Friend of a friend owns a laser, any drawings to use for it?


Nov 29, 2015
England, The United Kingdom
I just found out about a friend and the fact that they owns a laser that I could use.
Does anyone know somewhere I could get some things that could be used for this?
I was also going to attempt to make some Gorkamorka bases and perhaps sell them, that's still only an idea though, are there any images that could be traced for the laser?
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In the 3D print bulkheads thread I've posted up where I've got to so far on 2D files suitable for laser cutting. All of that started with this thread on laser cutting.

Now I'm not sure if I'm going to take these to completion, drop it, or pass these over to @Horatio_Tyllis (if he thinks they are useful, as a starting place to work up 3D files for 3D printing).

(note that although this is a PNG image, the source files are in 3D Vector format, suitable for efficient laser cutting).

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What the thinnest thickness material your cutter will do? And will it cut plastic? For example nylon?

I'll change the stacking dimensions to match your cutter :)
Seems like a lot of wasted space on that though. Also, do you really need that extra hexagon as you'll get a lot from the actual bulkheads themselves?

Ah yes, good point. These are very much WIP from that point of view... I'm hoping to get some more inspiration and fill the holes with some new designs!

Also, I need to change colours on some lines, so that the inside cuts are done first...

Good point about the loose hexagon. The hexagon on the bottom right was just where I was practicing drawing - that will be gone in the final version.


In general though - are these ok? What are the best ones?
These designs are supposed to work asa combination of doors, walls and floors.

Are there enough designs so far?
Well, I want them 3" tall, to be broadly compatible with the GW bulkheads.

If you can tell me the standard blank board sizes, I'll fit as many as I can into that space.
You have 6 on there right now?...make it fifteen. (easy)
Also, I'm a Yak dude, we are here to help :D

Cheers Yak dude! I'll do my best..

I'll need to check with that friend of a friend and find the specs for you.
I'll post them here if you want, or I can drop you a PM if you want.

Great! Post the spec up here, I'm sure that plenty of people are also interested.

If you can get standard panel sizes (including thicknesses), I'll make the designs to match (should keep the cost down).

It would be great if you can get prices and sizes for both MDF and nylon (or another plastic). 1/8" or less thickness would be ideal.