

Gang Hero
Yak Comp 1st Place
Nov 1, 2017

I was wondering how many Yaktribe friends are in mainland Europe and also be interested in attending a Tribemeet Germany?

I'm not saying I will organise one, but theoretically if I was to, how many would be interested and where would it need to be held. For example, i live in Nordrhein Westfalen and a meet there would be a hard yes, but in a different Bundesland is only a maybe.
Gutentag bruder!
When is that big games convention in Essen on again? (Spiel?)
Maybe a meet-up based around that might be viable?
Gutentag bruder!
When is that big games convention in Essen on again? (Spiel?)
Maybe a meet-up based around that might be viable?
Great idea, big bro. I just looked it up. The international board game convention is on 6th til 9th October. So maybe 4th and 5th. But then I think the 3rd is a public holiday.
Unfortunately I won't be able to, but good luck and greetings from Württemberg.
And greetings from Wesel.

If it were a different time and place would that be more appealing? Or is it not your thing? The thing with Essen is just one suggestion.
Depending where exactly it would happen, I'd be interested as well, if Germany-adjacent peoples are invited too. Essen is a bit far, but combining it with Spiel would make the trip tempting. But really, I know me, I already ruminated going to the next UK Tribemeet because who is going to stop me, so something like Essen isn't necessarily a requirement to tempt me out of my trans-alpine redoubt.
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So I left this idea cool off, because I had plenty of time to think about it. Now it feels too late to organise anything considering how much effort it would take anyone to come.
I live close to Germany in the Netherlands. If it is within a nice distance, I would certainly try to meet up.
In your bio it says you live in Arnhem? I live in Voerde, just past Wesel. About an hour drive away. 🤗

Since it would be such a small turnout I was thinking that it might be better to offer to host it in my apartment, rather than splitting the cost of a conference room between only about 4 people. But I would still need to negotiate things with the wife.
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I know this is an old thread but the idea still troubles me. So I want to just do it, with firm dates and stuff.

I want to make a new thread but before I do want to get some feedback of what event people want. I have a couple of questions.

Dates and location?
I am planning for 24th and 25th of August. (Not the time the next Spiel Messe event is on, as I can't get time off at then).
Location is my home, to reduce costs, planning considerations, etc.
So I want to know...
1- if these seem like good arrangements?
2- if people are interested in a 2 day event or only 1 day?

I'm only planning to open it to myself and 5 others, but if many more are willing to make definite plans to come it may need re-planning.

Setting and system?
First, do you want to play new Necromunda or Necromunda Community Edition (NCE)?
Second, do you want to set it...
A) in good old Hive Primus
B) follow the setting of the main UK Tribemeet
C) base it in the Underhive of a different hive
D) base it in a completely new setting like a different planet

A regular feature of other tribemeets are regular Thundercube pit slave fights and maybe a chance to try out a different game (like BFG)
So are you interested in Thundercube, or some other side game like Necromunda soccer or a beast fight?
Are there any games you would really like to present and play as a side to the event?

So I suppose that is 6 questions. I would appreciate any and all replies, but especially those that might consider the journey to Voerde, near Dusseldorf in Germany. Especially @CaptainDangerous , @NoOneII. , @Sundown Dreamer , @SuboptimusPrime , @Vertico & @OhGodItBurns069 for showing support already.
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I would like to leave this "questionnaire" up for 2 or 3 weeks before making a thread for Tribemeet Europe / Germany.
I'm seeing a return flight on 23rd-26th August 2024 from my Friendly Local International Airport to Dusseldorf for £154. Hopefully Dusseldorf is Friendly and Local enough on your end?

Everyone who is local or more able to turn up should take precedence, but as long as the prices hold for the next few months and I can budget for the trip, I could be interested in a two-day event - I reckon that flights on a Sunday would be problematic for me anyway. If the player limit is reached I'm happy to bow out.

I'd be for playing NCE over Newcromunda, but the overall narrative doesn't matter to me as long as it's not some convoluted mess like the current Newcromunda lore.

Minigames might be nice, but should just be a nice, simple little side-game or taster for a different system; not sure how much I'd be able to bring on the flight without paying for baggage.

The "minigame" could even be a little one-shot RPG session on the Saturday night? Pre-made characters and a little dungeon crawl or similar, play through the night? If that would appeal to enough people, and if I were to turn up, I could get my head around running an RPG session (I'd want to know what systems and settings people would want to play, though, to prep it beforehand).
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I would really like to join, but I think for me it will be just 1 day.
The proposed day(s) should work for me where we plan to go on summerholiday early.
Considering my preferences, I go along with the majority. I would be very happy with getting some games in. 😇
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Don't worry. This hasn't been forgotten again. I'm just working on a LDZA project and don't want to over do it then not give either the concentration they deserve.

I have written the introductory posts and had them proof read. So when I get more sorted then I will make the thread.
Starting a campaign at the moment in order to build up a Necromunda scene in my area. I’ll be busy at least until summer. Nonetheless I would attend a meetup in DE.
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