Easy Enforcer head swaps?


Gang Champion
Nov 9, 2018
One of my projects for the summer is a small Badzone Enforcers gang, using half a box of Enforcers and Subjugators and a couple boxes of Hive Scum. There are few things I hate more than working with green stuff or building up necks for head swaps, and as such I would tremendously appreciate any recommendations of appropriate heads that will play nicely with the Enforcers kits (or advice on making the process of matching heads to their neck joints a little less painful; on past projects with similar head swaps I’ve frequently wound up with heads that are tilted a little off axis or an obvious mismatched join where one part was filed flat).

In particular, I’m curious if anyone’s tried heads from the newer Cadian Shock Troops— they seem like they have a very similar flat join, with a similar amount of neck attached to the head. The Cadian upgrade set (which I’d be happy to pick up and hold on to until 10th edition 40K gets its Genestealer Cult codex and whatever passes for Battle Brothers rules this time around) has a great selection of bare heads, including multiple female options and a bandaged one that’d be perfect for a poorly supplied outland patrol.
I have done it myself a Victoria Miniatures head. Very straightforward. Let me check and see if it's in my thread.
ed - Ok, found it.
I have done it myself a Victoria Miniatures head. Very straightforward. Let me check and see if it's in my thread.
ed - Ok, found it.
Awesome, thanks! This gives me a lot to work with. Did you have to hollow out the Enforcers’ neck pieces at all to make some of these fits work?
The first picture will show it but yes. I cut out everything except for the collar. The Enforcer box has a number of head poses so choose a neck that is the rough direction the cut everything out and place the head of your choice.
Didn't have to make any other mods than the neck/collar piece.