There is no official clear-cut answers, otherwise it wouldn't need to be in the YAQ
The reasons we now assume everyone as access to (at least) Wargear/wargear are as follows:
- if they don't have access to Wargear, GSC Acolytes cannot take a Cult icon, an item that only they can take
- if they don't have access to Wargear, GSC Aberrants cannot take an Extra arm, an 'item' that is modelled on every available Aberrant miniature
- GW3 p9 doesn't list 'Wargear' as available to Van Saar gangers, while it was listed for the other houses gangers in previous publications
- GW3 p12 states 'Note that Juves can take Wargear' even if Wargear has never been listed as available to Juves (including on the aforementionned p9 where Van Saar Juves are described)
- GW1 p24, in the 'Distribute Equipment' step states that 'Any equipment in the gang's Stash can now be distributed among its fighters' and that 'Weapons choices must respect the restrictions shown in the gang's House list' with no similar mention for Wargear restrictions
All of this suggests that at least 7 fighter types should have access to Wargear at gang creation while it's not listed on their Equipment list, and that everyone can have access to Wargear once the campaign is started. The simpler solution is to give access to Wargear to everyone at anytime.
Now, is this Wargear just Wargear/wargear or all of Wargear/ (including Grenades and Armour)? This one is more difficult as we have signs pointing in both directions.
- If Wargear is all of Wargear/, then there is no need for GW3 p12 to list Grenades as available to Van Saar gangers.
- But if Wargear is only Wargear/wargear then there is no use for the starting armour of each gang (Flak armour for Escher for instance) to be included in their HWL since juves can't take it and they are the only ones who need it.
- Also, GW1 p24 still applies and everyone has unrestricted access to everything that isn't a weapon once the campaign is started anyway.