GSC - New Player First Attempt


New Member
Jun 24, 2018
Trying to put together a gang:

Is the 'Infiltrator' alpha striker just going to die immediately? Should I make them both fill this role for a double team. Another option is to give them both evade and have them play more of a support/ranged role.

Will my leader be able to get into melee and survive?

More grenade launchers, they seem really good.

I do like the look of the bone sword, so I think I'd like to keep that on my Adept, it seems on par with a chain sword.

Thanks in advance.
One small issue, you can only take one Heavy or Special weapon Neophyte at gang creation so one of them will have to settle for a different weapon until after the first game of the campaign. On the plus side, that leaves credits available to give Levy a Cult Icon to help control all those Neophytes or a Hand Flamer if you want to double down on ambushing. Infiltrate is an extremely useful skill to have even if it does not come into play every match, so I'd probably hold on to that on Wilder regardless of how you decide to use Levy.

I would probably hold your leader back and reserve him for counter-assault and group activations until you are able to get him an Aberrant buddy or two to escort him up the board (this is where the Cult Icon is handy, as an Acolyte can oversee the gunline while the leader is off elsewhere).

Hope that helps!