Gorkamorka FAQ


Gang Hero
Gorkamorka Warboss
Feb 17, 2011
Carmarthen, UK
Heads-up: this is a work in progress. If you have questions shoot me a private message or post a reply and I'll do my best to add them.

Some questions don't have answers yet. Let's figure this stuff out! They're marked in red.

Pretty important note: the purpose of the FAQ is to clarify rules as written. The idea isn't to "fix" the game (that'd be a separate project entirely) - if there's any rule your group doesn't like change it! As long as you all agree it doesn't matter what the official rules said - they're just there to get you started (y)

Game Rules

1. Warriors on Foot
1.1 Skills and Equipment
1.2 Shooting
1.3 Hand-to-Hand Combat

2. Vehicles
2.1 Vehicle Movement, Rams, and Crashes
2.2 Boarding Actions
2.3 General Vehicle Questions
2.4 Gubbinz

3. Other "Vanilla" Rules
3.1 Scenarios
3.2 Post-Game

4. Oddmobz
4.1 Diggas
4.2 Rebel Grots
4.3 Muties

5. Modelling
6. Miscellaneous
1. Warriors on Foot

1.1 Skills and Equipment

Q: Regarding the Doc odd skill: Can I re-roll serious injury results that happen due to a Pit Fight or Eksperiment Table result, or just post-game injuries?
As long as the skill wasn't used to treat any other post-game injuries then yes.

Q: The Rapid Fire dakka skill can't be used with "auto fire" weapons. That's not a category! What does that mean?
Bit of a sneaky one this - hidden away at the bottom of page 52 of Da Roolz there's a snippet that refers to weapons with Sustained Fire Dice as "being capable of autofire". So Rapid Fire can't be used with weapons that have one or more Sustained Fire Dice.

Q: For the purposes of the Rapid Fire dakka skill, what is a "weapon type"? eg. its all "Shootas" or all weapons in the "Gunz" section? And if I get that skill a second time I can chose another section like Hand-to-Hand or just Sluggas?
It applies to a specific named weapon type, so you could have Rapid Fire - Sluggas, but not Rapid Fire - Hand-to-Hand Weapons.

Q: Does the Play Dead skill mean that you will not automatically go Out of Action if you lose combat and go Down?
Yes. The warrior looks like they're dead already so their attacker assumes they are!

Q: Can normal Grots take 'Uge Choppas/'Uge Clubs? (Rebel Grots can't.)
I suppose they can!

Q: At what points can a model switch the weapons he's carrying?
Not during hand to hand combat (before or after though). Other than that I don't think there's any restriction on switching weapons.

Q: Shields - it says they give +1 to save from bows, crossbows, and hand-to-hand weapons. To me this says that shields help against pistols but I want to be sure I'm not confusing hand-to-hand as in the close-combat phase with the category of weapons called hand-to-hand.
You're spot on - Shields grant +1 to any saves against anything from the Hand-to-Hand weapon list as well as a few named weapons from the Gunz list. This save applies in any phase, not just in hand-to-hand combat.

1.2 Shooting

Q: If a warrior fires a weapon that has sustained fire dice and scores multiple hits how many experience points can they gain?
As each shot requires a roll to hit and a wounding/armour penetration roll they each count as a separate shot meaning the warrior can gain +5 for each successful wound/armour penetration. 'Eavy Shoota gunners gain a lot of experience as long as their weapons don't jam!

Q: Do I have to take a turn to reload a Six-Shoota if I don't use a sustained fire dice?
Yep. Not using its perk doesn't remove its downside. The warrior empties the whole thing regardless, using a sustained fire dice just represents them putting a bit of extra effort into aiming their shots.

Q: Six-Shootas require a turn to reload - if I have two can I fire every turn?
No. Having more than one allows a warrior to fire several turns in a row. A shooting phase has to be spent reloading - although Andy Chambers suggests that one phase is enough to reload both Six-Shootas (see also page 65 of Digganob under Jezail special rules - "Two fire modes").

Q: If a warrior has two pistols can he fire both in the same turn? (So a warrior with two Six-Shootas would get 2 sustained fire dice in one turn)
Two pistols gives you two close combat weapons (+1 A bonus) and a backup in case one explodes. In the case of six-shootas it means being able to fire two turns in a row (before needing a shooting phase to reload them both). If you want more Dakka yer gunna have to go to da Mek!

Q: Let's say I arm an ork with a Kannon and a Shoota (both take one hand to hold - page 27 of Da Roolz). Can he shoot?
In any given shooting phase he can fire one or the other, not both.

1.3 Charging and Hand-to-Hand Combat

Q: When charging do I have to charge the nearest target?
As with shooting warriors must always fire at the nearest threat. If a warrior is Pinned or Down then they may be ignored in favour of a fighter who isn't, as with shooting. The exception to this being if an Ork has the Well 'Ard skill.

