GCE Bug Tracker - Compiling a list of issues with Gorkamorka as it stands.


Gang Hero
Gorkamorka Warboss
Feb 17, 2011
Carmarthen, UK
At some point in the vague future some of us would like to create a successor ruleset for Gorkamorka. This topic is going to be my attempt to create a list of things that might be considered issues with the original ruleset.

Ideally I'd like to setup a bug tracker for these issues to make discussing them simpler but it might help to have some data to populate the tracker with before I begin!

Anyway, this topic is not for discussing the issues, just listing them.

Feel free to make a new topic with the bug number in the title (or ask me to!) - they should definitely be discussed, that's just got to be a separate thread for clarity.

One thread reply per bug.

Bug numbers are simply chronological, not by importance.
Bug #5

When rebel grots board in a pilin' on bonus, there is no clear direction on what happens for experience gained or what happens to each grot if they lose e.g. ejected / injured / remain.
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Bug #6

If a vehicle with a driver isn't moving but has an active close combat on board the loser is ejected and suffers damage on a 4+. Does this make sense if the vehicle is still?
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What happens when a tailed vehicle pops a slow speed maneuver? It's very difficult in most situations to get back around.
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Bug #11
Swerving needs more examples. What happens when there is no where to go? How far can a swerving vehicle be moved to get it "out of the path of the ramming vehicle"? Can you move it to the other side of the rammer? Behind it? On the other side of the fort?
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Bug#12- With reference to Bug #1- It's a d6 teef to make a S6 2dFF 40" range gun. It's a d6 teef to make a S4 Slugga..... Kustumizing balance is out of whack
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Bug #13

With reference to Bug #5, it's not particularly clear how the Rebel Grot Pilin' On is supposed to work. Is it one crew vs one boarder with the bonus dice & WS from the rest of the group, or one crew vs each of the group in turn (in the same way a normal 1 vs many combat works).
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Bug #14 - Boarding vehicles near the edge of the table is dangerous if you don't/can't engage the driver. If the vehicle is left with mostly boarders on board, there's no real reason for it not to drive off the board.
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Bug #15 - Hitting the 'Driver' location on a vehicle with no driver does not redirect to a different location (in the same way Crew, Weapon & Gubbins all do)

Incorrectly reported. Page 63 of Da Roolz has the hit location table and it definitely does redirect - to engines specifically (thanks @Aulenback!)
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Bug #19 Good Right Arm, if a model has received an arm wound to their "right arm" can this skill be applied to the other arm? Alternatively Arm Wound needs the same clarification as NCE (remiove the with that arm text)
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