FYSC 2025 - Finish your stuff!


Hive Guilder
Yak Comp 1st Place
Jan 19, 2019
Sectoris XII | Castrum Vindobona | Austria

Welcome one and all, to yet another FYSC!

The FYSC triumvirate - Man, Cyborg and Duck (M.I.A.) - hereby invite you to continue chipping away at your Cairn of Opportunity!

+++Invitation and Disclaimer+++

Any models or terrain finished in the current month are eligible for entry, no matter when it was started. So if you've already finished a pile of minis since New Year’s, or have some things from December still sitting on the hobby table waiting for that final lashing of wash or paint, make sure to enter them in the voting thread as outlined below!

+++FYSC 2025+++

The mission:

To finish stuff! Any stuff! Half-finished projects from two years ago, new shiny things bought two days ago! Infantry, terrain, vehicles, terrain on vehicles, Scifi, Fantasy, both, you name it!

The entries:
No signup required, all entries are welcome, as are pictures of your progress. WIPs, banter and encouragement go right here in this thread, while finished entries go into the FYSC voting and entry threads, which will be created on the 20th of each month (or as close to that as our schedules allow, we are semi-busy people/transhuman machines).

The voting threads:
These will be linked from here, and we again ask to use them for entries only, and to only create one post per entrant per month. And while we ask that you please do not spam the exact same model several times, multiple pictures for large entries or several perspectives of the same model are allowed. Just use your best judgement!

The votes:
As mentioned above, the entry deadline for painting stuff is the end of the month. The entry deadline for posting pictures of your finished stuff into the monthly thread is the 2nd of the following month. We can of course not stop you from finishing even more stuff in that time if you’re fast, but we do recommend thinking of the end of the month as the painting cut-off for planning’s sake.

After the second deadline, the submissions thread will be turned into a poll, where votes will be cast. After feedback, we have adjusted the way this works to account for numbers of entries. The new formula is “votes to cast = entries -2” with a possible minimum of 1 vote and a maximum of 5. We hope this will level the voting field somewhat. The results will then be reported back here in the main thread when voting closes, no later than the 20th of the following month. You also still get a point for each month you post an entry.

The results:
Prizes are chiefly bragging rights, as previously, and also the satisfaction of having more painted plastic than you started the year with, hopefully anyway. FYSC 2025 will run until November 30th, with crowning of the King of FYSC in mid December.

Future FAQs:
As last year, please feel free to ask if there are any questions. FYSC is a free-wheeling sort of thing, and we can and will change things on the fly if the majority thinks it is a good idea, and new stuff can always be tacked on as we go.

We would like to ask for your feedback in the old FYSC-thread, we'll post about that soon-ish, but you can go right ahead if you have any ideas.

Have fun and get stuff finished!
I really missed this last year, already have a bundle of stuff from last couple of weeks of actual hobby time again, can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with again this year!
Just so I can look back and see how many completely new projects I started and how little I actually chipped away at the "Mountain of Derision", I thought it might be fun to lay out some painting goals for the next year. Who knows, it may even keep me vaguely on target...

BFG: Continue hand made Tyranid fleet. Paint printed Admech (done) & Dark Eldar fleets.
WHFB: Ogre army (lots to finish / start).
Bolt Action: US rangers (built), Sherman (built). Finnish army (half built / printed). Few German tanks & half tracks left to do.
Mordheim: Finish kitbashing / sculpting and paint Possessed warband.
Epic 40k: 3 Great Gargants (one done), some Battlefortresses. Couple of Titans of various sizes.
Heroquest: Paint the entire set.
Warhammer Quest: About half the set left to paint.
LOTR: Isengard characters & Uruk Hai berzerkers. Gondor half of Osgiliath set.
Battletech: Mercs Kickstarter & other randoms. Well over 100 minis to sort into factions and paint. Bit intimidating. Probably just chip away a bit when I feel like it.

That's quite a lot already (I reckon at least 2 years worth, not including the Battletech) and I've plenty of other stuff to paint, plus the inevitable butterfly purchases and terrain projects, so if I can get at least a third of it done I'll be a happy chap.