Q: But what if the closest target has just been charged by one of my fighters? Do I have to target them or can I charge the next closest target?
The important thing to remember here is "threat", not target. The next closest target would then be the nearest threat and so could be targeted. If there's a scrap already going on and there's no one else nearby to pick a fight with then multiple combatants are fine. On the other hand if there's someone standing about though - well - they're looking at you funny, weren't they? Charge!

Q: Does a target have to be within Line of Sight (LoS) to be charged?
No. Unless a model is specifically Hidden (see page 46 of Da Roolz) it is a valid target. We assume the warrior's situational awareness keeps them in the know of what's going within the ~8" (or whatever their charge range is) around them.

Q: How do I split up multiple combatant situations where it's not just one model outnumbered? (E.g. 3 vs. 2)
Unless it's directly obvious from the positioning of the models the outnumbering player decides how to allocate combatants. Each fighter should be assigned an equal number of opponents with the remainder being allocated as evenly as possible. So in a 6 vs. 4 situation each of the four defenders would fight one opponents and two of them would fight an additional combatant (i.e. 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 1).

Q: A frenzied model has to attempt to charge an enemy model within his charge range (usually 8"). Does this mean if an enemy model is within 8" but outside 6" a driver has to bail out of the vehicle and charge?
No, (unless thrown off the vehicle) the effects of Frenzy will manifest themselves as road rage. The driver will attempt to ram or squash other models. Why punch someone when you can run them down with a trukk?

Q: I can't find the rules for Orks on bikes charging into combat - how is it supposed to work?
Unlike Warhammer 40,000 bikers are vehicles in their own right in Gorkamorka and as such do not charge models on foot. They can attempt to squash them (see page 39 of Da Roolz) but other than that the only time bikers fight in hand to hand combat (whilst driving at least!) is during boarding actions (page 43 of Da Roolz).

Q: Does a Shield grant a +1 armour save vs. a Stikkbomb used as a hand-to-hand weapon? It obviously does when the 'bomb is used as a club, but what if it detonates?
Yes to both. It is being used "as a hand-to-hand weapon" (as per its description on page 58 of Da Roolz) at the time and a shield gives +1 against hand-to-hand weapons. In the event of detonation the rules don't say that the grenade is resolved as a shooting attack, merely that it automatically hits all models in the combat. Nowhere is it stated that is was no longer a strike inflicted by a hand-to-hand weapon.

Q: If a warrior has a Choppa and a Slugga that's out of ammo does he still get the +1 A bonus?
No - weapons that have failed their ammo rolls are "useless for the rest of the game." (page 24 of Da Roolz).

Q: What if they have a Choppa and a Six-Shoota that needs to spend a shooting phase being reloaded - does it still confer the +1 Attack bonus?
No, the fighter would be firing the Six-Shoota in close combat ("Resolve the strike using the Strength of the weapon as indicated in the Weaponz section."(page 27 of Da Roolz)) but as stated in the special rules for the Six-Shoota: "Once a six-shoota has been fired it can’t be fired again until the model spends a shooting phase reloading it." (page 54 of Da Roolz). If it needs to be reloaded then it can't be fired!

Q: When rolling for attacks does the Knife every Ork carries contribute towards an extra attack dice? For example: a warrior with 1 Attack equipped with a Six-shoota and Knife. How many attack dice do they roll compared to a warrior with just a Knife? Can a warrior be equipped with 2 Knives?
Yes, 2 vs. 1, and yes - respectively! The free Knife is a hand-to-hand weapon like any other and does contribute to the amount of weapons. They're free and you're well within your rights to equip a warrior with as many Knives/Knuckledusters as you like. Of course as soon as you add two-handed Gunz that bonus disappears (page 26 of Da Roolz). If you want to give a warrior nothing but two Knives you can. They'll attack at user Strength and with a variable save modifier (table on page 28 of Da Roolz).

Q: Let's say I arm an ork with a Kannon and a Shoota (both being two-handed). In hand-to-hand combat, would he get any Attack dice?
He would be too encumbered to use two Hand-to-Hand weapons but unless otherwise affected would get his normal Attacks (as per his statline) but no bonus or advantage for having a second hand-to-hand weapon.

Q: If a Slaver uses a whip and is on the out numbering side of a multiple combatant hand-to-hand combat, does the -1 WS penalty last all combat or just when fighting the Slaver?
If an enemy model fights a Slaver armed with a whip and the Slaver does not end up Down or Out of Action then they are still fighting and the "distracts enemy" effect will benefit the warriors who fight next.

Q: Can a warrior wield two spears in hand to hand combat? If so, do the Initiative bonuses stack?
Yes and no respectively. A warrior can wield two but just like with Clubs and Choppas the stat bonus is not cumulative.

Q: Does (pistol) use its profile Strength/Save Modifier or the User Strength?
Weapons that can be used in Hand-to-Hand (including projectile weapons) use their profile, unless otherwise listed. A standard Ork Slugga is Strength 3 both when shooting and fighting in Hand-to-Hand combat, whereas the Red Gobbo's Kustom Slugger is Strength 4 in both.

