N18 Delaque Psyk. Gang 1st build ide


New Member
Jun 10, 2022
First off I’d like to say hi and thank you. I’m more of a painter/modeler than a player. I enjoy building a painting themed armies/teams etc. I’ve never played Necromunda and I don’t know anyone in my area that could show me.

That being said, I’d like to build and paint a 1K Delaque gang that is based around the Delaque Nacht-Ghul, Psy-Gheists and Piscean Spektor box set. I know the other is key as well. I just love the models in that set.

I’d like something that IS playable at 1K but it’s really about me painting it and displaying it. What is a feasible list?

Thank you.
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From experience Delaque is a hard first gang to set up and play. I feel like there psionics are not as useful as some of the other gangs benefits. I played a skirmish game with my Piscean Spektor it was blown of the table first round, a big target for other gangs. The Nacht-Ghul is a heavy hitter, probably the best in the gang. I will put another one in my gang when my prospect can promote.
From experience Delaque is a hard first gang to set up and play. I feel like there psionics are not as useful as some of the other gangs benefits. I played a skirmish game with my Piscean Spektor it was blown of the table first round, a big target for other gangs. The Nacht-Ghul is a heavy hitter, probably the best in the gang. I will put another one in my gang when my prospect can promote.
Psy gheists are in the best place in the game to promote but even then it's really damm hard and you shouldn't rely on it happening
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The box has 7 figs. Cephalopod is cool and very capable on paper. But, you can't start with it. Gotta recruit it later. Nact-Ghul are awesome close combat monsters (Infiltrate and Serpant's Claws). The sword is OK, so no reason not to diversify. Psy-Gheist just don't live up to the hype. They are expensive and almost, but not quite, useful. Great models, though. The Wyrms only come with the Psy-Gheist, so of limited use. So four models are just a crying shame.
Hello there, i was having the same thought, however, i'm a bit more of a player that play the game for the rule, and i like to spend a lot of time in list creation, and here is one of the best list i landed on while using a novice spyker and a nacht-ghul : https://yaktribe.games/underhive/gang/copy_of_les_ombres_rouges.299675/
(You can drop the worm to add an other psyker and maybe a ganger(spé) with a long rifle, or save even more credits by dropping the worm and buying a juve at 25 with maybe one smoke grenade to but ASAP the picsean spektor).
This list may have a small number of body, however, with Overwatch on a grav-gun, faceless on the phantom, and the psy-power on the worm, along side the 2 juve (6" movement and 2 webpistol are awful to deal against), they are very thought to deal with. If you play with alliance, you should consider playing with the house TY, so you Can have 2 more body on the board, however if you dont want to go to hard on your Friends, don't do it, it may be a bit to much to handle ;D
I Hope i'm not answering tour thread too late, also sorry for my bad englisch.
I have just started a campaign with this exact idea behind my gang creation.

Master: Web Gauntlet, Stubgun, 'Backstab' 140cr
Nachtghul: Fangs, Mesh, 'Spring Up' 215cr
Phantom: Lasgun, 'Rumour Monger' 100cr
Psy-Gheist: Worm, Stiletto, 'Unrememberable Utterance' 150cr
Psy-Gheist: Worm, Stiletto, 'Penumbral Mirror', 'Eternal Slumber' 150cr
Shadow: Stubgun, Smoke Grenades 45cr
Shadow: Stubgun, Smoke Grenades 45cr
Ghost Specialist: Webgun 155cr

I have started the campaign with an alliance with House Ty which gives you a free Psychoteric Whisper.
You also get to take an Onmyodo Coven which consists of a Telepath and a Null. The Telepath allows any friendly fighter within 6" who can draw LOS to use its Cool and Willpower instead of their own.
This means a Psy-Gheist goes from Will 8+ to Will 5+, making them much more effective.
Combined with your worms and an extra choir member or 2 and your Psy-Gheists become scarier than your Nachtghul
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Nachtsword, thanks for you'r advice on the list, gavent think at all about the Inspirational Leader rule, thatns nice ;D.
With delaque, you have access to a tactic card that turns the light off, and you have very cheap access to photogogles. So you just use the pitch Black rule to it's full extent, with psy power without LOS, that's fun ^^
How does this list play? I'd be concerned about the lack of ranged firepower; you've only got a single 24" weapon and it's only a lasgun.
Playdled my first game on the weekend against squats on a ZM table.
The key to this list is multiple threats and action control.
None of the chosen whispers require LOS so the Gheists hide and use the worms to cast through.
Lasgunner sits back with the Gheists as protection with the Obmyodo Telepath providing her 5+ Will. Depending on how I deploy the leader I can have a 3 member choir allowing my Leader to group activate, Mirror 24", then rear charge with a Str5 web gauntlet.
Nachtghul deploys anywhere on the table any turn AFTER the first. So he doesn't even need to be on the table to affect your opponent.
Webgunner, Juves and the Onmyodo Null then deploy forward.
Juves use their Smoke Grenades to block LOS to key gang members then run interference.
Webgunner is looking for any bunched up enemies. Str5 is almost guaranteeing at least 1 serious injury per game, last game he got 2 on his first shot, and then Gheist Slumbers through the worm.
Onmyodo Null hunts opponents psykers and provides support with her Boltgun and Power Sword.
Use of cover and controlling LOS is key but when you can get a charge from 24" away on 1 turn you don't need much Long Range Firepower.
Tactics cards also make a huge difference.
Plan to get a Piscean Spechtre during Downtime then "Mirror/Charge" it into all of my opponents biggest threats.
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