EDIT: annotating completed things in RED!

Completed things not on the list:
Wight King BSB
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Went a bit silly with the UV cans recently....

Had both the 3d print ships for ages but not had any time due to work, but one good vent at an employer later I have had a month off to get them coloured up and add all the crystals to the trash terrain I've been giving funny looks for almost a year since they had Ben half built.
I didn't have a very good year last year, mainly for domestic reasons. My partner and I want to get some stuff sorted round the house, but I hope that will be compatible with some hobby progress too.

I have spent a bit (about £35) on paints and tools already this year, but I haven't bought any miniatures yet. (The ones that arrived today were purchased on 31st Dec, so don't count as this year...)
Plans for 2025

- Paint up a few more of the assembled Goliaths
- Finish the four hive scum models (WIP)
- Either paint up a second gang (if we're continuing the current campaign throughout the year) OR add some vehicles to my Goliaths (if we decide to start an Ash Wastes campaign). Or neither, if the current campaign just fizzles out...

- For the tournament in mid-February I need to complete the solo Lieutenant, 10 Jump Intercessors, 10 Scouts, 3 Outriders (WIP) and 3 Eradicators (WIP). Happily it's the Raven Guard so they are mainly black.
- If there is time, also add some decals and more base decorations to my force
- assemble the rest of my models that are still on their sprues (I think that's only a Gravis Captain and 3 more Inceptors) plus add base texturing and undercoating to everything that doesn't have it already.
- A guy at my club wants to start a Crusade campaign, so that's a good opportunity to get some more progress on my Genestealer Cult, which has quite a few actual Genestealers painted and a lot of other stuff WIP, but few of the hybrids that are done. That would be at least 500 more pts

- finish the Night Goblin warband
- paint at least one more warband

- get a 22x30 gaming mat and enough terrain for Warcry
- get some more progress on the Necromunda / 40k terrain
I've got lots of things to work on this year.

Continue with my classic Necromunda project; finish the Van Saars then the Goliaths and repaint my ancient Orlocks.

Finish some 1/35 scale dioramas and tanks.

Finish my Bolt Action Italians.

Start the Bolt Action Soviets I got for Christmas.

Lots of Battletech to work on as the Kickstarter has finally arrived + plenty of Jade Falcons, Ghost Bears, Wolves, Donegal Guards, Fedcom and Draconis Combine to finish.

BFG Eldar to finish 3D printing and paint.

2nd Edition Eldar project to continue.

Any other project that I find in the cupboard or buy in the next 12 months.
to do (necromunda):
-test paint scheme for my badzone enforcers
-complete setup (spraying booth)
-model/greenstuff/magnetise said badzone enforcers (eyes/possible poncho's)
-same for associated hive scum (poncho's)
-find a local club

optional (Necromunda & kill team?):
-finish/paint my true scale oldstyle scythes of the emperor as 2-3 kill teams?
-sanctioner outcast gang (if I have a spare sanctioner: outcast/demented sanctioner + scavenger protegés)
-badzone enforcer hangers-on?
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Goals for 2025.



Some things on the shelf:

Heavy Gear
- NuCoal army (20 models)
- Southern SPECFOR army (12 models)
- PAK army (30+ models)
- Southern amphibious army (30+ models)
- Utopian army (30+ models)

Steel Rift
- Authority army (20+ models)

Adeptus Titanicus
- too darn much, I don't even want to think about it

In the que/on my desk/in progress

- Heavy Gear Southern Black Mambas (4)
- Steel Rift Quick-Start box Authority (3)
- Adeptus Titanicus Death Heads Warlord
- Kill Team: Hivestorm box set (terrain, 10 Tempestus Aquilons, 10 Vespid Stingwings)

No clue how much of that I'll get done this year, the last couple months I've been in a slump and am having a hard time getting out.
My goal is pure... just finish some stuff. Try not to buy much more stuff.

