N18 Ferryman Team


New Member
Mar 15, 2020
I want to Play a Desolation Campaign, but without vehicels from ash wastes.
So my question is what would you do with the ferryman Team ?

Should i only include the Deckhand and the abyssal Ferryman?
But what should the malstrain Player get as a Bonus ? He usually get 400 creds to spend for vehicels.

Any ideas?
If I wasn't going to use vehicles, I would not use the Ferryman team or the "for vehicles only" credits for Malstrains. Incursion gangs don't need Ferrymen to be competitive. But, it you want'em, the vehicle Ferryman is as actually a crew for a vehicle, not a separate fighter. So, with no vehicle, just the two guys on foot.

We did play a "get to the Hive" Rolling Road game with both sides just using bikes (with House Ruled "riders"). Glitchy, but fun.
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