Q: Do ammo rolls have to be taken for projectile weapons in Hand-to-Hand combat?
Ammo rolls are triggered by rolling to hit a target and this mechanic is not used in Hand-to-Hand combat, only in Shooting. Essentially there are no official rules covering this. House rule at your discretion.

Q: Do Hit Modifiers apply to projectile weapons used in Hand-to-Hand combat?
As with the question above, this mechanic applies to Shooting, not Hand-to-Hand combat, so doesn't apply here.

Q: Do the Save Modifiers apply to projectile weapons used in Hand-to-Hand combat?
The weapon is being fired at your opponent, so yes. It's not a shooting attack in the sense of the shooting phase, but it isn't being used as a bludgeon.

Q: Do Spears have a different Strength in Hand-to-Hand (only the thrown profile is listed)?
Spears use User Strength in Hand-to-Hand combat.

Q: If a Warrior is armed with two Chains/Flails and fumbles, does it count quadruple?
No. Each attack is made with one weapon, so the modifier only applies once.

2. Vehicles

2.1 Vehicle Movement, Rams, and Crashes

Q: Whether through forced moves (e.g. Thruster Buster Table) or intentionally can I drive a vehicle through hand to hand combat?
Absolutely! Both warriors can test as normal to avoid being hit and the combat will be broken up if they dodge away from each other. If one had just charged and the combat was hit by a vehicle that charging bonus will be forfeited - it's hard to keep up charging momentum when you're busy picking yourself back up!

Q: When taking Thrust tests do tests get harder each time and then stay at that difficulty level (2+, 3+, then 4+ for the rest of the game) or do they reset each time?
Based on how the bike rules are worded on page 33 of Da Roolz thruster difficulty checks reset each time.

Q: The rules for tailing and racing describe that you need to make thrust tests to attempt to keep up with an enemy you are chasing if they make thrust tests. It doesn't however describe what happens if you pass your test. Do you move the same distance as your opponent moved for his thrust, or do you roll to see how far you go as well?
In both tailing and racing the pursuer is trying to keep pace with the target, not overtake. Additionally the amount a vehicle moves under thrusters is nominated by the player (see page 32 of Da Roolz), it isn't random. The pursuer will do their best to maintain speed with the vehicle they are tailing/racing and so move the same distance as their target.

Q: What if I'm tailing a vehicle with upgraded thrusters? (E.g. they go 7"+ each time) Or if my cog links are damaged? (Lowest result for Wheel/Trak damage - reduces the vehicle's speed for both gas engines and thrusters)
Multiple thrust tests may be needed to keep up under those circumstances. Essentially your driver has to keep hammering his thrusters or be outpaced by the faster vehicle.

Q: What happens if your opponent performs a slow speed manoeuvre when you are tailing him? He could turn his vehicle around to almost face you, and there's no way to stay behind him.
Slamming on the brakes to perform a slow speed manoeuvre is generally a bad idea when being tailed, although we're not going to stop anyone making that choice! The pursuer immediately hits the vehicle it's tailing inflicting a shunt-type ram (see page 37 of Da Roolz). This also ends the tail.

Q: A bigger vehicle that hits a bike takes significantly less damage than it would when crashing into the wreck of a bike. Doesn't that seem a bit odd?
At first glance it does smell a bit off but it makes sense if you think about it in terms of what's happening. You're looking at models but remember that they're supposed to represent things. The wreck of a bike is still the same model whether it's in play or a wreck but on the battlefield it would be a mess of bits of metal embedded in the ground, things on fire, and of course there's probably a fuel tank ready to explode at the slightest bump!

2.2 Boarding Actions

Q: When I knock an Ork off his bike while boarding it, with a wounding hit, does he still suffer the S3 hit for falling off a moving vehicle?
Yep! When it rains it pours. Does it ever rain on Angelis..?

Q: Does the warrior who knocked the biker off then suffer a S3 hit as well since the bike goes out of control as there are no more crew to take the driver seat?
No, the bike skids to a halt as it is immobilised and crippled (see page 44 of Da Roolz).

Q: An Ork boy boards an enemy trukk and wins a round of combat (and so has to wait 'till next turn to have a'nuvver fight) - on the next turn can the occupants shoot at the intruder?
Boarders are only ever taken on in hand-to-hand. The intruder could be injured if the vehicle is hit though as he effectively counts as crew for damage allocation!

Q: If a boarder counts as being in hand-to-hand with everyone on board does that mean no one can shoot out from the trukk?
Unless dealing with Rebel Grots (who have the Pilin' On special rule) combat is only ever one-on-one in boarding situations. If other warriors aren't busy with dealing directly with the intruders they're free to get on with whatever it was they were doing (picking their noses, shooting enemies, talking about the weather, etc..).

