@Azzabat all this talk of painting members is getting me excited. ;-P
@Wanderer cheers mate, I kinda want to order a reel of jewelry chain so i can really expand the setting , chainwebs etc..
@axh00 cheers yeah, I too have never built a necromunda board the nearest thing i did was the yggdrassilium but that was in a space hulk and had a slightly more gothic look to it. I have seen one attempt to create the crushed hive type look by weirding way ..i think he also did some really oblique angles for the curse of the alabaster game. I am hoping the re release of munda will see me attempt to build some small oblique pieces that could combine to create a small board, probably based around zone mortalis..
@paul s thanks , they are resin, form the forgeworld mechanicum boards.
@sumpdweller & Tyr13 so that would be runty stunty, grumpy, thumpy and onety. lofty, gilly, catty and hairy and scaly will have to find another gang ;-)
I really like the fact beastmen in 40k were most likey the product of genetic experiments from the dark age of technology.. I Think a group of mutants or even a noble house who has had their DNA encoded with parts of an stc aeon ago during the war with the stone men iron men ? ai , could make for a cool background .. maybe a rival hunted by the van saar and the mechanicum ?