I was wondering if you lot have any good ideas for converting/making juves for house Goliath.
- I like the AoS Khorne warriors, except for the helmet. (not sure what they are called, maybe blood reavers)
- The Catachan Devils are good too, but I really dislike their headbands.
Any tips/ideas would be much appreciated, and if you want to trade or sell the relevant model PM me. I'm in Au, Vic.
I was wondering if you lot have any good ideas for converting/making juves for house Goliath.
- I like the AoS Khorne warriors, except for the helmet. (not sure what they are called, maybe blood reavers)
- The Catachan Devils are good too, but I really dislike their headbands.
Any tips/ideas would be much appreciated, and if you want to trade or sell the relevant model PM me. I'm in Au, Vic.