I have partially assembled Bolt Action SS, a model of HMS Hood which could be quite interesting, a few aircraft, and lots of ad-hoc Necromunda stuff sitting around in various states of unfinishedness (as they have been for years in many cases). Some of them could be very easy FYSC entries if I could just focus for an hour to finish them.
2025 goals are to hobby in core four games, including some solo gaming.
  • Necromunda:
    • Terrain for my Underhive Dome:
      • Food Court
        • Restaurant buildings
          • Hive Guys
          • Not Dog cart
          • Others
        • Tables, garbage barrels, other scatter
        • Market stalls after food elements done
      • Neighborhood Thundercube venue
        • Use Eric’s Hobby Workshop jousting stands to make the basic crowd stands.
      • Make a Map of Dome:
        • Food Court
        • Livid Pool
        • Lower Sumpton
        • Upper Sumpton
        • Wilmer Court
        • Mouthsend
          • Sewer treatment plant
          • Multitudes of singular and collective unapproved outfalls
    • Modeling:
      • More Cadets, Clones and Trolls
      • New Yaktribe member gang
      • Other Underhivers and Uphivers
  • Pulp Alley:
    • Play solo games, including 2025 Scenarios of the Month.
      • Settings include Underhive, Stroking Deeply, etc.
  • Bolt Action:
    • Make, model and paint up two 500 point lists (Royalist Italians and Home Guard)
    • Play basic 2nd edition scenarios to learn game
  • What a Tanker
    • Model and paint core forces for Girls Und Panzer tv show.
    • Play more “training” test games
Guess we're doing goals now.

1.) Recycled from last year, I want to continue painting the gang expansions. Status is:
  • Delaque - Done
  • Orlock - Done
  • Escher - Partially built, some fully painted
  • Goliath - Built but not painted
  • Cawdor - Built and one guy painted
  • Van Saar - I found the box yesterday. It still had part of the shrink foil on.
2.) Lumen Falls:
  • I already have one big tile and two small tiles down, meaning I'm nearing the halfway mark of what is planned.
  • I realized just how ludicrously much scenery stuff I have, might be I can build a few extra tiles and REALLY fill out a 4x4 table, if time and life permit
  • I have a few Genestealer cultists lying about from various kits, looking at @Crazy Ivan 's plog gave me the idea of scraping the genestealer icons off of them, giving them normal heads and arms and a few conversions to make a militia for Lumen Falls.
3.) Other Necromunda:
  • Squats. I got my order on Saturday, I need to buckle up, belt down, and do various other things with fastenings so I finish them as a gang. And yes, that includes the massive battle bus that is still awaiting better weather so I can finally prime it.

4.) Warhammer 40K:
  • I actually want to learn how to play it again (last time I really knew the rules was in...7th edition?) and play at least one game. Got a full 11.5 months left. Let's see
  • Finish up what I have Death Guard wise. That's firstly a ton of vehicles: two Rhinos, a Predator, a plague burst crawler (I want two) and a Defiler. Everything except the PBC and one rhino needs conversions to look proper plague-y. Secondly, I have two squads of plague marines left. Thirdly, as a stretch goal if all of that actually goes through, I want a second squad of terminators, and maybe cultists, because they're apparently good again.
  • I was gifted the Leagues of Votann army box two years ago and have been waffling on how to paint them since then. I resolve to waffle no more.

5.) Unrealistic other goals:
  • I still have a whole AoS Nurgle army I want to paint, but this list is already ludicrously long, and I am moving house this summer.
  • Speaking of which, I need to weed out some stuff from the collection. I will need more storage space of the Lumen Falls terrain, I need to finally admit to myself that I have a ton of stuff I will never ever paint and need to shed so it doesn't bog me down, and I also rented a very large apartment for basically nothing for five years, a sweet deal that has come to an end, and reduced space may very well loom in the future.
Suddenly, 11.5 months doesn't seem that long any more.

1.) Finish the last six metal models I have left for classic Necromunda

2.) Finish the plastic terrain I still have unpainted...oh and maybe some more bulkhead classic builds

3.) Build and paint some scratch built Eldar terrain

4.) Build and paint some massive 1/72 scale warships and submarines

5.) Perhaps make one to motorize