Bug Hanger-On weapons

I don’t think so- for one, there's the gang rating issue (it’d drive up my GR by the cost of the knife even if I got it for free), and as a second issue, I’m not even seeing the buy or add buttons in the trading post right now while I’m browsing with zero credits in the bank.
I don’t think so- for one, there's the gang rating issue (it’d drive up my GR by the cost of the knife even if I got it for free), and as a second issue, I’m not even seeing the buy or add buttons in the trading post right now while I’m browsing with zero credits in the bank.
Oh that’s ok, it should drive your GR up.
Hanger-on cost is not what it adds to GR. it’s just the credits you spend.
So you get the hanger for X, but weapons for free. But your GR has to go up.

It’s like bounty hunters, only pay 80 to recruit but your gr goes up by whatever their value is.

You can add credits to your gang to pay for what you need.
Oh that’s ok, it should drive your GR up.
Hanger-on cost is not what it adds to GR. it’s just the credits you spend.
So you get the hanger for X, but weapons for free. But your GR has to go up.

It’s like bounty hunters, only pay 80 to recruit but your gr goes up by whatever their value is.

You can add credits to your gang to pay for what you need.

Are you absolutely sure this is correct? The way I understood it, I pay 20 credits for a Dome Runner and he drives up my Gang Rating by 20 credits, period; his weapons are included in his cost. I'm not sure the analogy to Bounty Hunters works at all, for a few reasons:

1. Bounty Hunters are hired with the express intent that they (and their weapons!) be used in battles, whereas with hangers-on you generally don't want them fighting at all and can't ever voluntarily commit them to a fight.

2. Bounty Hunters and Scum have base profile costs that don't include their weapons (I know this has been a point of contention in past editions but simply looking at the points costs of the named characters makes it pretty clear), while hangers-on come with equipment that's listed alongside their point cost.

3. Comparing generic hangers-on to Brutes- who are in the same chapter and follow most of the same rules- they have their starting weapons listed and factored into their cost/Gang Rating as well. If that weren't also applied to hangers-on, recruiting an Ammo-Jack would drive up my Gang Rating by the full threshold of an extra tactics card for my opponent- a base cost of 50 for the Jack, and +55 for a bolter I even have access to, by an optimistic estimate, in 25% of the games I play.

The trading post equipment costs credits, how do you expect them to feed their family? They've got 9 kids to feed!

I meant in this case, using the "Add" function as a workaround to just get a fighting knife on my Dome Runner's card without writing "HAS KNIFE" on the printout with a marker.
Are you absolutely sure this is correct? The way I understood it, I pay 20 credits for a Dome Runner and he drives up my Gang Rating by 20 credits, period; his weapons are included in his cost.
Yes, that's correct. The way the tools works is that hangers-on equipment is all set to zero cost to ensure the rating isn't changed. However, this doesn't function with the Trading Post. The idea is that the equipment available in the ganger editor should be what's available to the hanger-on. If it isn't I need to fix it. You should also be able to turn off Equipment Restriction in the Settings which should open up everything in the ganger editor and it will all be zero cost.
Yes, that's correct. The way the tools works is that hangers-on equipment is all set to zero cost to ensure the rating isn't changed. However, this doesn't function with the Trading Post. The idea is that the equipment available in the ganger editor should be what's available to the hanger-on. If it isn't I need to fix it. You should also be able to turn off Equipment Restriction in the Settings which should open up everything in the ganger editor and it will all be zero cost.

Gotcha. Sorry if we were talking at cross purposes for a moment there. Looking at the equipment available in the editor for hangers-on, everything seems totally correct except now, to simplify the bug report, the fighting knife and axe (which are available to Dome Runners, Sloppers and Gang Lookouts) are missing from the close combat weapons section; only the Ammo-Jack's melee weapon options are listed.
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Gotcha. Sorry if we were talking at cross purposes for a moment there. Looking at the equipment available in the editor for hangers-on, everything seems totally correct except now, to simplify the bug report, the fighting knife and axe (which are available to Dome Runners, Sloppers and Gang Lookouts) are missing from the close combat weapons section; only the Ammo-Jack's melee weapon options are listed.
Axe and Fighting Knife are now added to Hangers-On types.
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