For the price of the boltgun, meltagun, displacer field and bolt pistol... You could pretty much get the Vartijan Exo-Driller. Or a pile of autoguns and squats to shoot them.
In that respect, I'd almost switch to starting with something like this:
Squat Prospectors gang with a rating of 765 by Xisor_of_Karak_Izor
And that leaves you with 200+ credits still to spend on, e.g.: 4× IH Boltpistols; a Special weapon; more bodies; a hanger on; armour...
Whatever you like! Pop a Meltagun on the Leader instead of a Handflamer and you've basically got what you listed above, but more suited to thriving in the early days of a campaign.
Even setting aside the IH meltagun, with that starting point you' have already got two geezers throwing smokes (ergo: geysers?), three folks laying suppressing fire, and three pure dafties, and ready to become the rooting tooting gunslingers they were born to be.
Those last three *can* (will!) be dual wielding - especially modelled that way! - but as a starting point, they don't need to have actually paid for all that. And weapons like IH Boltguns and Meltaguns are amazing, but the price you pay for them isn't purely credits, but also the
Also, two (or three, as above) autoguns give plenty of ranged shots which can be used to exert pressure & pinning. Hitting on 2+ (aimed) with a Champion, which is reasonably reliable.
Going for the Handflamer leader is more as an indication: it's a starting point.
Leaders are always gonna behave a target on their head, this way you turn it against them: they're there to be a bit of a "What's going on there?" puzzle. Is it a cunning plot, or the only one in your gang who can do *that*? (Yes, yes.)
But everyone with an auto-weapon here is *capable* of landing 6 hits on someone. Reasonably capable. That IH Boltpistol? One action could see it output six damage into someone, with only the normal ammo/jamming risk.
It's not crazy strong, nor is it terribly subtle, but it's enough to appear like there's no trick (there isn't), and to therefore have your opponents underestimate how strong your simple band of unarmoured dafties can be.
They're not a crowd of psy-ghuuls, and they'll still be outnumbered when the Bonepickers appear, but that sort of list (+ bells & whistles) is probably the easiest way to start (and be kind on yourself) whilst keeping you close to going gunslinging-mad when a campaign gets rolling.
Doubly so if you keep those Juves around, a single BS XP advance and suddenly you've got them to the point where buying dum-dums & a second gun is attractive (and inexpensive). Not amazing, but certainly entertaining.
And on-brand!
(As a last side-note, I've been quite impressed with two drill kyn w/IH boltguns recently. It's nearly 300 credits, but they do ranged *and* damage, leaving the rest of my gang to cosplay as people going places with things to do [i.e. get closer, go after objectives, sometimes hit things with other things, shoot from a range where your target gets sore ears at the very least.] Not sure it's *wise*, but it means that - in combination with a Claim Jumper - I've felt free to be quite silly with the other 630 credits and approach missions with an oddly liberated attitude. None of my eggs are in my baskets, I'm free!! )