N18 House of Blades (General discussion)

I'm really having a hard time figuring out the Wyld Runners.

For midrange shooting they're Gangers with only one weapon option.

If you want the Phelynx you'll need to be up close, but for melee they're overpriced weak Juves. Even with TP access S2 means most of their options are rubbish.

Pistols seem to split the difference, as you get their improved BS and get round their terrible S in combat. I've done this with Gangers to great effect, and saving 5c there for Phelynx access works for me. (Not being able to take an Autopistol on Gang Creation is a bit odd when they can freely take pistols from the TP.)

But it should be possible for them to transfer the Phelynx to Champions and Leaders; they are Wargear after all. If that's the case then I'm less concerned about requiring short range on the Wylds and can think about the Bow

The basic arrow is pants compared to Las or Autogun at similar prices. The Toxin arrow basically amounts to a single S4 hit in most cases, which a Ganger can do more effectively and at a similar price using a shotgun (Solid) or a Hotshot Lasgun (even if they buy the Lasgun full price)

But the Explosive arrows and the Acid arrows are very interesting. Explosive are the only non-Grenade, non-limited Blast weapon that Escher can get on their Gang Fighters, and I think the Acid Arrows are the longest ranged Blaze weapon in the game? But S2 and Unstable are both kicks in the teeth, and Blaze only triggers on a hit which the Accuracy mod makes unlikely.

30 points for a potentially interesting weapon is fine by me, so I'll give them a go.

So after all that my Wyld Runner options appear to be:

a) Exist to smuggle cats to her betters
b) Can take a weapon best described as 'potentially not terrible' out of curiosity
c) Can run a pistol build at a 5 credit saving compared to a Ganger, but doesn't get to start with my preferred pistol.

It's not exactly 'wow', is it?

How about you guys; come up with anything good?
No, I've not been impressed with them, if the bows included all 3 arrow types for the cost it could be useful to field a runner because of the options she brings, but as it stands they seem to have very little utility outside of role-playing builds. Which is a shame as I do like the models may just use the heads/torsos to make Juves with
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Well the bow with poison arrows may be a massively overpriced piece of c@&p, but almost universal access to 5 cred throwing knifes (assume they are still toxin traited) is nice.

Juves get needle pistols but gangers don't lol

All in all a mixed bag, nice to have more options, but as I've noted some are just seem stupidly priced compared to other options.
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The toxin arrows are also a delivery method for the new chem-alchemy thingy. Whether it turns out to be worth it on arrows or not remains to be seen.

Still cost 35 creds with toxic arrows, which is the same as a needle rifle (which is better in almost every way).

Yes access to needle rifles is more limited now as you cant buy more after initial gang creation for gangers unless they advance to a specialist.

Chemsmithing could be amazing. But it still feels crazy that a weapon that can only be used on one fighter type is pointed the same as a better weapon.
Well the bow with poison arrows may be a massively overpriced piece of c@&p, but almost universal access to 5 cred throwing knifes (assume they are still toxin traited) is nice.
Throwing knives used to be the new thing for Delaque, but they are bypassed by Escher now.
The toxin arrows are also a delivery method for the new chem-alchemy thingy. Whether it turns out to be worth it on arrows or not remains to be seen.
Wonder if Toxic ammo can be applied to close combat weapons?

The new Liftin' Gaseous Ammo is confusing to me. First off, they jump right into requirements, no declaration beforehand. But how must the Template be positioned exactly? In a straight line (from the attacker), or can it be angled? Looks like a really powerful upgrade, allowing much needed 6" extra range on Template weapons.

...the Template may be placed up to 6" away from the fighter making the attack. When placing the template, it must be positioned so the narrow end points directly towards the fighter making the attack. The wide end of the template must be the furthest part of the template from the fighter.
I assume in a straight line, it was just the last part that made me wonder.
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Won't know till I get my book but Escher don't seem that strong compared to say Goliath's gene-smithing, and the new books seem to have accentuated gangs differences.

Depending on the way the custom chems are implemented, I think they may prove a pretty close competitor. Assuming that it's possible to brew up new mixes between games, the ability to adapt to rival gangs could be more useful than the admittedly powerful upgrades of gene-smithing that are fixed at recruitment. I hope that if there is an artificial by-fighter-type cap on how many components each gang member can use, gangers and prospects are at least permitted a two-toxin (or more) mix.

I'm surprised that the Last Rites rule outright replaces the deceased model. It seems like a let-down narratively, and a little strong mechanically since you can potentially get a free WS2+ death maiden on a dead champion with a single advance. Although on the plus side, one can think of the whole process as that the death maiden cult turns up and presents the gang with the new fighter, their face covered, and claims it's their dead friend who conveniently has forgotten everything from life... So they're still only zombies if you want them to be.
If you want more advanced and costly ways of bringing players back to life, you have many options with the already existing Ressurection rules.
Wonder if Toxic ammo can be applied to close combat weapons?

The new Liftin' Gaseous Ammo is confusing to me. First off, they jump right into requirements, no declaration beforehand. But how must the Template be positioned exactly? In a straight line (from the attacker), or can it be angled? Looks like a really powerful upgrade, allowing much needed 6" extra range on Template weapons.

