Gorkamorka FAQ

Started a mob in a campaign recently and looking for help with rule clarification. I lost first battle and then one of my Boyz got a leadership of 8. He challenged the nob to a pit fight and won. The next battle my mob won with my newly elected nob in charge. What happens with the nob leadership upgrade after winning first battle? I see three options, 1. The newly elected nob gets a leadership upgrade to 9. 2. The original (but now deposed) nob gets a leadership upgrade to 8. 3. Neither get an upgrade

The rules state that if your nob dies the boy that becomes nob to replace him gets a leadership upgrade after first battle won but doesn't cover this scenario.

Not sure if this needs to be a house rule or not but wanted thoughts on this.
Bit late to this but only just started and a few questions have arisen, I'm playing Rebel Grotz and as you can imagine there are some combinations of rules that don't fully explain how they should be applied:

1. If a character on a vehicle causes fear, my grotz board and fight as one unit, my opponent chooses the fear causer to defend how do we apply the fear? Roll for just the main guy and if he fails halve his WS?

2. Do rebel grot "drivers" have to remain on the vehicle for turn like normal ork drivers or can they abandon ship to join in with the piling on?
Experience Points for Wounding Hits for Stikkbombs on Vehicles
On page 42 of the rules it states that you get a hit on the crew location with Stikkbomb you make a separate armour penetration and damage roll for each crewman on board.
Does this mean that each time you penetrate armour on a crewman you get 5 Exp points for a penetrating hit or is it just one penetrating hit for penetrating the crew location?
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Rebel Grot vs Muties, who rolls scenario on which table?
The player with the lowest mob rating (based on them both taking precedence on page 78 of Digganob and therefore falling back on the rule from page 87 of Da Uvver Book).

If the Muties have the lower rating then roll on the Muties Scenario Table. If the Rebel Grots are the underdogs then they roll on the Oddmobs Scenario Table. Both are on page 78 of Digganob.
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Not sure if this has been covered somewhere else but what about impressive scars on Muties?
Page 69 of Digganob in the Well 'Ard skill "if a Mutie that causes fear already (such as a set of impressive scars)... " is the general consensus that for Muties the Serious Injury table should include Horrible Scars and that this is a typo?
Hey ummm, in Da Rulez it explicitly states that pistols like six shootas are supposed to be used at their own strength value in hand to hand combat, representing that your warrior is shooting in close combat. Because of the fact that all pistols at least start at strength 3, and require going to a mek to upgrade that, what is the point in using pistols in close combat as opposed to knuckles/knives? For instance, with knives you can use your own strength, so if your guy has strength 4 it would be more effective than if you used a pistol.
1) For the extra weapon/attack.

2) It could be that you have extra Strength on your pistol, or an arm wound on your guy, or something.
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A choppa/pistol is cheap starting load-out for ladz with an up close and personal outlook on krumpin'. You can do a bit of shooting at the cost of 1pt of St on half your close combat attacks. For the truly dedicated hand to hand monsters, you can get the extra choppa later, or if the lad in question gets a good BS later in the campaign, the pistol makes a handy back-up weapon in case his shoota or kannon jams. But yes, 2 choopaz are better than one.
I've never bothered to kustumize a gun or pistol, the "Rool of Kool" notwithstanding. Always something more vital to spend those teef on.
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1) For the extra weapon/attack.

2) It could be that you have extra Strength on your pistol, or an arm wound on your guy, or something.
A choppa/pistol is cheap starting load-out for ladz with an up close and personal outlook on krumpin'. You can do a bit of shooting at the cost of 1pt of St on half your close combat attacks. For the truly dedicated hand to hand monsters, you can get the extra choppa later, or if the lad in question gets a good BS later in the campaign, the pistol makes a handy back-up weapon in case his shoota or kannon jams. But yes, 2 choopaz are better than one.
I've never bothered to kustumize a gun or pistol, the "Rool of Kool" notwithstanding. Always something more vital to spend those teef on.

But the the thing is, you can get that extra attack by using the knives/knuckles anyways, since you can switch to whatever hand-to-hand weapons you wish before combat, so unless you have a custom pistol or something I guess that there's no point to using them in CQC. I guess it doesn't really matter though, since you can just imagine it as otherwise but still.
In GoMo you can get 2x free knives for the extra attack - unlike Necromunda, where the knives cost money - but technically you can only swap ONE weapon before combat. I've always ignored that rule as silly, but if you play RAW then that may be some reason to use a pistol.