Q: What happens to a vehicle while the driver is in combat? Can the driver drive it as normal or does it swerve?
Like in many action movies unless the driver is defeated the vehicle remains under their control (despite this being ridiculous in reality). Bear in mind that if the driver loses the combat they will be thrown overboard (page 43 of Da Roolz).

Q: If a warrior is unopposed on a vehicle can he take a scrap counter that's been loaded?
Scrap counters that have been loaded onto vehicles count as gubbins but automatically fall off if hit (no armour penetration roll required) - see page 89 of Da Uvver Book. A warrior that's unopposed on a vehicle auto-hits in both shooting and hand-to-hand combat and can pick the location affected (page 44 of Da Roolz). So if you're unopposed you take a turn to shoot/whack the vehicle and next turn you count as carrying it.

Q: Can you board an opponent's vehicle and grab their scrap then after surviving a fight in your turn and the opponents turn proceed to bail out in your next movement phase with their scrap?
No. Scrap that has been loaded onto a vehicle is attached - it's not just sitting there for any cheeky git to snatch!

Q: If a character on a vehicle causes Fear how does that apply to boarders?
This is a bit of a complicated one as it's not a normal charge. Effectively the boarders are on the receiving end of the charge and so it's probably most sensible to apply the Fear rules as if that were the case (see page 48 of Da Roolz).

2.3 General Vehicle Questions

Q: How do vehicle capacities work? How many Orks fit on a trukk?
The simple answer is "How many Orks fit on a trukk?". Gorkamorka is a WYSIWYG game and that applies to vehicle capacities too. Vehicle capacity is dependent only on how big the vehicle is. See page 33 of Da Roolz for confirmation.

Q: Models that physically fall off the vehicle take damage, don't they?
No. Weirdly common misconception but there's absolutely nothing in the Gorkamorka rules about this. Feel free to house rule it if you like the idea though!
As far as I can tell this stems from the 2nd edition Warhammer 40,000 rules for the Ork Battlewagon:
"Any number of models that can fit or balance on the battlewagon can be carried by it. Any models which fall off during play are judged to have actually fallen off and the normal rules apply."

However the 2nd edition rules for the Ork War Trukk only have the first part of that rule. The falling off thing didn't apply to them. Doesn't apply in Gorkamorka either ;)

Q: Traks are just mobile gun platforms though, aren't they? Passengers are what trukks and buggies are for, or..?
Traks can carry passengers just like any other vehicle. Take a look at the diagrams on page 36 and 42 of Da Roolz and you'll see traks with passengers on board. Traks with crew (other than the gunner) are also mentioned in the paragraph below the diagram on page 42.

Q: If vehicles can be any size doesn't that mean I could just make a huge trak for my whole mob?
Yep! Good luck driving that thing around the board though. A bigger vehicle is much harder to move without crashing (see page 39 of Da Roolz for details). It's also a much bigger target for ramming, much easier to hit with template weapons (see page 42 of Da Roolz), and very difficult to hide behind environmental cover. Smaller vehicles don't hold as many warriors but they're a lot harder to hit!

Q: Bikes can only carry the rider, right?
Nope! Bikes can carry crew just like other vehicles; sidecars, platforms, trailers, whatever you can think of. Unlike other vehicles bikes offer no protection for crew (armour value 0!) - see page 64 of Da Roolz for details. The boarding rules for bikes (and how quickly they go out of control without a rider) can be found on page 44 of Da Roolz.

Q: I've only got one vehicle for my mob and it's Unreliable. If I roll a 1 does my mob just lose the game before it starts?
Before choosing a scenario roll for the unreliable vehicle. If it won't show up play Lootas, Da Siege, or a similar scenario. The mob without a vehicle won't get any reinforcements but life ain't always fair on Angelis!

Q: Can a biker bail off the bike into melee and run back to his bike the next turn before the bike runs off?
I don't think he can, no. "Vanilla" Orks can't dismount voluntarily without crashing their bikes. As I'm reading the rules there's only one chance to take over the controls (which the driver forfeits by bailing out in your question) so it crashes (page 44 of Da Roolz for anyone else wondering about this).

Q: Lots of rules deal with a vehicle's crew - the driver is part of the crew, right?
No. Drivers are an entirely separate entity with their own rules. They get their own entry in the Hit Location Tables (see page 63 of Da Roolz for details) and hits affecting the crew location are only referred to them if there are no other crew onboard (page 62). They can be thrown overboard if they lose a round in hand to hand combat but unlike crew members do not fall off the vehicle just by going Down.

Q: Can bikes carry crew?
Yep. Armour value 0 though (page 64 of Da Roolz)!

Q: Can vehicle drivers and gunners get out and move around like normal foot models?
Most bike riders can't but unless stated otherwise the driver and crew of a vehicle can get off whenever they feel like it. Of course if the vehicle is in motion it'll be subject to the Vehicles Without a Driver rules (page 34 and 44 of Da Roolz) so probably best to park it first! (Take a look at how a Stationary Vehicle is defined - page 44 of Da Roolz.)

