okay, using NCE costs, and assuming 15 creds for a shield and 5 for excutioner shells then balanced load out comes to 1310 in creds alone (detailed breakdown below). When you factor in exp plus starting skills then get very high rating... and thats before a spec weapon, or mastiff get in...
Detailed breakdown:
Sarge, carapace, plasma pistol, shock maul
heavy, carapace, heavy stubber
enforcer, carapace, shock maul, suppression shield
enforcer, carapace, shock maul, suppression shield
enforcer, carapace, shotgun, excutioner rounds, bolt pistol
enforcer, carapace, shotgun, excutioner rounds, bolt pistol
enforcer, carapace, shotgun, excutioner rounds, bolt pistol
Thats a fairly light load out (no nades, visors, contacts, back up for heavy, etc etc) and its already massivly more than a usual gang... I'd estimate a starting gang rating would be pushing 1800's without breaking sweat which is a lot against maybe 1200-1300 starting usual gang...