N18 Feedback with my first take on HoS


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
The voice of the starchamber is discordant. Petitioning for a contemplation session of shadow-attuned minds upon this new shade of darkness that is about to be cast upon the contested areas of the Underhive.

A new player here drafting a possible list for a future campaign. The campaign will be co-arbitrated by all participants, who range from experienced(more optimization incline) players to casual ones. My goal is to draft a gang that can hold it's ground, play thematically and is not necessarily "minmaxed" to the fullest. Feedback and perspective appreciated! :)

My draft so far:


The preliminary battle plan of the gang is to advance under the cover of the smoke, while the specialist and the phantom provide powerfull fire from inside/through the smoke.

In an ideal world (this maybe just my delusion) the gang methodologically advances towards the chosen point of the enemy line while dealing some disruptive punishment, while the nacht-ghul awaits for an opening to be deployed. Once close/mid distance the gang estabilishes firing bubble and if the enemy is still a threat and advances, the gang starts it's retreat while delivering punishing ranged fire.

Gang tactics of choice:
-Shifting shadows
-Whispered threats

The leader's role is a tactical support piece allowing:

- vital group activations to deliver concentrated fire/smoke
-multiple special weapon activations via overseer
-send the webgun juve in for a template shot
-overseer the nacht-ghul incase the ghul does not have any viable place to appear behind the enemy lines

The phantom offers:

-plasmafire through the smoke
-group activations for concenteated fire/smoke
-Reliability for my dakka


-forces opponent to consider how they place their models/how they activate them
-precision tool
-can be deploeyd behind the enemy lines, inside/behing a smoke bubble from a thrown grenade or next to the leader to be overseered.


-Provide smoke
-can be used to provide rapidfire from close distance or charge in if necessary
The specialist:

-Takes out multiwound models/clusters of enemies
-creates disruptive gravbarriers against gangs who'd like to get too close too fast

Some guestions:

-Where should I put my remaining credits?
-Am I wasting my leader by not equipping them?
-Is my idea viable/deluded from the game mechanics perspective?
-would something like this list provide a fun/interesting game for me and my opponent?
Infra-sights cannot be attached to weapons with rapid fire or blast, you're going to need to remove them from you plasma and grav gunners.

I'd recommend getting some ghosts, too many juves on this list. Ghosts aren't exciting, but they are a solid piece.

I personally don't like overseer. It's a strong skill, but very bland and overpowered to me.

I'm assuming you put sprint on your ghul for overseer shenanigans? Generally you'd give them spring up as their first skill.

Remove the smoke grenade from your web pistol juve, it's not their job to drop smoke, it's their job to web things.

I'd give your important models--leader, champ, ghul, specialist, web pistoler--mesh armor.

Your 3 smoke juves are a non-threat and will only get off 1-2 smoke grenades per game. If your opponent has any anti-dark tech then they are especially useless.

If your plasma champ or ghul goes down you might as well bottle out as you're not going to be able to do much without them.

* Edited for grammar.
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It's fine, but it lacks killing power, you have 3 models that provide any level of threat in that list, the web pistol juve, the Nacht Ghoul and the and the plasma champion, and they aren't all a threat at the same time, it encourages an opponent to focus down your plasma champion, then either take out your juve or bait out your Nacht Ghul.

The grav gun is expensive for what it does, and I'd be inclined in favour of adding some more boys/toys. A ganger with a shotgun is an effective way to deliver S4 D2 shots at 18" range that will give you some mid range teeth and is a fraction of the price of your specialist loadout here, likewise a model or two with a lasgun gives you some pinning ability at range.

Id drop the smokes on the web pistol juve, that model wants to be double moving up into range, not slowing down to throw smoke, I'd also argue you don't need 3 smoke juves, you can get away with 1 or 2.

Sprint is an interesting choice on the Nacht-Ghul, and seems to be disregarding it's signature ability to deploy close to opponents from any turn, why does a Nacht-Ghul need sprint to get close to people? Spring-up is almost certainly the strongest skill you can give them but a survival based skill like Dodge would also work better than Sprint which I suspect you'll find largely redundant.

I'm not a great fan of naked overseer leaders, they're almost always more useful with their own gun and a shooting skill then they are using their activation to give someone else a chance to shoot twice, opponents will quickly learn not to give your plasma.gun two targets to shoot at in any given turn and so after he's boosted your web pistol up the table that's 100 credits of useless model.
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I endorse the advice given above.

