Gorkamorka FAQ

Yeah, that's the NCE way - though it's an NCE addition, not in the ORB (which is equally vague - and GoMo just seemed to copy the ORB).

Going by what is said, there's no specific answer, but I think it would be reasonable to assume that if he doesn't have his weapons when rescued then you don't get them back. It'd be good to know why NCE ruled otherwise/
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So I would say that unless they are traded or ransomed they lose their gear. Logic for this is that the game where the warrior is captured if they aren't traded or ransomed they can be used to generate income for the capturing mob therefore have been put to work in the mines, the loss of equipment is backed up in digganob on p27 under Diggas and Captives "... However if no agreement is reached the captive will be taken back to the tunnels and turned over to Da Wrecker. They strip the captive of their equipment as normal and then will lead them back to their home. In this case the enemy has one last chance... "

How the NCE change was decided I don't know (I played ORB until tribemeetAUS) but for GoMo I'd say it is pretty clear the intention (just another thorn in the muties side since they can't ransom or trade)
It doesn't directly answer the above but, while looking at this, I noticed something else.

If a vehicle's captured, it says that you get ONE chance to rescue it before it's torn apart for scrap (Uvver Book, p. 54).

I don't see any similar restriction on rescuing boyz. Can you keep picking Scenario 7 any time you're facing someone who have one of your boyz in their mine?

(If so, I guess that's some reason to think he loses his equipment, since it may have been used or sold by then.)
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So according to Digganob, you can attempt to rescue anything but a vehicle or rebel grot with over 100xp as many times as you want from an ork mob, any other mob as captors you only get one attempt at rescuing no matter what (boy, grot, vehicle, mutie, shaman doesn't matter) which raises the question since multiple rescue attempts can be made at what point can the capturing mob sell/use captured equipment if it isn't straight after a ransom or trade has fallen through?

This doesn't come up in Necromunda ORB or NCE as you only get to keep or sell the gangers equipment if the ganger is sold to the guilders (which it appears is left to the players discretion how long you hold on to a ganger for)

I personally think the passage from Digganob is pretty conclusive "They strip the captive of their equipment as normal" indicates that it is what happens whenever someone is captured and not traded or ransomed. The only reason I can see to interpret for them to retain their equipment is that all the rescue missions for Oddmobs are Gotcha or Convoy indicating the rescue is happening before the captive has reached the captors 'base' however this would explain the need for the "They strip the captive of their equipment as normal" inclusion

At the end of the day I would say this is another thing that will come down to play groups and as long as it is consistent for the entire campaign it wont really matter, and to be honest I have a feeling that the campaign I'm playing in atm have been retaining equipment on a successful rescue (I haven't captured ort had a capture yet so I'm not 100% sure)
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It's been a long while since I played a GoMo campaign. My recollection is that we assumed only one chance to rescue a captive, in your next fight. That's effectively before he goes to the mines. If he goes to the mines, then he's effectively removed from the campaign. I'm not say this is either RAW or RAI, just how I think we actually played it (perhaps importing stuff from Necromunda or simply what seemed to make sense).

Getting to play Rescue missions all the time sounds pretty boring, though the bit about captive Diggas perhaps suggests it.

The paragraph about captured Grots (p. 51) seems pretty confusing to me. It says if they have over 100xp then you CAN attempt to rescue them. I think the intended implication is that they won't attempt rescues for those with less than 101xp, though since it says they're treated as normal it's not really clear.
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Yeah that's one of those annoying rules split to another page rather than adding another line of text, its clarified at the bottom of p79 that grots under 100xp are treated as normal (e.g as many as you like for orks) and grots with 100xp+ only get one rescue attempt with orks
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it makes sense that you can rescue as many times as you want from orks (except for muties, im pretty sure that is an oversight unless its to represent that it takes a really really long time for the orks to get back to their fort) as you can keep generating income with a captive and a digga will fight with your ork mob if you want them to
Ah, that table (p. 79) helpfully clarifies that you can indeed attempt rescue many times. It looks like we can take that as a general rule.

(I don't know about the claim that it makes sense - from the perspective of fluff, maybe, but rules-wise it would be simpler if those in the mines were basically removed from the campaign, which was the case in Necromunda.)

It does indeed make the text on p. 51 even more misleading. Apparently what it's supposed to mean is that those with under 101xp can indeed be rescued at any point, as normal, but those with over 100xp only get one rescue attempt (and get executed, rather than sent to the mine).

It really would be useful to have a Community Edition just to tidy up the rules...
What happens to a warrior's equipement after a successful rescue mission?

The injury table says warriors retain their equipment if traded or ransomed, while the captors retain it if he's put to work in the mine. Neither of those apply here. The scenario doesn't seem to specify anything. (Well, it's clear he doesn't have his weapons during the scenario, but it could work like Necromunda [NCE] where he gets them back afterwards.)