2.4 Gubbinz

Q: Can I use a Big Grabber or Wrecker Ball on a fort gate?
Yep! They work just the same as if you'd hit any other vehicle.

Q: When you're starting a new mob, are you allowed to buy Gubbinz for vehicles, or do you have to wait at least a game?
Gubbinz aren't included until the post-game section (as opposed to the Mob for Hire section) so it appears that the "rule as written" is that one must wait at least one game. It's unlikely to make much difference either way so as long as other players agree to it you can house rule it like anything else.

3. Other "Vanilla" Rules

3.1 Scenarios

Q: In One of Our Ladz is Missin' the defenders aren't allowed to attack the captive. Once the captive is free, they're no longer a captive and it seems to make sense that they can fight. What happens if they go Out of Action?
Once a captive is free it's up to them to escape! It's quite possible for them to go Out of Action in which case you should roll on the Serious Injuries Table as normal - they are not automatically recaptured.

3.2 Post-Game

Q: If a warrior gains leadership and wishes to challenge their currently captured leader for command what happens?
Confident in his abilities the warrior will act as the leader for the rescue attempt. Once they're rescued the two warriors will face off in the usual manner. Putting the old leader in his place cements his position - it's just not the same grabbing the reins when they're not looking - what kind of spineless sneak would do that?!

Q: I lost first battle and then one of my Boyz got a Leadership advance. He challenged and took charge of the mob, winning the next game. What happens with the nob Leadership upgrade after winning first battle?
The new Nob counts as a normal Nob for all purposes (page 67 of Da Uvver Book) and so is entitled to the +1 Leadership for bringing home the mob's first victory.

Q: When a Yoof becomes a Boy, does one update their cost to the cost of a boy?
Unless explicitly stated otherwise the cost on the roster is the teef paid for things. Mobs don't pay when a warrior levels up to Boy status and so the amount shouldn't be updated.

Q: If a vehicle with permanent damage goes in to have its fixed weapon kustomised and rolls "While we Wuz at It..." does the permanent damage get fixed or is it treated as a weapon upgrade and so nothing happens?
Fixed weapons are part of the vehicle - the lads park the whole vehicle in the shop and head to the brewhouse. In other words: yes, the permanent damage gets fixed.

Q: Bows, Crossbows, Kannons, and Stikkbombs all have specific rules for Kustomisin'. Scorchas don't though. Increasing their strength makes sense but how do I add extra range or a sustained fire dice to them?
A: Hmmm. Tricky.

Q: Can I send a Grot to the Dok? (The rulebook never specifically says that you send 'an Ork'. Any member of your mob, including Grots can go in 'fer serjery'. They also don't have the added risk of death that Diggas have. 'ard li'l chaps.)
Da Uvver Book does say "After any game you can take an injured warrior to a Doc" (page 78) rather than "an Ork" so if you're in the clear!

Q: Can Grots be drivers/gunners?
It'd be fairly unusual but the rules don't stipulate that either position needs to be manned by an Ork ("Whenever you buy a vehicle or a big gun you have to nominate a member of your mob to be the driver or gunner for it" - Da Uvver Book, page 27), just a member of your mob.

4. Oddmobz
4.1 Diggas

Q: Do Diggas with cybork bodies still have to take Toughness checks for future dok visits?
Warriors can only have one bionik per area (Da Doc's Code - page 78 of Da Uvver Book). Use their old Toughness stat as normal on the other areas.

4.2 Rebel Grots

Q: How does Pilin' On work? It sounds pretty complicated!
You're not wrong there! Thankfully it's pretty easy if you make it through their explanation alive : Rebel Grots are good at boarding vehicles and can work in groups when they do. Firstly when attempting to board they roll two dice for the initiative check and pick the lowest result.
Secondly, instead of fighting one on one (like all other mobs), they can be grouped to act a bit like the subsequent attackers in multiple combatants situations (page 28 of Da Roolz). Say a group of three Rebel Grots are fighting one Ork during a boarding action - instead of fighting normally one of the three grots leads the attack and receives +2 to his combat score and two additional attack dice. The other two don't get to fight anyone else as they're busy helping out their mate - to the tune of a couple of extra attacks and a score bonus!

Q: Are there any rules for changing the Rebel Grot winds during game? (A friend played Rebel Grots first time, rolls wind, doldrums, and the wind moved in an awkward direction. I felt bad after the 2nd or 3rd turn because between bad rolls and the wind he could only movie around than 6-7 inches a turn.)
'fraid not, at least as it stands. Looks to be an issue that needs discussion though. Do you have any suggestions?

