So I'm still relatively new to the current Necromunda ruleset and haven't been this excited to play a GW game since 40k rules got sent down the Heat Sink Shaft. Since I have chosen Delaque, I have quite a few questions regarding Exotic Beasts. I'm only 2 games in, but I have been watching quite a few batreps and what I'm seeing is conflicting with how I am reading the rules. So I'm looking for some clarification because I'm trying to make sure I'm playing it correctly. From what I've seen, Pets players seem to be cherry picking the rules, not for any intentional exploit, but just to simplify the game because it's how it should work narratively
1 - The rule says that Exotic Beasts must stay within 3" of their handler. This is the BIGGEST one that just rubs me the wrong way when I'm watching Batreps. One way to read this is that Beasts can never leave their Handler when activating, effectively putting an 3" leash on an Exotic Pets activation. This would mean that the handler would have activate first during it's Group Activation so that the Pets have a 3" bubble they can go to be effective. I'm not seeing this in the Batreps. I don't believe that Pets HAVE to stay in 3" because the rule also says that if a Pet is outside of 3" at the end of their activation, they must make a nerve test or become broken. Group Activations are not simultaneous and must be completely resolved before the next member of the group activates. Wouldn't this mean that as each pet activates and moves, they would have to test after it has performed it's actions before it's handler activates as part of a group activation? I'm not seeing this in Batreps either which is why I'm confused. Is there some rule I am missing, or is it just a commonly accepted house rule to check at the end of a group activation?
2 - During the Rally step, do Pets get to roll to Rally? Do they get the bonus if there is another model within 3", including other Pets? I'm going to assume this one is a Yes to both. The Exotic Pets rule only covers what to do differently when it is Broken at the start of it's activation, which is different to how a Broken fighter behaves. I'm genuinely curious here since I haven't seen this at all, probably because I haven't seen any players rolling Nerve tests after their individual Pets activate. Not a true exploit, but if this is how it's supposed to be done then wouldn't the pets get the XP for rallying on their own? The potential is there if you have to test and get +1 for the handler in addition to any other models/pets in range at the end of every turn. This creates one situation where you can have Readied Pets outside of the 3".
3 - Exotic pets can only be activated as part of a Group Activation. Group activations are done at the start of a handlers activation, so you can't even move then Group activate to try and trigger the pets activation. Which to me causes more problems and makes quite a few of the Pets rules irrelevant. Why have a pet take a Nerve test if he can't ever activate? If he is Broken, when is he going to activate to do the Run for Cover action? If 2 is what happens, then you have a fighter with a ready token who can't activate anyways, so he is potentially worse off than a Broken Pet since he won't even force move depending on how that's resolved. This isn't just a 'make sure you keep your pets' close. There are several in game effects, like knockback/falling, or there a few psychic powers that also separate handlers from pets. I've seen a few effects where friendly models get treated as enemy models. This could also shut down Pets activating in their various states. Seems like a lot of stuff in print with the intent to explain what should happen when there is no mechanic to allow it to happen in the first place.
4 - Chain Group Activation. This is a simple one. I'm aware that normal Chain Group Activations are specifically not allowed, and that Pet Activations are always allowed to chain, that's not the question. The question is does the Pet Activation join the Pool of Group Activations, or does it create a bubble of Activations within the Group Activation. ie. Do I have to Activate the Pet when I activate it's handler (or Vice Versa)? Or can I activate the handler/pet then resolve the other Group members, then come back to the readied handler/pet? More Delaque related, and is very situational but it has already happened in one game. The Wyrm Activated, moved into a position to cover two separate targets as a node, then the leader activated to take down the closest enemy model. The plan was if I failed to take down the nearest threat with my leader, then attempt to lock him down using a Power. If I did lock him down with the leader, then I could use the power to lock up the other non-threat enemy. My opponent simply asked if I needed to activate both the handler and pet at the same time and I didn't have an answer.
5 - If it is possible to have a Broken Pet within 3" of it's handler (based on 1 and 2), then the Pet should be limited to the Run for Cover(D) action. They don't have to Run for Cover if they are within 3" of their handler, but wouldn't be able to do anything else since they're treated as broken. Since they don't rally until the end of their activation, this should create a scenario similar to above where the handler is forced to activate first to give the pets a model to run toward or risk remaining broken. Again haven't seen this in any Batreps because the check to see if pets are within 3" appears to be done at the end of each Group Activation, and not at any other stage.
