Feeding the Tribe (Gardening thread - Off Topic)

@Tiny Same here! Can't recommend a large dog enough - for more than just discouraging cats! Can't recommend their "fertilizer contributions" though.
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This idiot wouldn’t have a clue what to do if the cat approached him. He’d probably crap himself.

We moved house this spring, and MrsMos got to work on the garden. Early days yet, but a good start I reckon. Despite a long, dry period in late spring/early summer.

Lots of plans for the rest of the garden! But these garden beds around the patio is really nice, kids can go grazing when they see something good.
What a lovely building! Thatch too.

Raised beds can be great for when you get older too (and I don’t mean orthopaedic ones).
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We got a fair amount of cucumbers, and tomatoes still ripening at a steady pace. And some pumpkins coming along. But not near the amounts we were hoping. Summer was indeed not great for growing stuff, we got all the sun in the first half and then all the rain (with interest) in the latter half.
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Any garden updates?
Truly the only "true hobby" contribution i have to make to this website other than smart ass comments and the typical grognard / general sumpiness.

Sprouts a plenty over here.
Basil, Sunflowers, Cherry Tomatos, Cucumbers, Lavender, Jalopenos, and some fancy lettuce.

Waiting for:
Lemon tree, Peas, and experiment trying to re-grow carrots from cut tops.

have pictures...but dont want to flood the gallery here with non-mini pics and too lazy to self host.
As far as I know, it’s too cold up here for anything at the moment. Although I do have to look into what I can plant in the spring. Grocery prices are ridiculous, especially with a big family.
I guess it's soon time to start planting some things, but we have too much to sort in the house to worry about the garden. Plus the indoor spaces we used to use for seedlings before planting out have been taken over by spider plants. Although I did recently finish clearing some invasive thing that had been spreading everywhere in the garden, giving us a bit more outdoor growing space if I do get anything started.
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