Q: It says in the weapons section that a Rebel Grot may only have 1 gun (page 36 of Digganob). I'm assuming this doesn't apply to the Head Honcho as GW's official model is carrying a Six-Shoota & Shoota?
The wording here is a bit silly and "gun" should be capitalised to make it clear that it refers to weapons from the Rebel Grot Gunz table. Only Head Honchos and Banna Wavers can be armed with "Guns" and they can also take an additional two hand-to-hand weapons/Stikkbombs. In theory you could arm a Snot with two Blunderbusses!

Q: My Head Honcho is dead and I've not got enough teef to buy another one. Can I use the Banna Waver as the new Head Honcho?
Leadership goes to whoever has the highest Leadership characteristic. Failing that the two mob member with the most experience points have to fight it out for the job - "Rebel Grots must have fights to change gunners and drivers and suffer from leadership disputes just like an Ork mob. See Da Uvver Book for how to resolve these." (page 44 of Digganob). The relevant part of Da Uvver Book (page 66) states: "In addition, the death of a mob’s leader will usually lead to a brief power struggle to see who takes the deceased Nob’s place. If you lose your Nob then the warrior with the highest Leadership will take over. If you have two warriors with the same Leadership they will have a pit fight as explained below. If more than two warriors have the same Leadership, the two warriors with the most Experience points will fight in the pit to decide who is the ’ardest.").

Q: If a member of a vehicle's crew causes Fear and my Grots Pile On how do we apply Fear?
Working as a group is good for morale! The main boarder takes a Leadership test - if he fails apply the rules for being charged by a model that causes Fear (as per the previous ruling in this FAQ).

Q: Do Rebel Grot drivers have to remain on the vehicle for turn like normal Ork drivers or can they abandon ship to join in with the Pilin' On?
They can jump off if they like but if the vehicle moved last turn then it's considered to be in motion and the Vehicles Without a Driver rules from page 34 of Da Roolz apply.

4.3 Muties

Q: Regarding the Mutie riding skill Sweeping Blow: do Muties get +1 anyway in HtH vs. foot models because they're already "higher up" (as they're mounted) and so with this skill is it +2?
No, the +1 Higher Ground bonus is for terrain elevation, not model height. A Mutie's elevation is where his mount is standing. If he's fighting from a hilltop against a footer it would be +2, though.

Q: Do Muties cancel out the -1 charging obstacle with vehicle crews because (in most cases) they're about the same height?
A: As per jumping between vehicles (page 44 of Da Roolz) if the vehicle sides are physically higher than the Mutie then yes they would suffer this penalty just as one would if attempting to board from a vehicle of lower height.

Q: Does a Mutie with the Rapid Fire dakka skill get to move and shoot twice as he's on the back of a steed like a warrior on a bike would?
No, Muties are foot models (page 63 of Digganob) and so have the stay put if they want to use the Rapid Fire skill.

Q: For the purposes of the Rapid Fire dakka skill do Holy Weapons count as big guns?
No; page 56 of Da Roolz: "Big gunz must be mounted on a vehicle as a fixed weapon".

Q: Can you have both a Glaive and a Falchion on a single model?
Absolutely! Page 62 of Digganob: "A warrior can also carry any number of hand-to-hand weapons and grenades". The model could use both at the same time or one at a time. Only the Demilune is two-handed and prevents the use of other hand-to-hand weapons simultaneously. Even so the warrior could still carry one if they wanted to!

Q: Should the dakka skill Hipshoota be re-rolled for Muties? Does it just negate the -1 modifier from shooting whilst galloping (page 63 of Digganob)?
Good question! The riding skill Expert Aim already negates the -1 modifier so...

Q: Should the Fixer odd skill be rerolled for Muties?
Good question! Probably.

5. Modelling

Q: Which vehicle models should I use to represent stuff?
Absolutely whatever you like. As long as it's clear what it is (trukk, trak, bike) everything is fine. Take a look at this post for more details.

Q: Where can I find models to represent Diggas/Freebooters/Muties/etc. ?
Take a look at the Gorkamorka subreddit wiki's models page. Let me know if you've got any suggestions for additions :)

6. Miscellaneous

Q: How big were the original scrap counters?
They're irregular shapes so the measurements are only approximate. Working clockwise from the top the counters are as follows:
  • 38mm x 26mm
  • 29mm x 24mm
  • 36mm x 23mm
Q: Where can I get the original templates (blastmarker, etc..)?
There's a PDF here on YakTribe. Make sure scaling is set to exactly 100% when printing to ensure they're the same size as the originals.


