So as @Biggle_Bear requested I'll be posting an intro to Heavy Gear. Hopefully this isn't against any Yak-rules and I won't bore anyone. I'll be making several posts over the next few days so as not to break the Forum. LoL
A bit of background on my involvement with the game. Around 2008 a friend of mine from our gaming group came back from GenCon with the Heavy Gear: Locked and Loaded rulebook and a few minis. After a couple demo games I was hooked. Come to find out one of my other friends from the group had been heavily involved with HG when it first came out and knew all the creators and head of the company, Dream Pod 9. Skip forward a few months and I was one of the "Pod Squad" (I still am) going around the southern New England area holding demos and running tournaments.
During a tournament at a mini-con I was introduced to the head of the DP9 and we started talking. I became a playtester for them which grew into being offered a position as an assistant line developer (There were three of us who worked under the lead developer). We came up with new rules, clarified current ones, and created new units based on direction from the head and lead. I ran a group of about 20 playtesters during this time from all over North America.
I did that, and still did demos and ran tournaments for about 4 years until I quit. Several factors were involved. I was putting in over 30 hours a week in addition to my regular 40 hour a week job and I just couldn't do it any longer as I was burning out. There were also some conflicts with the lead that contributed to my departure.
Skip forward again to earlier this year when my friend brings up Heavy Gear again. New Lead Developer, new rules, new minis and sculpts. It caught my interest again. So currently my gaming group is getting back into Heavy Gear after a long hiatus, and so far we're pleased with what we see.
My next post will go into setting background and factions.
Feel free to ask any questions you have, comments are also welcome.
A bit of background on my involvement with the game. Around 2008 a friend of mine from our gaming group came back from GenCon with the Heavy Gear: Locked and Loaded rulebook and a few minis. After a couple demo games I was hooked. Come to find out one of my other friends from the group had been heavily involved with HG when it first came out and knew all the creators and head of the company, Dream Pod 9. Skip forward a few months and I was one of the "Pod Squad" (I still am) going around the southern New England area holding demos and running tournaments.
During a tournament at a mini-con I was introduced to the head of the DP9 and we started talking. I became a playtester for them which grew into being offered a position as an assistant line developer (There were three of us who worked under the lead developer). We came up with new rules, clarified current ones, and created new units based on direction from the head and lead. I ran a group of about 20 playtesters during this time from all over North America.
I did that, and still did demos and ran tournaments for about 4 years until I quit. Several factors were involved. I was putting in over 30 hours a week in addition to my regular 40 hour a week job and I just couldn't do it any longer as I was burning out. There were also some conflicts with the lead that contributed to my departure.
Skip forward again to earlier this year when my friend brings up Heavy Gear again. New Lead Developer, new rules, new minis and sculpts. It caught my interest again. So currently my gaming group is getting back into Heavy Gear after a long hiatus, and so far we're pleased with what we see.
My next post will go into setting background and factions.
Feel free to ask any questions you have, comments are also welcome.