naght ghuls shiver swords and serpent claws or Piscean, Psy-Gheist psychomantic claws, or alternatively just meh.
(Ok the Shock stave Stiletto knife and web gauntlet may technically be alright they just pale so much compared to the Naght ghul).
Both the Stiletto knife and web gauntlet do not improve with your fighter. As foes get tougher they get less effective. Other weapons linked to your fighters Strength at least can hit harder by improving your strength.
Your Basic weapons are just entirely average. Autoguns, lasguns and basic shotguns. That's it. (Throwing knives are auxiliary back up weapons really) No combat shotguns, no discounted others. No bolters.
While I am not a fan of heavy weapons, too expensive after adding suspensors, they very often add additional Range beyond 24" (which is mid range in my book). Delaque have access to none (the Unwieldy Heavy Flamer Template at 195 credits before 60 credits suspensors does not count. A awful weapon).
You do have Long rifles on your list for long range firepower. They are delightfully cheap reliable juve and ganger killers. However when your opponents use Heavy bolters, Cawdor crossbows, lascannons etc for that the long rifle starts to lose out in a long range shooting war.
Taken all together your weapons encourage you to get close under a little covering fire and then rely on close range means of death dealing either via Naght ghuls and Piseans or your great range of pistols, Meltaguns and Webguns. Being close, 12", is a dangerous place to be. Cawdor blunderpoles spam, Death Maidens, Stimmers, Corpse Grinders, Orlock Shotgun volleys etc are all nasty at that range unless you hit with knockout blows quickly. Even Van Saar can be deadly at that range. They have all your main shooting weapons or laser analogues (rad guns are perfectly decent template weapons different but similar role to Webguns). Van Saar are more accurate than you to boot.