Festive Fun: Squig Game (community event)

Each player is given a silver dish in accordance the door they choose, and are told to not open until instructed, the participants spread out over the room, watched carefully by the guard:

When instructed to open, contestants must eat away the biscuit part of the hobnob without touching or breaking the delicious chocolate shape! Some shapes, however, are more difficult to eat around than others! So depending on which shape, the player must roll a number of dice:
Circle= 1 die
Triangle = 2 dice
Star= 3 dice
Umvrella = 4 dice
A participant is safe if all dice show a 2 or more, any rolls of 1 is a swift Elimination by the closest guard!
Note: any contestant with a BS increase (biscuit skill) get to re-roll a single die, a re-roll of 1 must be accepted, and rolling multiple ones negates this advantage. Any participant who stayed up during the night may not use this bonus I.e. ben_s and Nickname o Shea!



It was total coincidence (or fate) that the result lined up with the image!
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031 @Aulenback with his True Grit, A - 3,2,1 GACK!
032 Blaster with +1 Initiative, A - 4,6,3 SAFE!
033 Huge with +1 Attacks, A - 5,1,1 AGGGG!
035 Baggit the ratling with Sneak Up, B - 5,5 -- Of COURSE the ratling ate the biscuit with no trouble!
039 Scabbers with Nerves of Steel, C - 3 SAFE!
040 Scrapjack Jack wirth +1 Toughness, D - 2,3,4,2 Surprisingly, SAFE!
True Grit didn't prove particularly useful in the delicate art of nibbling. Not like Nerves Of Steel.

EDIT: Rerolls? What rerolls are people talking about? What did I miss? Ah, well. These deaths will stand regardless.
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Are the contestants allowed to dispute the relative difficulty of eating around a circle compared to a triangle??? :ROFLMAO:

That being said, Van 8 contestants laugh out loud at everyone that queued up at door D and prepare to chow down.
I'm kinda confused about what's going on here but, after reading the instructions a couple of times, I think I get what to do. The bit I'm still unsure of is the lack of re-rolls. Does that apply only to the one in my group representing me (i.e. #51) or to everyone in my group?

I haven't rolled any dice yet, but this is my placeholder list.

3 dice
051 - @Ben_S +1 WS
052 - Ben K +1 T
053 - Ben L +1 BS

2 dice
055 - Ben N +1 T
057 - Ben P +1 BS
058 - Ben Q - skill - True Grit

1 dice
060 - Ben J +1 S (watch out guards!)
021. Jimmy-Jo Jim-John B (5, 1) BANG 💀
022. Beau Hunk B (4,2) SAFE
023. Matcha Pitcha D (4, 2, 3, 3) SAFE
025. Unculous D (4, 1, 3, 1) BANG “wait! I can…” BANG 💀
026. Horni Pete C (1) BANG 💀
027. Booticles B (2, 3) SAFE
028. Raalph Mann D (2, 5, 5, 5) SAFE
030. Punktaku B (3, 3) SAFE

Well, that didn’t work out like expected…. Everyone thought Horni Pete lucked out by ignoring the plan, then he went and bit the cookie clean in half. It took two shots to put Unculous down.

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Reggie and Killick glance with pity at McJones as the shapes are revealed. Nevertheless he sits on the floor and begins to nibble.

Reggie of first to hold up his triangle in triumph, followed by Killick. McJones shakily holds up his umbrella... And the handle part falls off. BANG.

013 - Reggie - Door B - 2 dice - Success!
017 - Killick - Door C - 1 die - Success!
019 - McJones - Door D - 4 dice... snap! BANG! 💀


013 - Reggie: +1T
017 - Killick: Catfall skill
041 Pagumb - B (3,1) BANG 💀
044 Merdena - C (5) SAFE
045 Along - D (6,4,6,4) SAFE
046 Quatro - A (2,5,5) SAFE
048 Marbles - B (5,3) SAFE
049 Shaft - B (5,3) SAFE
"Tough luck Quat, Along but you've got this. Looks like Kata...BANG!"
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071 Harry newskill A (1,2,3) BLAM!! (guess I don't need to work out that skill after all...)
072 Larry +1 WS B (3,1) BLAM!!!
073 Barry +1 BS C (6) CLEAR!
074 Gary +1 BS D (5,6,6,2) CLEAR!
075 Tara +1 BS A (6,4,5) CLEAR!
076 Clara +1 T B (2,2) CLEAR
079 Saul +1 BS C (5) CLEAR!
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3 dice
051 - @Ben_S - 1 - BLAM!
052 - Ben K - 6 4 5 - clear
053 - Ben L - 5 6 2 - clear

2 dice
055 - Ben N- 1 - BLAM!
057 - Ben P - 3 3 - clear
058 - Ben Q - 5 1 - BLAM!

1 dice
060 - Ben J - 5 - clear

(No one who died was eligible for a re-roll anyway, so the earlier question doesn't matter.)
  • Wow
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The Captain is no stranger to chocolate hobnobs and shows off his nibbling prowess:

001- @CaptainDangerous A 664 SAFE
003- Alan B 65 SAFE
005- Jack C 4 SAFE
006- Dave D 655 SAFE
009 -Charles A 5336 SAFE



I break up for Christmas in the morning (I work nights) so I’ll be back when I’m more awake and update the list! But in the meantime:

(Advance rolls for survivors)
And then there were two - Reggie and Killick take to their bunks intent on being well rested for the coming game.

013 - Reggie: +1T, +1WS
017 - Killick: Catfall skill, +1Ld

032 Blaster with +1 Initiative, 10 - Sneak Up!
035 Baggit the ratling with Sneak Up, 9 - +1 Wounds!
039 Scabbers with Nerves of Steel, 7 - +1 Initiative
040 Scrapjack Jack wirth +1 Toughness, 4 - Dive!
044 Merdena - 2nd Advance - +1 Initiative / 1st Advance - +1 Initiative
045 Along - 2nd Advance - +1 BS / 1st Advance - +1 Attack
046 Quatro - 2nd Advance - New Skill = Hurl / 1st Advance - +1 Toughness
048 Marbles - 2nd Advance - +1 BS / 1st Advance - Backstab skill
049 Shaft - 2nd Advance - New Skill = Head Butt / 1st Advance - +1 Wound
I arrived at my mum's yesterday, where we're staying for Christmas. (Our first with family since 2019.) I was going to say I have no dice, but I was just presented with a box from the loft, containing some old toys, a letter from my school about their new IT policy (in 1999), and some dice. So, I'm still in...

052 - Ben K - 9 +1 W
053 - Ben L - 5 +1 S
057 - Ben P - 8 +1 BS (obviously getting better at eating biscuits)
060 - Ben J - 5 +1S

Edit to add: I just rolled these advances without taking into account previous ones. Are we limited by usual maximum characteristics? If so, Ben J already had +1 S, so that second advance will be +1 A instead. Some others may also be affected.
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My skills so far have been generated by random d8 roll and then a random d6 roll on the rulebooks skills chart. If I need to do them another way then I'll need directions since I don't really play Necromunda.
022. Beau Hunk 3 (new skill: Quick Draw)
023. Matcha Pitcha 4 (new skill: Catfall)
027. Booticles 6, 4 (+1 BS)
028. Raalph Mann 6, 4 (+1 BS)
030. Punktaku 8, 1 (+1 WS)
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My skills so far have been generated by random d8 roll and then a random d6 roll on the rulebooks skills chart. If I need to do them another way then I'll need directions since I don't really play Necromunda.
You can choose the table rather than rolling a D8

Blind - Impressive Scars (?!!)
Call - Jump Back
Pot - Biscuit Skill (bit late!)