If there's nothing in the Necromunda books I think you could do something like if you knock down an enemy wielding a weapon that your warrior had used then you could take back that weapon and hold it for the rest of the game. This way it would be harder, but still possible to get back your warrior and all his gear free. Although, I'm not sure what happens if your warrior neither works nor gets ransomed. But I suppose they would just keep the weapons next to him or something just in case they can get a ransom.
Muties vs grots scenario table roll. In digganob it states that muties roll on their scenario table vs any other mob. It states the same thing for rebel grots. When muties play grots who rolls for the scenario and on which table?
Muties, Rebel Grot table is Oddmob which includes Lootaz, Lootaz requires vehicles so Muties can't take part.
Or go whoever has the lowest rating and then just dont play Lootaz
Okay, thanks for that. I’m not sure which option we will go for in our campaign but I figured there would be a reason that the muties woukd be restricted in the scenario options.
Apart from an intro game in the 90's with a mate. Never got round to playing so hope my questions aren't a bit basic.

1) do yoofs/grotz cause cave ins? Or can I roll a 6 on a D3?

To me a D3 only exists after the conversion.
This bit of descriptive/rules text says only Boyz cause cave ins.

"Sometimes the Boyz can dig a little too enthusiastically
and cause a cave-in, especially if lots of people are
working in the mine. If you roll three or more 6’s on the
dice for the miners,"

But I'm sure that's more a description meant to mean the members of your mob who mine. As in not the orks to busy to dig.

2) if my vehicle has high sides safety rails etc. Does it count as an edge for the sake of falling of when pinned/downed?

Of course this leads to the concept of modeling for advantage but combat modifiers are also based on this so. With trukks and trakks and even rebel grot vehicles (not read all details on rebel grot vehicles yet). Is the edge and high sides all based on simply how I build my vehicles.
1) do yoofs/grotz cause cave ins? Or can I roll a 6 on a D3?

Funnily enough, I was looking at this the other day, and it reminded me of a recent - quite lengthy - debate about N18:

Fluff-wise, it would make sense that a Yoof doesn't dig as much as a Boy, so is less likely to cause a cave-in. However, I think the RAI is that a 6 is a 6, even if it's halved.

I don't have a specific source in relation to the mine, but look at Digganob p. 17. Digga-boys and -yoofs only generate d3 income, yet there's a special rule (Nightmares in the Dark) that triggers on three or more 6s. So, there they must be counting what's rolled on the physical d6 rather than the simulated d3.

2) if my vehicle has high sides safety rails etc. Does it count as an edge for the sake of falling of when pinned/downed?

I don't think they make any difference.

Orks don't actually get pinned anyway. So, I believe the falling when pinned rule was only introduced in Digganob (p. 12). There it simply says if you're about ground level - and gives the wall of a fort as an example.

There are various other (non-pinning) cases where someone is knocked off a vehicle, e.g. because they lose hand to hand combat (Roolz, p. 43) but those conditions don't say anything about edges or safety railed - you're simply thrown off.
Funnily enough, I was looking at this the other day, and it reminded me of a recent - quite lengthy - debate about N18:

Fluff-wise, it would make sense that a Yoof doesn't dig as much as a Boy, so is less likely to cause a cave-in. However, I think the RAI is that a 6 is a 6, even if it's halved.

I don't have a specific source in relation to the mine, but look at Digganob p. 17. Digga-boys and -yoofs only generate d3 income, yet there's a special rule (Nightmares in the Dark) that triggers on three or more 6s. So, there they must be counting what's rolled on the physical d6 rather than the simulated d3.

I don't think they make any difference.

Orks don't actually get pinned anyway. So, I believe the falling when pinned rule was only introduced in Digganob (p. 12). There it simply says if you're about ground level - and gives the wall of a fort as an example.

There are various other (non-pinning) cases where someone is knocked off a vehicle, e.g. because they lose hand to hand combat (Roolz, p. 43) but those conditions don't say anything about edges or safety railed - you're simply thrown off.
I'm a 100% sure they mean 6s for all myself. It's just a rushed rules writing that means they never got round to specifying. I seem to remember Andy Chambers stating that the rules were wrote in about 2 weeks and they never got to polish them off due to time constraints.

Also drop edge on vehicles should be universal no matter how you model etc.
More just curious about if people have encountered the opinion of walls railings etc stopping things from being a drop.
This comes from my mostly ORB knowledge where I've seen a few disagreements about if folk falling of an edge if there is a railing.

I do plan on having grotz in my mob.
ORB Outlanders had rules that a railing allowed you to re-roll the falling test. You could import that into GoMo if you want, as a house rule. I don't think there was ever a case where you're immune to falling.
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ORB Outlanders had rules that a railing allowed you to re-roll the falling test. You could import that into GoMo if you want, as a house rule. I don't think there was ever a case where you're immune to falling.
Ah so it outlanders where that rule was and how I never new what people were going on about. Have outlanders must of just overlooked it. So much confusion over the years.
I'm going from memory there, but I believe so. I think it was in with the scenery rules. I'm not aware of that rule ever being in GoMo, but pinning was much rarer anyway.
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Can Grots in Ork mobs act as drivers or gunners? It never says not in the books but it's also never been done as far as I know.
Can Grots in Ork mobs act as drivers or gunners? It never says not in the books but it's also never been done as far as I know.
Q: Can Grots be drivers/gunners?
It'd be fairly unusual but the rules don't stipulate that either position needs to be manned by an Ork ("Whenever you buy a vehicle or a big gun you have to nominate a member of your mob to be the driver or gunner for it" - Da Uvver Book, page 27), just a member of your mob.