New player here. Just after some advice on my 1000 credit goliath starting gang for the Dominion Campaign.
Gang is here
My main question is regarding the Juves, I have managed to squeeze three very basic bullies in, so the gang total is 8. However, I only managed this by taking Vat Born Corrupted Slug to drop 5 credits from each to pay for their Furnace Plates and Stub Guns. Down side to that is that they all lose 1 from Ld, Wil, amd Int.
Is it better to have 3 of them so I have numbers? I could drop one and move the credits to an existing Brusier or I could drop the furnace plates and remove Corrupted Slug from each? Or even drop one and give them a melee weapon too.
My other question is regarding grenade launchers - Can I still engage with enemies that are in melee (base to base) with a GL without taking damage to myself or should I have a backup melee weapon?
Gang is here
My main question is regarding the Juves, I have managed to squeeze three very basic bullies in, so the gang total is 8. However, I only managed this by taking Vat Born Corrupted Slug to drop 5 credits from each to pay for their Furnace Plates and Stub Guns. Down side to that is that they all lose 1 from Ld, Wil, amd Int.
Is it better to have 3 of them so I have numbers? I could drop one and move the credits to an existing Brusier or I could drop the furnace plates and remove Corrupted Slug from each? Or even drop one and give them a melee weapon too.
My other question is regarding grenade launchers - Can I still engage with enemies that are in melee (base to base) with a GL without taking damage to myself or should I have a backup melee weapon?