GCE Core Rules feedback and suggestions


Gang Hero
Gorkamorka Warboss
Feb 17, 2011
Carmarthen, UK
You might have seen on tUGS or in the vault that the first release of the GCE Core Rules are now available. There's not many changes at the moment although as we all find them (you included!) we'll be amending the document.

Current changes:
  • Artillery dice are gone. Scattering weapons now use a D6.
  • Weapons that do multiple damage now do multiple points of damage to vehicles.
  • Warriors on overwatch may use sustained fire weapons.
  • Warriors thrown overboard after losing a boarding action now don't scatter when they're thrown overboard.
Been taking a read through and like what I see so far. The descriptions are a bit more straight forward.

I did not see anything about getting on/off vehicles that have not used their Thrusters. On pg33 of the GoMoORB, it says,
"Models can get on or off a vehicle before it uses its thrusters in complete safety." I did not see that mentioned in the CE draft. Maybe I missed it.

And wow...the multiple damage results to vehicles is huge! Gotta kustumize me a Rokkit Launcha! Boom! Will be interesting to see how that affects game balance.

I think I like just placing the loser of a HTH on a vehicle 2" behind the vehicle. Little simplifications like that I think will really help the gameplay. Of course, the question is then, what happens if there is another vehicle in that 2"? And who places the loser? It could make a difference. Place him on the right edge of the behind quadrant and the loser get's Rammed next turn, falls to the left and he's safe, for example.
Been taking a read through and like what I see so far. The descriptions are a bit more straight forward.
Excellent! I'd imagine when we're done we'll want to review the whole thing and see what can be tightened up but we're not constrained by word count so we can afford to spell things out more explicitly!

I did not see anything about getting on/off vehicles that have not used their Thrusters. On pg33 of the GoMoORB, it says,
"Models can get on or off a vehicle before it uses its thrusters in complete safety." I did not see that mentioned in the CE draft. Maybe I missed it.
You didn't miss it - it's not in there. Found that out whilst playtesting a few weeks back! Oops. It'll be in the next revision!

And wow...the multiple damage results to vehicles is huge! Gotta kustumize me a Rokkit Launcha! Boom! Will be interesting to see how that affects game balance.
I've always felt it was daft that things like Krak grenades and Rokkit Launchas are not particularly effective against vehicles. It seems completely backwards! Those weapons should be terrifying!

I think I like just placing the loser of a HTH on a vehicle 2" behind the vehicle. Little simplifications like that I think will really help the gameplay.
Lots of those little things are the problem with much of the original game, I feel. There's a lot of dice rolling and faffing about that has next to no positive impact on the game itself. They do slow things down though and that can really upset the momentum of a game.

Of course, the question is then, what happens if there is another vehicle in that 2"? And who places the loser? It could make a difference. Place him on the right edge of the behind quadrant and the loser get's Rammed next turn, falls to the left and he's safe, for example.
A clarification of what should happen in that specific instance is probably sensible!
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So regarding the multiple damage weapons (e.g rokkit launchers), is that damage to multiple locations or multiple damage to one location? As the weapons don't use templates I'm assuming it is the latter, but it isn't clear. This would definitely make rokkit launchers, krak grenades and harpoons more useful.
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So regarding the multiple damage weapons (e.g rokkit launchers), is that damage to multiple locations or multiple damage to one location? As the weapons don't use templates I'm assuming it is the latter, but it isn't clear. This would definitely make rokkit launchers, krak grenades and harpoons more useful.
At the moment each point of damage gets its own D6 roll (under the table on page 43 of GCE Core Rules 1.0). Do you think that should change? If so I'll put up a poll on the GoMo FB group and find out what the consensus is.
In our house rules, Rokkits damage one location, but you roll 2 dice and choose the highest result. That makes them more dangerous, but with a flavor different than template/ burst weapons.
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Version 1.21 is out!
  • Setting up the board section with table edge diagrams
  • Scrap counter rules
  • Tidied up Warriors on Fire
  • Moved the “Ending the Game” section
  • Corrected the Gas engines rules
  • Minor changes to wording here and there
  • Tweaked the chasing rules slightly to be closer to the originals
  • Added a vague description of Gubbinz
  • Added variable save Modifiers
  • Dealt with a duplicate section on Pinning
  • Tweaked some wording in Hatred
  • Nomenclature tidied up
  • Lots of proofreading and fixes
Appreciate the interest!
The Digga faction pack is fairly far along but the Muties haven't yet been started.
If you'd like to contribute the Digga rules are being worked on here:

Currently progress is stalled simply because I've been burned out (not about GCE, just in general). I have every intention of finishing it - it just might take a while (as can be seen with various other Gorkamorka-related things - they do eventually get done but it can take years).
At the moment each point of damage gets its own D6 roll (under the table on page 43 of GCE Core Rules 1.0). Do you think that should change? If so I'll put up a poll on the GoMo FB group and find out what the consensus is.
Heya, running some GoMo with GCE and I'm not sure how this ruling is meant to read. Each point of damage gets its own D6 roll to hit a location, potentially hitting and penetrating multiple locations?

Or is it each point of damage rolls a D6 on the penetration table, all into the one hit location?

I prefer the latter because it flattens XP gain while still keeping lucky antivehicle hits extremely dangerous. It also interacts more organically with the Kool skill (able to target hit locations on vehicles).
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Heya, running some GoMo with GCE and I'm not sure how this ruling is meant to read. Each point of damage gets its own D6 roll to hit a location, potentially hitting and penetrating multiple locations?

Or is it each point of damage rolls a D6 on the penetration table, all into the one hit location?

I prefer the latter because it flattens XP gain while still keeping lucky antivehicle hits extremely dangerous. It also interacts more organically with the Kool skill (able to target hit locations on vehicles).
I prefer rolling each hit location as per GCE rules both because it's more chaotic and because multi damage weapons fell intuitively like they should hit more than one place. A rokkit going boom or a harpoon chain thrashing around.

That said it's your game, play it whatever way you like.
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I prefer rolling each hit location as per GCE rules both because it's more chaotic and because multi damage weapons fell intuitively like they should hit more than one place. A rokkit going boom or a harpoon chain thrashing around.

That said it's your game, play it whatever way you like.

I prefer rolling each hit location as per GCE rules both because it's more chaotic and because multi damage weapons fell intuitively like they should hit more than one place. A rokkit going boom or a harpoon chain thrashing around.

That said it's your game, play it whatever way you like.
Noted, thanks.

I ran the first 10 games with d6 location spread, this does make kraks and rokkits much scarier.
It sounds like both approaches have merit. Personally I intended it as a splash-damage effect, hitting multiple areas, if memory serves. Depending on how we feel maybe the approach should be to add a special rule to these anti-armour weapons stipulating that the damage does not hit other locations.

Then again I think it'd be good if the Rokkit launcher had frag and krak loadings. Rokkits can be shaped charges or they can be HE, right?
Heya, running some GoMo with GCE and I'm not sure how this ruling is meant to read. Each point of damage gets its own D6 roll to hit a location, potentially hitting and penetrating multiple locations?

Or is it each point of damage rolls a D6 on the penetration table, all into the one hit location?

I prefer the latter because it flattens XP gain while still keeping lucky antivehicle hits extremely dangerous. It also interacts more organically with the Kool skill (able to target hit locations on vehicles).
HI, Jovi here, one of the GCE Kommittee. I'm sorry to say that it's actually the first interpretation that's the right one, multiple damage on a vehicle means multiple locations are hit. That's the way that we preferred after play-testing, We balanced the damage tables so that the effects are mostly experienced during a battle, and only a small chance of it becoming permanent damage in the post game sequence. As to the Xp side of things, this way helps Drivers keep up with everyone else in the mob. They're generally the last choice of combatants in H2H combat on a vehicle, that orky suspension makes hitting anything with ranged weapon a lot harder, and ramming, with the constant risk of immobilizing yourself, isn't always a smart move meaning it can be a rare occurrence, multiplying the Xp by D6 levels the playing field.

Hope this helps, happy to answer any other questions you might have.

Heya, running some GoMo with GCE and I'm not sure how this ruling is meant to read. Each point of damage gets its own D6 roll to hit a location, potentially hitting and penetrating multiple locations?

Or is it each point of damage rolls a D6 on the penetration table, all into the one hit location?

