GW is planning new Specailist Games minis?

OK so after a couple of hours chasing what little info there is out there and with Hastings over on Warseer confirming it I guess I'll believe it's anything but Dreadfleet 2.0 when I see it. From the sound of things it's being done by the Forge World people which raises hopes for some nice miniatures and a small reduction in the probability for rules written by the same lot as Age of Sigmar.

This is starting to look interesting. Now, to name their longest-fallow IP, howzabout second-edition Dark Future then Geedubs?
I was in my local GW this morning and the local guy mentioned this rumour this morning. He said it started in Australia and no ones knows about it on the staff forums there was a lot of panicked msgs on there. All in all he looked quite stressed due to the amount of questions he had to field about it.

Having said that there was a conversation between the customers and the staff member about what they'd like to see back or what would be easiest to bring back within the current model range and mordheim, hero quest, space hulk where mentioned although necro was the top of the wish list. An added benefit of this rumour is I may have just found a few people to have a few games against so that's good.

But given we've had execution force and the new 30k boxed game caliph or what ever it's called a standalone game could be a call even though he doesn't know anything about it.

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It does seem a bit strange that it would come out in a shop in Aus without stores in the UK knowing about it. I'm in the "don't believe it till i see it" camp but ... well ... just have to wait and see I suppose.
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Yes that does pose a bit of a quandary although the way things go online east to west timezones maybe it just not been sent over here.

While I would love to see a reboot of specialist games, I'd worry about the quality of play testing etc.

Thinking outside the box the rumour may have something to do with the fact the hobbit licence ends at a point and is wishful thinking. Either way I'll hold by breath until we get good confirmation either way.

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There are a few possibilities that have occurred to me:
  1. It's wishful thinking
  2. Someone in the central office leaked it to an Australian office and they ran with it
  3. GW is sending up a test to see what interest is and using Australia for plausible deniability if it doesn't pan out
  4. Australia gets screwed by GW all the time and now someone there wants to screw with the GW community as a whole.
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Yeah multiple reliable sources are confirming it now but saying it'll be months away - the most intriguing comment being one to the effect of "look out for job descriptions being posted for the new team that will run this".
At first I was all like oh boy oh boy what a treat but then I went ahh price. They'll probably make lovely models, and charge £50 or more for a box of ten.

I don't know about rules; I rather wonder what they'll do. They'd most likely design new rules to tie in better with modern 40k (the way the ORB tied with with 2nd ed). I rather prefer that idea to just reprinting the ORB warts and all, and I very much doubt they'd institute an NCE-style partial change. But I don't really trust GW to make games. FW have a better reputation, but... if they're hiring new designers, I'm not sure they know how to do that. Is there anyone at GW who knows what to look for in a game designer?

Really, what I'd like them to do is leave Necromunda, mix it up with Gorkamorka and Dark Future and try to grab some of that Mad Max popularity.

Really really what I'd like them to do is seek out licenses to work with. They could just make a Mad Max game. Or a Borderlands game. Or uhh other things. MTG? They could work with that property for a thousand years and not run out of models to make. I think that's the least likely thing that could ever happen in the universe, though.
What will become of all the third party manufacturers? Nothing much, I assume. But Heresy's Not-Delaques, for example, might be close enough for GW to pay attention. They coexisted with SGs for years, but if GW decided to release a new line I'd be concerned.

I just realised I'm being a negative nancy. I am pleased, I promise! But also afraid. And a little turned on.