Necromunda Help building Escher and Delaque from Box set


New Member
Jan 5, 2025
Hey there folks! Been looking at Necromunda for a long time and I got lucky to find a old box set of Hive War, the Escher Vs Delaque box set at my LFGS. He had it discounted so I jumped on it! So from what I know, the rules are outdated, so I know I will need to get a new rule book, but I still want to try to do something with what I have and to try and play with my girlfriend. I got stuff set to build but I am worried about WWSIWYG stuff and I am not sure where to start or even how to really build lists. We do have the House of blades book, but I am waiting on House of Shadow, and the core book.

As far as Warhammer goes, we are Blood Bowl players but have not done more than that!

The rules seem like a onion and there is a lot of layers to peel and I dont want to build something wrong. So any advice would greatly help!
Goonhammer has specialised reviews for each gang, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each gang.
(largely: Lasweapons pin / toxins help you kill faster or boost your abilities)
(largely: tricky & Killy up close but fragile if you end up playing defensive)

you can also build your gangs in the gang creator and ask feedback from the more experienced members.
for campaign play count 1000 creds, for skirmish you may wish to scale up a bit but that may cost more boxes... (games workshop...).
So just pick what works for you ;)

PS: necrodamus (present on this forum) has most rules on pdf's... so if you're still waiting for specific rules he may? be able to help
he has a rule collection, no lore, illustrations and such...
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Goonhammer has specialised reviews for each gang, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each gang.
(largely: Lasweapons pin / toxins help you kill faster or boost your abilities)
(largely: tricky & Killy up close but fragile if you end up playing defensive)

you can also build your gangs in the gang creator and ask feedback from the more experienced members.
for campaign play count 1000 creds, for skirmish you may wish to scale up a bit but that may cost more boxes... (games workshop...).
So just pick what works for you ;)
Thanks I have looks some of these over, I was going to ask: Is it okay to build people without any melee weapons? Like some of the Sisters with just Lasguns or the ghost with only pistols? Wondering if I should build them more 'rounded' not that I am even sure what that means yet! XD
you will likely need a balance between melee and shooty.

if your opponent melees your 'backline' you want a counter, that doesn't mean every model should have a melee weapon but you should anticipate situations where you can do some crisis management. this can be a designated countercharger or a group of melee 'specific' models. you can also get a bunch of smoke grenades and 'hope' to survive an initial charge and get the hell out of dodge.

I would outfit a ghost mainly with melee/pistols (or a combination thereoff, 2 pistols...) but there's nothing wrong with a few lasrifle gangers/sisters as long as somebody does the melee in the Escher gang.

PS: nothing obliges you to play 2D, you can play a 3D match with a few piles of books ;)
PPS: Necromunda is a bit skewed towards putting enough bodies on the table, so try to avoid too expensive models (rules around activations)
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you will likely need a balance between melee and shooty.

if your opponent melees your 'backline' you want a counter, that doesn't mean every model should have a melee weapon but you should anticipate situations where you can do some crisis management. this can be a designated countercharger or a group of melee 'specific' models. you can also get a bunch of smoke grenades and 'hope' to survive an initial charge and get the hell out of dodge.

I would outfit a ghost mainly with melee/pistols (or a combination thereoff, 2 pistols...) but there's nothing wrong with a few lasrifle gangers/sisters as long as somebody does the melee in the Escher gang.

PS: nothing obliges you to play 2D, you can play a 3D match with a few piles of books ;)
PPS: Necromunda is a bit skewed towards putting enough bodies on the table, so try to avoid too expensive models (rules around activations)
Interesting, things like counter charging and stuff is all new to me, there is alot to learn! I just was reading somewhere that it is good to try and balance. Not spend all your credits on one or two guys and have some guys end up useless, and I really dont wanna do that if I can help it.

The list building part is the most daunting to me at the moment. It is hard when I am not sure what is good! Or.. how it works to try it! Maybe once I play some games, it will make more sense
admitingly as a skill (countercharging is more an enforcers thing) is not too common.
but you would likely need melee or short range gunners to screen or protect your long range lasgunners or heavy weapon users

try to play to the strengths of the gangs you have, Escher has cheaper las weapons (hit more, medium range), Delaque have cheap auto pistols (do more damage, short range)
goonhammers articles may help for that ;)

if you intend to play campaigns later it can help to magnetize arms to change their load out

edit: this may also help:
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Thanks I have looks some of these over, I was going to ask: Is it okay to build people without any melee weapons? Like some of the Sisters with just Lasguns or the ghost with only pistols? Wondering if I should build them more 'rounded' not that I am even sure what that means yet! XD
That's the fun of Necromunda! You can absolutely build em' however you want; with or without melee! Keep in mind the strengths of your gang (As Hobo86 has said) and prioritize "boys before toys". (I.E., get some bodies onto the board!)
Interesting, things like counter charging and stuff is all new to me, there is alot to learn! I just was reading somewhere that it is good to try and balance. Not spend all your credits on one or two guys and have some guys end up useless, and I really dont wanna do that if I can help it.

The list building part is the most daunting to me at the moment. It is hard when I am not sure what is good! Or.. how it works to try it! Maybe once I play some games, it will make more sense

Listbuilding's very in-depth in Necromunda, but once y'get the hang of it, it'll be absolutely addicting. In short: Y'got 1,000 credits to build a gang (1,400 if you decide to add vehicles into the campaign) and you buy up gangers and their equipment. (Similar to how Bloodbowl works, just with a few extra steps) The only restrictions are that the number of Gang Leaders and Champions CANNOT exceed the number of gangers. (And that you only get 1 Gang leader!)

As for building your models, just go for what y'think is cool-- Most people in my experience aren't too big on WYSIWYG, but if you're very hesitant on that you can always magnetize bits so that your dudes always have whatever's on their fighter card.
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Thank you guys for the info! It feels like a lot and it is kinda daunting to me! I will read up on this stuff and hope to build some things over. Maybe it is just me but the Escher house seems a little more straight forward than the Delaque, but I could be wrong!

It is just new game overwhelm XD
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Bear in mind you can always say they have a hidden holster or sheath for pistols cc weapons especially with Delaque coats which you could probably hide a missile launcher in...
The starter sprues are pretty limited but try and make both the autoguns back holster wearers the ones with both hands throwing a grenade
(One has pin, one has grenade) So you can keep them cheap. There are two shotguns as well which are both worth having in. Do you have any bits to draw on, gsc has some of the more useful bits.
The grav pistol (former gravgun) is a fun toy for if you want to cause mobility dilemmas for opponents.