So I've been thinking about the old Lore adege that a Space Marine is worth 10 unaugmented human soldiers (or 100 in some sources) and decided it was high time someone put that to the test. I then got a headeack just thinking about the numbers XD. So I thought I'd ask the forum and if I'm making a thread on it I might as well ask other things for compltionists sake.
So what is the mathhammer result for:
1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Tempestous Scion Squad
1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Tempestous Scion Squad
1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Imperial Guard Platoon
1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Imperial Guard Platoon
1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Space Marine Tactical Marine Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Space Marine Tactical Marine Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad
All Combatants start 24" away from each other in a terrainless table.
So what is the mathhammer result for:
1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Tempestous Scion Squad
1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Tempestous Scion Squad
1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Imperial Guard Platoon
1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Imperial Guard Platoon
1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Space Marine Tactical Marine Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Space Marine Tactical Marine Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad
1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad
All Combatants start 24" away from each other in a terrainless table.
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