FYSC 2025 - Finish your stuff!

Crap, that's another game I forgot to add to my list of things to paint...

Next year Space Hulk... next year.
Last year I painted Space Crusade. At some point I'll need to paint Warhammer Quest...
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I have Warhammer Quest and Heroquest on this year's list. Currently got all the Orcs and Goblins from WHQ on my painting table. After that it's just the bats, spiders and bases for the heroes and I'm done... at least with the base game. The additional heroes can wait for another day.
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I used to keep track of hobby activity (buying, selling, painting) in a spreadsheet but that lapsed years ago. I thought I'd give it another go this year and was doing ok for January (well, 0 models painted but only 3 bought). But I just nabbed a bundle (45 models) on eBay. It was a good deal, but really puts my spreadsheet in the red - or grey...
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I promised myself "no new minis" this year...

I lasted 27 days.

Got a Nurgle Spearhead set because I wanted one of the big warrior dudes on flies to make a counts-as Manticore Lord for WHTOW. The Nurgle army wasn't even on my list for this year FFS. 🤬

I'll be selling off the rest so at least financially I'll break even.
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Got a Nurgle Spearhead set because I wanted one of the big warrior dudes on flies to make a counts-as Manticore Lord for WHTOW. The Nurgle army wasn't even on my list for this year FFS. 🤬
That was kinda what happened to me last year. Start of the year I planned an greenskins army for Old World then a local newsagent was clearing AoS stock hald Price and I got a Chaos start collecting box. Figured a cheeky unit of warriors and knights would be most of a 500pt army. Then I got ideas and the project exploded into over 4000pts of Nurgle and I still have more stuff I want to do. At least all of it got painted. Yay for contrast paints.

Only got 500pts of greenskins painted in the end. 42 common goblins, a shaman, a big boss on wolf, some wolfboyz, and some snotlings. Ooops...
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speaking of the financial part,
i have a bunch of revivable (dried, but still somewhat moist) gw paints, can I mix them with regular tap water or is it better to use distilled/demineralized?
speaking of the financial part,
i have a bunch of revivable (dried, but still somewhat moist) gw paints, can I mix them with regular tap water or is it better to use distilled/demineralized?
If you have any acrylic flow improver or acrylic medium those would probably be better than water, but warm water will work to a reasonable extent.
I've ordered some for airbrushing but, I'll likely need more... if I need to revive 20-ish paint pots
Lahmian medium, shaken in a few drops at a time, whilst stirring with a toothpick can revive most old Gw paints thankfully. Getting a cheapy vortex mixer will speed this process immeasurably ;)
it's stil moist, but it's it lost 1/2 of its volume so I think I'm still in time. there's also a set of metal shaking balls on the way.
i'll us the (one pot) of lahmian medium and flow improver for my test batch and I'll modify my second shopping list to er... save my old paints.

What effect would using water(s) have? would it be clumped up or would the coverage be inconsistent?
(there's inks, shades, metallics, layer paints, a bit of everything)
Using the wayback machine that someone in the tribe told me about (@SirFrog ?), i found out that Pledge Floor Polish (plain unscented kind) is the same formula medium as the earliest GW paints. And it will revive them. As long as they're not solid.
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If you are using water, make sure it's boiled and filtered if you are in a hard water area as sometimes it can make the paint a bit funny if you have rough tapwater...
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Using the wayback machine that someone in the tribe told me about (@SirFrog ?), i found out that Pledge Floor Polish (plain unscented kind) is the same formula medium as the earliest GW paints. And it will revive them. As long as they're not solid.
Unconfirmed word of caution: Pledge supposedly changed their formula, so maybe try it with one paint first and see what happens.
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Using the wayback machine that someone in the tribe told me about (@SirFrog ?), i found out that Pledge Floor Polish (plain unscented kind) is the same formula medium as the earliest GW paints. And it will revive them. As long as they're not solid.
It might've been me yes. I've also found that a drop or two of 95% denatured ethanol (called T-Röd here) before adding the Pledge can help break apart stubborn, dry lumps easier. And yes... try with a single paint first.

this is the page in question, bookmark and enjoy!
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If you are using water, make sure it's boiled and filtered if you are in a hard water area as sometimes it can make the paint a bit funny if you have rough tapwater...
so it's the mineral count that affects it? I think I have a few bottles of demineralized water around for ironing

@SirFrog : that's plain ethanol (94%) with a bit of added methanol and other chemical stuff to make it undrinkable/untaxable
I can find those around here
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