N18 Familiars and Rescue Missions

Kid Presentable

New Member
Nov 23, 2015
Hello. My leader genestealer cult adept got captured. In the rescue mission, does he get his familiar returned with all his other equipment when he's freed? Or does it deploy with him at the the start? Or does he get it back after the game?
As far as I can read the rules, familiars are equipment belonging to a fighter. If the scenario states they have no equipment, then they have no familiars either.

Makes sense thematically too. Their pets didn't come along to the prison cell!
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It is a psychic familiar though that materializes out of thin air, but it feels like a whole can of worms to allow it either way.
Another question concerning the rescue mission: if the captive breaks free on his own, does he also get his equipment back?
Probably gets the pet when freed. The pet can be captured, so can be separated from owner. Then the owner can also be separated from the pet?
As far as I can read the rules, familiars are equipment belonging to a fighter. If the scenario states they have no equipment, then they have no familiars either.

Makes sense thematically too. Their pets didn't come along to the prison cell!
In rescue mission, the captive starts without equipment, but gains all equipment during the battle if/when freed.
Another question concerning the rescue mission: if the captive breaks free on his own, does he also get his equipment back?
Yes. There are extremely few scenarios where models don't have equipment. But in Rescue scenarios (I think all of them?), you get equipment back regardless of how you're freed. The main idea seems the miniature will always have what is modelled on it when on the tabletop.
Probably gets the pet when freed. The pet can be captured, so can be separated from owner. Then the owner can also be separated from the pet?

In rescue mission, the captive starts without equipment, but gains all equipment during the battle if/when freed.

Yes. There are extremely few scenarios where models don't have equipment. But in Rescue scenarios (I think all of them?), you get equipment back regardless of how you're freed. The main idea seems the miniature will always have what is modelled on it when on the tabletop.
Feels like there should be a special "captive's loot box" that the rescuers bring with them on the rescue mission that they drag with them to give to their freed comrade.

Alternatively, the captive's weapons could be distributed among the rescuing gang members to give to the captive as a simple action when they are within 1" and the captive is freed (and active)?

I'm thinking of scenarios where a Champion has been captured - the notion of gangers carrying heavy weapons for delivery in addition to their kit doesn't sit right from a mechanics perspective, but a loot box would make sense.

For those who think the notion of sneaking around with a large box is ridiculous...
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I reckon the captive's gear should be in a box or whatever placed 6"-12" away from where the captive is, having been confiscated and stashed by the capturing gang, and the rescuers could collect and drag it over on their way to the captive or if the captive frees themselves they have to make it to where their gear is before they can use it or some such scenario. Feels more realistic than the rescuers bringing it with them or it just being right next to the captive when they are freed.
As for pets, I'd make an exception to the above method and have them held captive alongside their owner and freed when their owner is I guess, always go with the cinematic narrative scenes.
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Then what happens if the pet frees itself but not the owner? I can accept the simplification when the alternative is more wonky rules.
Either don't let the pet even attempt to free itself as it is wargear after all and cannot act without it's owner, or have a laugh when it frees itself before it's owner and just sits there wagging it's tail instead of helping or doing anything useful
Either don't let the pet even attempt to free itself as it is wargear after all and cannot act without it's owner, or have a laugh when it frees itself before it's owner and just sits there wagging it's tail instead of helping or doing anything useful
The rules for failing to wriggle out of bonds are harsh enough that the captive can bleed to death if they have low strength. Danger doubles for Strength 2, Toughness 2 familiars!
I quite like the idea of the pet freeing itself and coming to it's owners rescue. It's a bit twee, but in a way that 40k can handle.

Who doesn't like the idea of "Princess" Chazza Slagheart, Goliath Forge Tyrant, and captive of the merciless Slammerhole Sledgehammers (Van Saar, obv.) being rescued by her devoted Sumpkroc, ickle darling Chomper, that totie (... to a Goliath) doting tyke who heroically tunnelled (chewed, annihilated) it's way from its cage (and though most of it's captors) to be back by her side?
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