6 - I don't see ANY restriction that states that Pets HAVE to be deployed within 3" of their handler, but it just makes sense to do so. The test to break isn't done until the end of their activations so they could start protecting a different Gang member at the start of the game. They just won't be able to activate until in range of their Handler, which means they'll never have to take Nerve Tests. I'm NOT trying to break the game, or looking for exploits here, but I'm sure there are. I'm just trying to find different options. Spektors for example, have 'Watchdog' that isn't tied to being within 3" of the handler. Might be more inclined to take them if I can at least plant them in a Sentries mission providing a challenge for my opponent. I can't be the only one with pets that do stuff outside of their handlers range, but just looking for what's allowed at this point.
7 - (Tied to 6) I've read the discussion in several places on how Pets interact with 'Infiltrate', and I'm inclined to agree that both handler and pet needs to have Infiltrate to benefit from it. (Though the thought of the Handler being sneaky while carrying his pet as a funny argument to allow it!). Unless there is an outside effect, there doesn't appear to be a way for Pets to acquire 'Infiltrate'. This is more Delaque specific since I am unaware of other pets that might have more than 3", but Psychoteric Wyrms are 12" instead of 3". If I, or anyone who wants to really, want the handler to 'Infiltrate', I don't see any restriction from using it because of the Pet. I am fully aware that Delaque have a much easier time giving Infiltrate to the Pet than all of the other gangs. It's quite easy for the Handler to 'Infiltrate' and keep the Wyrm inside 12" so I can still activate him. I know the reverse is true for Van Saar and the Spiders. Not sure if they follow the rules for Pets, but the Spiders can have 'Infiltrate' and their handler doesn't.
TIA for reading. I do plan on keeping my pets in range as often as possible like I've been seeing in the batreps. I'm just trying to see if the benefits of having pets outweigh the risks, and what exactly all the risks could be/are to judge when to take them or not.
1 - The rule says that Exotic Beasts must stay within 3" of their handler. This is the BIGGEST one that just rubs me the wrong way when I'm watching Batreps. One way to read this is that Beasts can never leave their Handler when activating, effectively putting an 3" leash on an Exotic Pets activation. This would mean that the handler would have activate first during it's Group Activation so that the Pets have a 3" bubble they can go to be effective. I'm not seeing this in the Batreps. I don't believe that Pets HAVE to stay in 3" because the rule also says that if a Pet is outside of 3" at the end of their activation, they must make a nerve test or become broken. Group Activations are not simultaneous and must be completely resolved before the next member of the group activates. Wouldn't this mean that as each pet activates and moves, they would have to test after it has performed it's actions before it's handler activates as part of a group activation? I'm not seeing this in Batreps either which is why I'm confused. Is there some rule I am missing, or is it just a commonly accepted house rule to check at the end of a group activation?
2 - During the Rally step, do Pets get to roll to Rally? Do they get the bonus if there is another model within 3", including other Pets? I'm going to assume this one is a Yes to both. The Exotic Pets rule only covers what to do differently when it is Broken at the start of it's activation, which is different to how a Broken fighter behaves. I'm genuinely curious here since I haven't seen this at all, probably because I haven't seen any players rolling Nerve tests after their individual Pets activate. Not a true exploit, but if this is how it's supposed to be done then wouldn't the pets get the XP for rallying on their own? The potential is there if you have to test and get +1 for the handler in addition to any other models/pets in range at the end of every turn. This creates one situation where you can have Readied Pets outside of the 3".
3 - Exotic pets can only be activated as part of a Group Activation. Group activations are done at the start of a handlers activation, so you can't even move then Group activate to try and trigger the pets activation. Which to me causes more problems and makes quite a few of the Pets rules irrelevant. Why have a pet take a Nerve test if he can't ever activate? If he is Broken, when is he going to activate to do the Run for Cover action? If 2 is what happens, then you have a fighter with a ready token who can't activate anyways, so he is potentially worse off than a Broken Pet since he won't even force move depending on how that's resolved. This isn't just a 'make sure you keep your pets' close. There are several in game effects, like knockback/falling, or there a few psychic powers that also separate handlers from pets. I've seen a few effects where friendly models get treated as enemy models. This could also shut down Pets activating in their various states. Seems like a lot of stuff in print with the intent to explain what should happen when there is no mechanic to allow it to happen in the first place.