Consider putting the Plasma gun on your leader and ditching Overseer. Swap out the Phantom for another Nacht Ghul.
Your Grav Gun Specialist would do better with a Long Rifle... which will allow him to use an Infra-sight. It's a lot cheaper, too.
Consider a couple of Autogun or (better yet) Shotgun gangers. You need them to pin and hopefully inflict a bit of damage. As you're set up now, target priority decisions for your opponents are really easy; you should try to make that a bit more difficult.
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The grav gun is expensive for what it does, and I'd be inclined in favour of adding some more boys/toys. A ganger with a shotgun is an effective way to deliver S4 D2 shots at 18" range that will give you some mid range teeth and is a fraction of the price of your specialist loadout here, likewise a model or two with a lasgun gives you some pinning ability at range.
Shotguns may be a fraction of the grave guns price. However the Grav gun has blast (which is otherwise lacking in the Delaque house list). With blast youcqn hit multiple fighters. Even if you miss it could still scatter and hit something. A Solid shot does not.
It also keys around the targets strength. For a S3 fighter which is the average non Goliath and non Ogryn fighter including most champions and leaders, that means you inflict damage 1/2 the time. On its own that is not bad. Now the Shotguns S4 solid shot may wound T 3 fighters4/6 of the time which is quite good. The grav gun however ignores all armour. The Shotgun does not.
The graviton Pulse also slows the enemy that passes through the template very few weapons do that. A slower foe can be shot more.
The grav gun also has concussion which is useful if your opponents are close to drops (very situational). It combined with Graviton Pulse can absolutely murder vehicles.
Concussion has another use that is very Delaque. It gives a -2 penalty to initiative for the rest of the round irrespective of actually inflicting damage. Grav that combat monster champion, maybe D2 no save them. Should they survive hit them with a humble flash grenade. The now need a difficult initiative test to avoid going blind and losing Thier activation. A nice and easy shenanigan.

Grav weapons also scale well in campaigns with no need for further investment. As the enemy progresses they need more armour and higher toughness to deal with practically every other weapon. The grav gun care nothing about either. Armoured undersuits and Carapace for a 3+ save? My grav gun ignores that.

Toughness is damaged by flesh wounds and helps against virtually all other weapons. If you want to hit harder you buy a high Strength weapon and you save your advances for Toughness. ( Unless you want to fear the mighty pew pew lasgun).

Natively high Strength is just not what most people go for. The grav gun keeps hitting hard. Without various Limited ammo.
Grav weapon is outclassed by the far cheaper grenade launcher, and doesn't do multiple damage like a shotgun, or a krak grenade.

It's a very expensive weapon for what it does and it's inclusion in this list prohibits the use of cheaper, higher S and D weapons like shotguns that can be equipped on affordable gangers
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I like grav weapons, but I feel they are better mid campaign after people have take some strength injuries and armor values have increased.

At 120 credits they are a bit expensive to start the game with where cheaper, higher strength weapons will get more mileage.

There is a pistol version at 90 credits, which is a bit more palatable and you can stick them on regular ghosts and save your champs/specialists for the "bigger guns".
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Grav weapon is outclassed by the far cheaper grenade launcher, and doesn't do multiple damage like a shotgun, or a krak grenade.

It's a very expensive weapon for what it does and it's inclusion in this list prohibits the use of cheaper, higher S and D weapons like shotguns that can be equipped on affordable gangers
The Grav Gun is D2. That said, I still agree with your premise. It's better to use something cheaper at the start of the campaign.
Grav weapon is outclassed by the far cheaper grenade launcher, and doesn't do multiple damage like a shotgun, or a krak grenade.

It's a very expensive weapon for what it does and it's inclusion in this list prohibits the use of cheaper, higher S and D weapons like shotguns that can be equipped on affordable gangers
It's D2 which is very good (you need to get mining lasers and lascannon to do better), does not care about high toughness (the primary stat to increase as it works on everything else) and it does not have Scarce or limited which many of the good shotgun and grenade ammo suffers from.

It also ignores Armour and had a Accuracy bonus compared to the Grenade launcher) and unlike the plasma gun or pistol won't blow up in your face when you try a simple easy shot.

Delaque do not have Grenade launchers in thier list which is the availability I was going for. Once you add on multiple good grenade launcher ammo the price rises to similar levels (although it is a good weapon to grow over a campaign if you start with one)
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