N18 Goliath Starting Gang Feedback??


New Member
Oct 7, 2023

This is my first post and first go at a Goliath gang. I used to play Necromunda way back in the 90s so adapting to the new rules.

Here's my first go at a gang, I decided to emphasize the Leader more as Shooty and Champion with Adaptive mind and Hip Shooting (thinking like web gun later)

any feedback, negatives ets.

I'm trying to build a strong game but skip spamming T5.

You used gen smithing on youre leader 3 times. But you can only use it 2 times. With forge tyrant you can't have champions. Big Bolt gun is over kill 4 start of campain. Bolter gets the job done. You basically just have 4 guys.

If you re big gun run out of amo (it's one Taktik card or one bad dice roll and it s gg)

Juves with sub gun axe and +1 str (with gen smithing )55c 60 with armor give them grandes later.
Grandelauncher with smoke. I like fast shot with gl on champion.
Combat shot gun on gangers are nice 4 templat pinning.

I would try to to get 7 guys on the tabel how can do somthing.
Conversely I like a heavy bolter leader, it screams "I'm the boss, I get the best gun", just be aware that its a gamble, you will have games when it jams on its first shot and if you're playing with the "Click!" Tactics card, well, my advise would be don't.

Aside from that you have fallen into the trap of over genesmithing. You've got a good model count but you're running unarmed models and guys with just stub guns who aren't good for much, ablative meat shields at best.

The problem with that is they're no threat and the opponent will focus everything on killing the 4 guys in your gang who can actually kill stuff. T4/5+ is good resilience by Necromunda standards but S4+ weaponry is readily accessible to most lineups so you can't expect to shrug off turns of fire.

I'd tone down the genesmithing to afford at least a pistol and melee weapon for your Juves/Prospects or, get rid of one of the unarmed bodies to do the same.
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Conversely I like a heavy bolter leader, it screams "I'm the boss, I get the best gun", just be aware that its a gamble, you will have games when it jams on its first shot and if you're playing with the "Click!" Tactics card, well, my advise would be don't.

Aside from that you have fallen into the trap of over genesmithing. You've got a good model count but you're running unarmed models and guys with just stub guns who aren't good for much, ablative meat shields at best.

The problem with that is they're no threat and the opponent will focus everything on killing the 4 guys in your gang who can actually kill stuff. T4/5+ is good resilience by Necromunda standards but S4+ weaponry is readily accessible to most lineups so you can't expect to shrug off turns of fire.

I'd tone down the genesmithing to afford at least a pistol and melee weapon for your Juves/Prospects or, get rid of one of the unarmed bodies to do the same.
That's what I've been debating. I do like the Big Boss man to have resilience especially toting the big rock.

I've debated on going down to Heavy Stubber, free up some pts. Plan was after a couple games add some alternate weapons like Grenade Laucher and Chain Axe.

Which Dude would you back off some smithing on?
I've debated on going down to Heavy Stubber, free up some pts.

I have used a heavy stubber on a goliath leader before. The decent ammo value means you can keep using that BS3+ a lot more often. Plus it has good rate of fire and strength. Main reason I took it was because I'd made a cool model. Later Goliath gangs just used a bolter on the leader for saving creds.
If you're going to go with a heavy weapon on your Leader, go big and use either the Heavy Bolter or a Missile Launcher. Since you'll be spending on Suspensors and giving up the ability to take a CCW+pistol combo, you want maximum return.