20/09/2024 - Added Gordon Ross' questions from the Facebook group
23/02/2018 - Solved some of the Grot questions for vanilla mobs and the whip conundrum (thanks Matthew Bester!)
2/02/2018 - Added Andy Chambers' judgement on reloading multiple Six-Shootas
24/08/2017 - Added a question about a common misconception vis-à-vis warriors taking damage if the model physically falls off a vehicle during play (they don't!).
12/05/2017 - Added JimboDeany's question about Rebel Grot drivers.
12/05/2017 - Added JimboDeany's questions about boarding a vehicle and the Fear rules.
12/05/2017 - Added JimboDeany's question about the Play Dead skill.
12/05/2017 - Added mrmojorisin's question
30/03/2016 - Added Mason Berg's questions about carrying two Gunz.
22/11/2016 - Added Dayve220's questions about scrap counters on vehicles.
21/11/2016 - Not sure who asked but I've put a clarification about drivers and gunners disembarking
3/11/2016 - Answered Dan Harrington's question about fixed weapons and vehicle permanent damage
6/08/2016 - Answered Perry Bakker's question about bikes carrying crew.
1/08/2016 - Answered Tommy Blom's question about which weapons are affected by Shields.
31/07/2016 - Answered Dan Harrington's question about wielding two Knives.
15/07/2016 - Answered the question about multiple spears in close-combat. Cheers, Facebook!
15/07/2016 - Answered the Six-Shoota reloading question
14/07/2016 - Added Soss3's question about drivers in hand-to-hand combat
14/02/2016 - Added Yann Bernard's question about the line of succession in Rebel Grot mobs
23/12/2015 - Added waters' question about arming Muties with hand-to-hand weapons
5/11/2015 - Added Aroven's question about buying Gubbinz at the start of a campaign
30/10/2015 - Added DracoPT's question about the Rapid Fire dakka skill
10/09/2015 - Added a question dealing with the distinction between drivers and crew
26/08/2015 - Added GrimDork's question about arming Rebel Grot mobs
19/05/2015 - Added ineptmule's answer to the question about Mutie Holy Guns
22/04/2015 - Added Samantha's answer to Jake's question
21/04/2015 - Added Loki's question about Attack bonuses and ammo rolls
20/04/2015 - Reformatted the guide to be less of a catastrophe
7/04/2015 - Added answered and unanswered questions from Brork
9/12/2014 - Removed Borg451's question (duplicate - whoops!)
8/12/2014 - Added Borg451's question.
6/11/2014 - Updated the answer to whether two six-shootas work like a brace of pistols in Mordheim (thanks, @ineptmule )
22/04/2014 - Updated the answer about Pilin' On to reflect a bit I missed
19/04/2014 - Answered a question regarding warrior costs on rosters.
16/04/2014 - Added Dod g. Git's question about reloading Six-Shootas
15/04/2014 - Added JBugman's question about bikes charging, Vragnar's question about unreliable vehicles, Krokfang's question about fort gates and gubbinz, also attempted to clarify the Pilin' On rule for Rebel Grots
14/04/2014 - Added a question about templates
7/04/2014 - Added a couple of questions about boarding bikes
6/04/2014 - Added a question about leadership challenges with captured leaders
5/04/2014 - Added a question about slow speed manoeuvres and tailing
4/04/2014 - Added another question about tailing
3/04/2014 - Added a question about tailing and racing
2/04/2014 - Added a question about drivers suffering the effects of Frenzy
1/04/2014 - Added a question about updating warrior costs
31/03/2014 - Added a question about experience points and weapons with sustained fire dice
30/03/2014 - Added a question about reloading Six-Shootas
29/03/2014 - Added a question about kustomisin Scorchas
28/03/2014 - Added a question about traks carrying passengers
27/03/2014 - Added some further questions about charging
26/03/2014 - Added multiple combatants question
25/03/2014 - Added Wulkon's question about Thrust checks
24/03/2014 - Added squashing hand to hand combatants question
23/03/2014 - Added One of Our Ladz is Missin' question
22/03/2014 - Added "auto fire" question
21/03/2014 - Added Samantha's question about sending Grots to the Dok
21/03/2014 - Added question about Doc odd skill
20/03/2014 - Added scrap counter measurements
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Q: When a Yoof becomes a Boy, does one update their cost to the cost of a boy?
A: You know, I'm not actually sure! I don't think so.

This should never be the case if it's anything like Necromunda.
Having read through the uvver book, I read it as his cost is now 5, as he has become a Boy, he gainst the +1T and is a Boy in all regards. He is no longer considered a Yoof for anything, he's all grown up.
Q: Six-Shootas require a turn to reload - if I have two can I fire every turn?
A: In Mordheim having a brace of pistols (i.e. two) allows a shot to be fired every turn, is the same true in Gorkamorka?

I've just been reading the mutie rules and there is a sentence in there which implies that you actually cannot do this:


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I have a question of my own, and a couple of thoughts on some of the red questions above.

My new question: Yoofs and the Ork maximum characteristic profile

Does a yoof who is already at T5 before he gets his 21st XP go to T6? The letter of the rules says no, according to the following:
  • Da Uvver Book, page 25: "It is possible for a Yoof ascending to join the Boyz might manage to reach Toughness 5. This is perfectly OK and the Yoof in question will gain great respect for his ability to crush cans on his head and consume prodigious quantities of fungus beer."
  • Da Uvver Book, page 58: Ork Maximum Characteristic Profile: M4 WS6 BS6 S4 T5 W3 I5 A3 LD9
So the entry for the Yoof gaining toughness makes specific mention of what it clearly considers to be an exception to the normal rules, but in fact is talking about something that would be allowable anyway.

