Hey folks,
New Necromunda player here (WFB & 40K vet of old), having a first go at pulling together and Escher list and want to see what the community thinks. Would like to avoid any glaring issues, so here it is:
Queen: Spring Up, Mesh Armour, Undersuit, Chainaxe, Plasma Pistol, Lasgun = 250c
Champ: Dodge, Mesh Armour, Plasma Gun, stubgun, Stilleto knife = 240c
Maiden: Combat Vituoso, Mesh Armour, Needle Pistol, Stilleto Sword, Throwing Knives, Chem-Syth = 205c
Specialist: Needle rifle, lasgun, Mesh Armour = 105c
2x Gang Sisters: lasguns = 2x 55c
Wee sister: autopistol = 30c
Wee sister: stubgun with dum dums = 30c
Wee sister: laspistol = 30c
Total = 1000c
Basically, I love the idea of the Death Maidens, love the idea of Toxins but also don't want to go too heavy into either and maintain some long-range firepower, all while maintaining a decent body count. A few things that i'm concerned about and would love some thoughts on:
- backup guns (Queen, Champ, Maiden, Specialist). I thought this was a decent backup piece, as i'm concerned that if their special weapons run dry, they are forced to combat-only or shy away from engagement. Looking around other lists, this doesn't seem to be a concern. Is running out of ammo so unlikely? Am I being too careful here?
- armour. I really don't like the idea of having Flak armour as a basic that you have to pay for. yes, it's better than nothing but with so many weapons having modifiers, it seems almost a waste, so i've gone with Mesh for those characters I actually want to keep alive and the rest... well, it's a short life in the Hive!
- grenades. Photon and smoke grenades seem to be all over the shop but having not played a game yet, I struggle to justify their cost in my gang. Am I missing a trick here? Are they really more of a standard, especially given the fragility of these ladies?
- Wyld Sisters & Catdogs (Phelynx). They look very cool but the stats are just horrible for the cost. Also, really don't like the idea that all you have to do is kill a 1W T3 lgihtly (or not at all) armoured ganger and any pets just dispensary, taking a large chunk of your points along with them. Is this the case or is there a trick here to using these gals? Isn't an equal amount of other Gangers just better?
- upgrade path. I really don't know how fast you get creds and what to even upgrade to after the first few games. I assume you start getting better armour and weapons, start thinking about Clan Chemysts etc. What sort of things should I consider as my priorities after the first few games?
Appreciate you folk reading this and looking forward to reading your replies!
New Necromunda player here (WFB & 40K vet of old), having a first go at pulling together and Escher list and want to see what the community thinks. Would like to avoid any glaring issues, so here it is:
Queen: Spring Up, Mesh Armour, Undersuit, Chainaxe, Plasma Pistol, Lasgun = 250c
Champ: Dodge, Mesh Armour, Plasma Gun, stubgun, Stilleto knife = 240c
Maiden: Combat Vituoso, Mesh Armour, Needle Pistol, Stilleto Sword, Throwing Knives, Chem-Syth = 205c
Specialist: Needle rifle, lasgun, Mesh Armour = 105c
2x Gang Sisters: lasguns = 2x 55c
Wee sister: autopistol = 30c
Wee sister: stubgun with dum dums = 30c
Wee sister: laspistol = 30c
Total = 1000c
Basically, I love the idea of the Death Maidens, love the idea of Toxins but also don't want to go too heavy into either and maintain some long-range firepower, all while maintaining a decent body count. A few things that i'm concerned about and would love some thoughts on:
- backup guns (Queen, Champ, Maiden, Specialist). I thought this was a decent backup piece, as i'm concerned that if their special weapons run dry, they are forced to combat-only or shy away from engagement. Looking around other lists, this doesn't seem to be a concern. Is running out of ammo so unlikely? Am I being too careful here?
- armour. I really don't like the idea of having Flak armour as a basic that you have to pay for. yes, it's better than nothing but with so many weapons having modifiers, it seems almost a waste, so i've gone with Mesh for those characters I actually want to keep alive and the rest... well, it's a short life in the Hive!
- grenades. Photon and smoke grenades seem to be all over the shop but having not played a game yet, I struggle to justify their cost in my gang. Am I missing a trick here? Are they really more of a standard, especially given the fragility of these ladies?
- Wyld Sisters & Catdogs (Phelynx). They look very cool but the stats are just horrible for the cost. Also, really don't like the idea that all you have to do is kill a 1W T3 lgihtly (or not at all) armoured ganger and any pets just dispensary, taking a large chunk of your points along with them. Is this the case or is there a trick here to using these gals? Isn't an equal amount of other Gangers just better?
- upgrade path. I really don't know how fast you get creds and what to even upgrade to after the first few games. I assume you start getting better armour and weapons, start thinking about Clan Chemysts etc. What sort of things should I consider as my priorities after the first few games?
Appreciate you folk reading this and looking forward to reading your replies!