4 - Chain Group Activation. This is a simple one. I'm aware that normal Chain Group Activations are specifically not allowed, and that Pet Activations are always allowed to chain, that's not the question. The question is does the Pet Activation join the Pool of Group Activations, or does it create a bubble of Activations within the Group Activation. ie. Do I have to Activate the Pet when I activate it's handler (or Vice Versa)? Or can I activate the handler/pet then resolve the other Group members, then come back to the readied handler/pet? More Delaque related, and is very situational but it has already happened in one game. The Wyrm Activated, moved into a position to cover two separate targets as a node, then the leader activated to take down the closest enemy model. The plan was if I failed to take down the nearest threat with my leader, then attempt to lock him down using a Power. If I did lock him down with the leader, then I could use the power to lock up the other non-threat enemy. My opponent simply asked if I needed to activate both the handler and pet at the same time and I didn't have an answer.
** None of it made a difference but I'd like to know. The Leader failed to even hit the threat, then the Power failed to pin the threat after 2x attempts. It was only then we realised that the order in which I resolved the actions wouldn't have made a difference. I could've started with the Leader, then activate the Wyrm to do what I needed to anyways with the handler activating right after for the exact same effect. I could've made a smarter decision and not expose the Wyrm and turn the non-threat model into a threat, but I was trying to take advantage of the burrowing rule to get at the model my Leader was going after. It was only then I foundd out that I didn't need to do that because LoS wasn't required on the power.
5 - If it is possible to have a Broken Pet within 3" of it's handler (based on 1 and 2), then the Pet should be limited to the Run for Cover(D) action. They don't have to Run for Cover if they are within 3" of their handler, but wouldn't be able to do anything else since they're treated as broken. Since they don't rally until the end of their activation, this should create a scenario similar to above where the handler is forced to activate first to give the pets a model to run toward or risk remaining broken. Again haven't seen this in any Batreps because the check to see if pets are within 3" appears to be done at the end of each Group Activation, and not at any other stage.
6 - I don't see ANY restriction that states that Pets HAVE to be deployed within 3" of their handler, but it just makes sense to do so. The test to break isn't done until the end of their activations so they could start protecting a different Gang member at the start of the game. They just won't be able to activate until in range of their Handler, which means they'll never have to take Nerve Tests. I'm NOT trying to break the game, or looking for exploits here, but I'm sure there are. I'm just trying to find different options. Spektors for example, have 'Watchdog' that isn't tied to being within 3" of the handler. Might be more inclined to take them if I can at least plant them in a Sentries mission providing a challenge for my opponent. I can't be the only one with pets that do stuff outside of their handlers range, but just looking for what's allowed at this point.
7 - (Tied to 6) I've read the discussion in several places on how Pets interact with 'Infiltrate', and I'm inclined to agree that both handler and pet needs to have Infiltrate to benefit from it. (Though the thought of the Handler being sneaky while carrying his pet as a funny argument to allow it!). Unless there is an outside effect, there doesn't appear to be a way for Pets to acquire 'Infiltrate'. This is more Delaque specific since I am unaware of other pets that might have more than 3", but Psychoteric Wyrms are 12" instead of 3". If I, or anyone who wants to really, want the handler to 'Infiltrate', I don't see any restriction from using it because of the Pet. I am fully aware that Delaque have a much easier time giving Infiltrate to the Pet than all of the other gangs. It's quite easy for the Handler to 'Infiltrate' and keep the Wyrm inside 12" so I can still activate him. I know the reverse is true for Van Saar and the Spiders. Not sure if they follow the rules for Pets, but the Spiders can have 'Infiltrate' and their handler doesn't.
TIA for reading. I do plan on keeping my pets in range as often as possible like I've been seeing in the batreps. I'm just trying to see if the benefits of having pets outweigh the risks, and what exactly all the risks could be/are to judge when to take them or not.