I argue that the intent here is to allow Yoofs to go to T6 if they have been lucky enough to roll two T increases in their first three advances. It would be the only way that it's possible to happen, and make such an unusual Yoof rather special indeed...

Thoughts on existing unresolved questions

Q: For the purposes of the Rapid Fire dakka skill do Holy Weapons count as big guns?

I would argue no. They are more akin to Special Weapons in Necromunda, especially as big guns are defined as being required to be mounted on vehicles. As mentioned in the question about muties having to stay still to use Rapid Fire, muties suffer a little for being warriors on foot in this case so allowing Holy Weapons to be rapid fired does not seem over powered.

Q: Should the dakka skill Hipshoota be re-rolled for Muties? Does it just negate the -1 modifier from shooting whilst galloping (page 63 of Digganob)?

I think it should be re-rolled. There are a few other examples of irrelevant skills for muties that do get re-rolled and, as pointed out, it has an equivalent already in another table.
I've always read the Yoof Toughness thing as a clarification rather than an exception. The reason being that the statline says "3(4)" (rather than "3 (+1)" )

Here's the way I read it:
Da Uvver Book, page 25: "It is possible for a Yoof ascending to join the Boyz might manage to reach Toughness 5."
T5 is the cap after all (and T5 pretty bloody tough!) and if they'd meant the increase to allow an exception it feels like they'd have said so.

Of course as it's an edge case it seems fun to at least house rule it and allow for T6! I suspect the lack of other stat increases would make that Yoof the equivalent of Homer during his boxing career...

Thoughts on existing unresolved questions

Q: For the purposes of the Rapid Fire dakka skill do Holy Weapons count as big guns?

I would argue no. They are more akin to Special Weapons in Necromunda, especially as big guns are defined as being required to be mounted on vehicles. As mentioned in the question about muties having to stay still to use Rapid Fire, muties suffer a little for being warriors on foot in this case so allowing Holy Weapons to be rapid fired does not seem over powered.
Now that is a very good point! I took a look in Da Roolz and sure enough, page 56:
"Big gunz are seriously big, heavy pieces of ordnance which are too weighty and massive to be carried by a warrior. Big gunz must be mounted on a vehicle as a fixed weapon, and a vehicle can only ever mount a single big gun because of the extra space needed for ammunition and spares."

They're definitively not Big Gunz by that classification. Sorted!

Q: Should the dakka skill Hipshoota be re-rolled for Muties? Does it just negate the -1 modifier from shooting whilst galloping (page 63 of Digganob)?

I think it should be re-rolled. There are a few other examples of irrelevant skills for muties that do get re-rolled and, as pointed out, it has an equivalent already in another table.
I think perhaps a compromise then?

"Mutie warriors may have either Hipshoota or Expert Aim. If a warrior rolls already has one of the skills re-roll the other should it come up."
Hey guys! I'm gonna start playing this game soon and this post is being very usefull since the rules are not always clear.

Maybe I've not found this written but can I change/sell the main gun on a vehicle during a campaign? And I can dismiss mob members too?
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Hey guys! I'm gonna start playing this game soon and this post is being very usefull since the rules are not always clear.
Thanks! It's great to hear the FAQ is getting used :)

Maybe I've not found this written but can I change/sell the main gun on a vehicle during a campaign?
Page 68 of Da Uvver Book covers selling weapons and equipment. You can sell of whatever you like (although it's rarely worth it).

And I can dismiss mob members too?
I don't think it's explicitly stated but I'm fairly sure mob members can be kicked out. The player doesn't get their money back though.
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Thanks for the quick reply!

I don't think it's explicitly stated but I'm fairly sure mob members can be kicked out. The player doesn't get their money back though.

The cost of the warriors yeah I think it's expected to not get it back, but I can keep it's gear or it goes away with it?
The cost of the warriors yeah I think it's expected to not get it back, but I can keep it's gear or it goes away with it?
Take a look at the section about selling stuff - equipment can be transferred between mob members freely. Therefore you could move all the warrior's gear before dismissing them :)
I wasn't sure because in page 27 of Da Uvver Book says "Remember to add the cost of the big gun to the vehicle carrying it." and I thought it was only when I buy the vehicle. About dismissing members I think it doesn't says anything about it, just if the warrior loses both eyes.

Thanks again! Hope you don't mind if I come here again in the future asking stuff
I wasn't sure because in page 27 of Da Uvver Book says "Remember to add the cost of the big gun to the vehicle carrying it." and I thought it was only when I buy the vehicle.
I'd assume that's because the fixed weapon's cost needs to be listed somewhere on the roster and adding it to the gunner's statline wouldn't make sense.