Help with Mathhammer Space Marine vs Imperial Guard.


Mar 7, 2020
So I've been thinking about the old Lore adege that a Space Marine is worth 10 unaugmented human soldiers (or 100 in some sources) and decided it was high time someone put that to the test. I then got a headeack just thinking about the numbers XD. So I thought I'd ask the forum and if I'm making a thread on it I might as well ask other things for compltionists sake.

So what is the mathhammer result for:

1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad

1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad

1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Tempestous Scion Squad

1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Tempestous Scion Squad

1 Space Marine Tactical Marine vs 1 Imperial Guard Platoon

1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor vs 1 Imperial Guard Platoon

1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad

1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Imperial Guard Squad

1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Space Marine Tactical Marine Squad

1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Space Marine Tactical Marine Squad

1 Custodian Guard with Halberd vs 1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad

1 Custodian Guard with Sword and Shield vs 1 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad

All Combatants start 24" away from each other in a terrainless table.
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Without even doing much math I can tell you if the guardsmen get the first turn they kill the marine more often than not before the marine even gets to shoot.

Scions obliterate the marine almost every time. Custodes are the only ones who stand a chance.

A normal guard squad with only lasguns should kill one Tactical Marine a turn more often than not and two rounds of shooting will usually kill a primaris. Add in a plasma gun and an Autocannon and it just increases their odds.
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the old Lore adege that a Space Marine is worth 10 unaugmented human soldiers (or 100 in some sources)

I think it's well-known that the game doesn't live up to the fluff in this respect. If it did, marines would be a very elite army and GW would sell far fewer models.
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