N18 Enyoss' N20: or how I learned to stop complaining and tweaked N18

I like It a lot!
However, how this "fix" interact with things from HoC? Like the subtype of fighters and all the perks?
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I think putting a limit of 15 models on board at any given time is kinda needed. Otherwise game becomes very slow in my experience. In scenarios that allow your gang to be deployed allow reinforcements, but always having 15 or less fighters on the board.

Yeah, a cap on the number of fighters seems reasonable to be honest. I think Custom (X) Reinforcemants (Y) would have worked, along with the Underdog system they printed in WD (which I've also used).
I like It a lot!
However, how this "fix" interact with things from HoC? Like the subtype of fighters and all the perks?

Without being patronising - that is a very, very good question! And one which has been kicked about a lot in my gaming group.

My initial, shoot from the hip and haven't read the book properly response, is that it should still fit. I have a couple of ways of doing it but don't think they're ready for here just yet.

It would still be along the lines of my current approach though - that those champion types should be organic developments within the system, not so much pre-bought.

Juve prospects would fit just fine. I think they'd start where Juves are now or maybe one/two bands up, and I suspect the "promote ex-Juves only" result would become "promote ex-Prospects only". I.e. Juves flow through the ganger and specialist route, Prospects flow through the ganger and champion route.

I'm looking forward to finalising that though. No games for a few weeks obviously, so although the work-life-became-home-life thing is eating my free time, it's probably not a bad time to nail it down.
Im quite new to necromunda but I like what you've done here alot! Just one quick question that I dont really understand when it comes to fighter advancements. What does the "Fighter type" column do? Does a leader start at band 8 and with 21 experiance? Or do all fighters start at band 0?
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Im quite new to necromunda but I like what you've done here alot! Just one quick question that I dont really understand when it comes to fighter advancements. What does the "Fighter type" column do? Does a leader start at band 8 and with 21 experiance? Or do all fighters start at band 0?

No worries! Yep, that's right, each fighter starts on the band where their type appears. So a leader starts at Band 8, on 21XP, and accrues from there. The starting advances they get and their baseline stats represent their journey to band 8 beforehand.

Hope that makes sense?
Just reread your rule sets and have to ask, how is 200 cred Aberrants going down with your GSC players?

Ha! Good question. The answer is that it's going down a lot better than the base game cost :LOL:.

Before I got to the GSC rules we did have a player use the RAW cult and it was immediately noticeable how brutally powerful Aberrants were, especially against the other 'recalibrated' gangs using these rules. As in, mopping up entire gangs on their own powerful. I think I said it before, but it's easy to underestimate how big a discount the champions and other special fighters get in the RAW game, relative to gangers.

So while 200 seems steep, it seems to work ok. Although I'd say we have more games to get in to judge it for sure.
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If you decrease Van Saar shooting to 3+, do they get anything in return?

In essence, yes - they get a different advance. That is, it's not like Leaders and Champions are paying for something and not getting it - they simply aren't allowed to get a BS advance out of the starting blocks, so will get something else instead. Be that a skill, or toughness, or wounds, or whatever.

Trimming Van Saar BS at gang creation is actually one of the most popular changes, even with Van Saar players (who were, admittedly, getting slightly fed up of the easy-mode jibes).
No worries! Yep, that's right, each fighter starts on the band where their type appears. So a leader starts at Band 8, on 21XP, and accrues from there. The starting advances they get and their baseline stats represent their journey to band 8 beforehand.

Hope that makes sense?
Makes sense, thank you for explaining! :)
The advancement rules seem like they're right out of Mordheim. Which is not a bad thing, it's just funny how things can come full circle.
I like some of what I see, I'll download and take a closer look. I can already tell I'll be borrowing the free mental upgrade for taking a random skill rule. I love it!
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