I assume in a straight line, it was just the last part that made me wonder.

I hope so for the first part...

I'd say you can angle that as long as those two conditions are met, which gives you easily 90 degress of rotation, possibly more.
Wonder if Toxic ammo can be applied to close combat weapons?

The new Liftin' Gaseous Ammo is confusing to me. First off, they jump right into requirements, no declaration beforehand. But how must the Template be positioned exactly? In a straight line (from the attacker), or can it be angled? Looks like a really powerful upgrade, allowing much needed 6" extra range on Template weapons.

I assume in a straight line, it was just the last part that made me wonder.

Again for those of us who don't have the book, it seems Chemsmithing is a big deal.

Can you share the generic process of how it works
I'm really having a hard time figuring out the Wyld Runners.

For midrange shooting they're Gangers with only one weapon option.

If you want the Phelynx you'll need to be up close, but for melee they're overpriced weak Juves. Even with TP access S2 means most of their options are rubbish.

Pistols seem to split the difference, as you get their improved BS and get round their terrible S in combat. I've done this with Gangers to great effect, and saving 5c there for Phelynx access works for me. (Not being able to take an Autopistol on Gang Creation is a bit odd when they can freely take pistols from the TP.)

But it should be possible for them to transfer the Phelynx to Champions and Leaders; they are Wargear after all. If that's the case then I'm less concerned about requiring short range on the Wylds and can think about the Bow

The basic arrow is pants compared to Las or Autogun at similar prices. The Toxin arrow basically amounts to a single S4 hit in most cases, which a Ganger can do more effectively and at a similar price using a shotgun (Solid) or a Hotshot Lasgun (even if they buy the Lasgun full price)

But the Explosive arrows and the Acid arrows are very interesting. Explosive are the only non-Grenade, non-limited Blast weapon that Escher can get on their Gang Fighters, and I think the Acid Arrows are the longest ranged Blaze weapon in the game? But S2 and Unstable are both kicks in the teeth, and Blaze only triggers on a hit which the Accuracy mod makes unlikely.

30 points for a potentially interesting weapon is fine by me, so I'll give them a go.

So after all that my Wyld Runner options appear to be:

a) Exist to smuggle cats to her betters
b) Can take a weapon best described as 'potentially not terrible' out of curiosity
c) Can run a pistol build at a 5 credit saving compared to a Ganger, but doesn't get to start with my preferred pistol.

It's not exactly 'wow', is it?

How about you guys; come up with anything good?

Stub Pistol (plus dumdums?)
Throwing knifes
Stiletto knives

75-80 for a reasonable CCW threat, especially if she can use the cats for bonuses and overwhelming opponents.

Mv 6 is nice

But yeah not great and the signature weapons (whip and bow) are so disappointing because of there high cost.

Maybe a bow and poison arrow archer for 80?

Do the phylinx have long leash? Like the phyrr cats?
What would you price the bow, the ammo, and whip as? I'm wanting to make them more fair :)

So assuming throwing knifes haven't changed they are 2/3rds the range of the poison arrow bow (on a str3 model) and are AP-1 ! With all the same traits and to hit mods at 5 creds. This just makes the bow look even worse.

I'd price the basic bow at 5 creds. Acid arrows for another 5 creds because unstable is a big downside.

5-15 creds for poison arrows (as I don't have the book I cant judge how OP they could get with chem smithing

5-10 creds for blast as blasts are great, but str 2 and unstable are not so great.

I'm trying to er on the conservative side.

But looking at between 20 and 35 for the bow with all the arrow options.

And about 10-15 for just the bow and blast and 10-20 for the bow plus poison

These seem reasonable prices for the options they give.
Throwing knives are very nice, and at only 5 creds. That could be nasty little surprise, and seems fitting for the mistresses of toxin.

The bow and arrows seem overpriced overall, although explosive arrows do make for a cheap pinning weapon, so I could see some use there. Cheap blaze is nice too but the middling accuracy hampers that.

Whips at 15 creds...really? Agree with above, if they are set at S2, they should be no more than 5. I was hoping it would give some sort of advantage to having pets.
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Stub Pistol (plus dumdums?)
Throwing knifes
Stiletto knives

75-80 for a reasonable CCW threat, especially if she can use the cats for bonuses and overwhelming opponents.

Mv 6 is nice

Maybe a bow and poison arrow archer for 80?

I'm all for that as a CC build, although I wouldn't take Throwing Knives on a S2 model! The issue is I can take that build on a Juve for 45c and the only difference is +1M. The M is nice, but there's a lot of nice stuff for 25-35c.

Having multiple cats is probably unfeasible thanks to the 3" rule. If they manage to remove your armourless T3 W1 Wyld (somehow!) then you lose them all, and 3" means you're all in Rapid Fire range, you're a tempting target for blasts, if someone shoots a cat the Wyld has to make a Nerve check, and so on.

I always pack a Needle Rifle specialist, who is infinitely better at delivering mid-range Toxin for 85points. I suspect the Toxin arrows are the worst of the special ammo unless Chem Alchemy is really strong. Even then I think there's better options, but yeah, that might be worth it depending on Chem Alchemy