There are 3 categories:
- Gas ammo (modifies any Gas weapons)
- Toxic ammo (modifies any Toxin weapons)
- Stimm (boosts your fighters)
Each categories have 10 different options. When you make the elixir, you can choose 1-3 and combine them, but they must all be from the same category. Each option has a cost, and when purchasing, you combine the cost. Each option has an individual cost in the range of 5-30. The Stimms can be used before a game or during a game by spending a Simple action. They are 'Limited', one use only. You must visit the trading post to purchase them (no need to roll rarity), counts as included in the house list, so basically Common items. Everything of this is limited to Escher gangs only.
Examples shown below are from Gaseous ammo category:
- If hit, no benefits from armour or Wargear (that would normally apply against Gas) can increase the Toughness.
- Treat Out of Action as Seriously Injured instead.
BANE (15)
If hit, use Toughness 3 (regardless of actual value). Modifiers to Toughness (from equipment) still apply.
Any Serious Injury inflicted counts as Out of Action instead. The Lasting Injury is automatically ‘Out Cold’ (12-26).
Apply Blind condition (until the End phase of the current round) when inflicting a Flesh Wound.
- Applies to Blast (X”) weapons only.
Place an additional Blast marker, at least touching one other Blast generated by the weapon.
If hit, pass a Willpower check or suffer Insanity (in addition to the Toughness check for the normal effects).
- Applies to Blast (X”) or Template weapons only.
After resolving the attack, place a 3” Blast so that the central hole is within the area of the original Blast/Template attack.
The new 3” Blast remains until the End phase of the current round. Any fighters moving through counts as being hit by the weapon that made this attack (apply the hit after the fighter ends the current action).
LIFTIN’ (25)
- Applies to Template weapons only.
The Template can be placed up to 6” away from the attacker. It must be positioned in a straight line (narrow end points directly towards the attacker, the wide end must then be the furthest part of the template from the attacker).