I prefer the latter because it flattens XP gain while still keeping lucky antivehicle hits extremely dangerous. It also interacts more organically with the Kool skill (able to target hit locations on vehicles).
HI, Jovi here, one of the GCE Kommittee. I'm sorry to say that it's actually the first interpretation that's the right one, multiple damage on a vehicle means multiple locations are hit. That's the way that we preferred after play-testing, We balanced the damage tables so that the effects are mostly experienced during a battle, and only a small chance of it becoming permanent damage in the post game sequence. As to the Xp side of things, this way helps Drivers keep up with everyone else in the mob. They're generally the last choice of combatants in H2H combat on a vehicle, that orky suspension makes hitting anything with ranged weapon a lot harder, and ramming, with the constant risk of immobilizing yourself, isn't always a smart move meaning it can be a rare occurrence, multiplying the Xp by D6 levels the playing field.

Hope this helps, happy to answer any other questions you might have.

It sounds like both approaches have merit. Personally I intended it as a splash-damage effect, hitting multiple areas, if memory serves. Depending on how we feel maybe the approach should be to add a special rule to these anti-armour weapons stipulating that the damage does not hit other locations.

Then again I think it'd be good if the Rokkit launcher had frag and krak loadings. Rokkits can be shaped charges or they can be HE, right?
HI, Jovi here, one of the GCE Kommittee. I'm sorry to say that it's actually the first interpretation that's the right one, multiple damage on a vehicle means multiple locations are hit. That's the way that we preferred after play-testing, We balanced the damage tables so that the effects are mostly experienced during a battle, and only a small chance of it becoming permanent damage in the post game sequence. As to the Xp side of things, this way helps Drivers keep up with everyone else in the mob. They're generally the last choice of combatants in H2H combat on a vehicle, that orky suspension makes hitting anything with ranged weapon a lot harder, and ramming, with the constant risk of immobilizing yourself, isn't always a smart move meaning it can be a rare occurrence, multiplying the Xp by D6 levels the playing field.

After a few games running the D6 into the one location method: yep I now also prefer the D6 spread locations method. Rolling all the damage onto one location instagibs the targets more often, either by stripping the crew out of them, crippling enough bits, or by just outright explosion (all for just 5 XP!).

I'm running through a (mostly) solo campaign for a review of the system at the mo, and GCE has been great for filling in all the holes in the old rules. Currently running Dust Rats as one of the mobs, so we'll have feedback on them too by the end of it!

The most pressing feedback so far though: I can't seem to find the rules for Rollin' Road in any of the GCE documents? Been using Da Uvver Book for any Chase games.
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After a few games running the D6 into the one location method: yep I now also prefer the D6 spread locations method. Rolling all the damage onto one location instagibs the targets more often, either by stripping the crew out of them, crippling enough bits, or by just outright explosion (all for just 5 XP!).

I'm running through a (mostly) solo campaign for a review of the system at the mo, and GCE has been great for filling in all the holes in the old rules. Currently running Dust Rats as one of the mobs, so we'll have feedback on them too by the end of it!

The most pressing feedback so far though: I can't seem to find the rules for Rollin' Road in any of the GCE documents? Been using Da Uvver Book for any Chase games.

Rollin' Road rules are on page 61 of the GCE Core Rules V1.31

Which can be found here:
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After a few games running the D6 into the one location method: yep I now also prefer the D6 spread locations method. Rolling all the damage onto one location instagibs the targets more often, either by stripping the crew out of them, crippling enough bits, or by just outright explosion (all for just 5 XP!).

I'm running through a (mostly) solo campaign for a review of the system at the mo, and GCE has been great for filling in all the holes in the old rules. Currently running Dust Rats as one of the mobs, so we'll have feedback on them too by the end of it!

The most pressing feedback so far though: I can't seem to find the rules for Rollin' Road in any of the GCE documents? Been using Da Uvver Book for any Chase games.
Ooh, are you running the v1.2 Dust Rat iteration? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mt2E5GNdbW-zSeTcwQynL3Wl_ACw_LtaSYYoKYTVjcY/edit
Is anyone looking at doing the faction pack for freebooterz? I can't anticipate many changes are necessary.

Drop the cost of the 'nob' and maybes move the 'pirate' advance to a different number. I have a campaign coming up and see my Boyz getting piratical fast.
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